
Modifying an Oracle number column

I have a table where one of the columns is Number(22, 12) where is should be Number(22,2). Since it has data in it I can't just modify the column to the correct precision. What would be the most efficient way to go about fixing the column? One thing I didn't mention before is that the table has several indexes, triggers and is linked ...

How should I escaping quotes and line breaks for Oracle SQLLoader (sqlldr) importing?

Hello. FIRST: Yes, I know about CONCATENATE and CONTINUEIF, but I might not be smart enough to understand the documentation. I don't "get" how they solve my problem. Thank you... I am in the position of having to create a file for importing into an Oracle DB by way of sqlldr. The columns are required to be delimited by "~" (Don't ask....

General Oracle Results Table

I am designing a new laboratory database. I want all the raw results (for all tests) in one table (RESULTS). However, the numerical values vary greatly in quantity and precision. For example, some results are simply a whole number count, while other results come from highly sensitive equipment. Which case below is ideal (and why)? O...

General Oracle Data Collection Storage

I am designing a new laboratory database. I want to store the raw results for all tests together. In some cases, the result is a single value. However, the result is sometimes a raw waveform or signal. Which case below is ideal (and why)? ... or provide your own ideal option. Option 1: Store each individual data point as a separate...

best way to remove '-' in oracle SP

I have an Oracle stored procedure, that has as one of its parameters a Social Security Number (SSN) in the hyphenated format xxx-xx-xxxx. What is the best way to remove the hyphens, so that I transform the SSN to a xxxxxxxxx format? ...

Oracle: formatting number as xxx-xx-xxxx

I am querying social security number data from a stored procedure and I would like to format it as a social security number in my stored procedure. How can I format xxxxxxxxx like xxx-xx-xxxx in Oracle? ...

Data Guard Oracle 11g

Hi all, I want to do the disaster recovery in oracle 11g using data guard. But I don't the procedure or the way how to do it. I want all of someone that show me the document or the way to do it. Can anyone help me to do that? Thanks, Ung Sopolin ...

Oracle: Does a 10g oracle client work with an 11g server?

This is the reciprocal to this question. Currently, I am trying to use the instant client for Mac, version 10.2. There's no 11g version for Mac, as of now, based on this page(you have to click into each link to find out the actual version for each platform...lame). I tried connecting to our Oracle 11g server, and it just hangs there for...

Websphere connections problem

Hi We run our application on Websphere 6.1 and we hit an Oracle 10g database. Over the last few days we have noticed the following errors in our log J2CA0045E: Connection not available while invoking method createOrWaitForConnection for resource jdbc/xxxxx. The app seems to hang and then rectify itself after 20 minutes. Our connection ...

How to list active / open connections in Oracle?

As the title implies, is there any hidden table, system variable or something to show active connections in a given moment? Thanks. ...

Accessing a Function over Database Link with Different Charsets in Oracle

I have a function in DatabaseA which i want to access in DatabaseB, so i created a DB link in DatabaseB and started accessing the function as SELECT function_name@dblink ('A0484') FROM DUAL; Doing this resulted in the following Error ERROR at line 1: ORA-12703: this character set conversion is not supported ORA-06512: at line 1 On...

Oracle connections problem

Hi We are currently seeing the following error in our Oracle listener log. There are thousands of these errors in there TNS-12502: TNS:listener received no CONNECT_DATA from client We connect to this oracle 10g database from an app running on Websphere 6.1 Any ideas what could be causing this error or any suggestions in order to fix i...

How to created a "singleton" scheduled job in oracle?

It's probably just the vocabulary I am missing to find out how to do this: A job scheduled to run regularly every 5 mins, however keeping track that there are never two instances of it running at the same time, i.e. the next instance would be postponed or skipped if the prior runs longs than 5 mins. What is the easiest/most elegant way... Oracle Decimal Number precision problem when filling a dataset. Exception: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow

I am working in c# .net 2 (Visual Studio 2005 SP1) attempting to fill a dataset with the results from a select * from table from an Oracle10g database. The .net framework, IDE and database cannot be changed at this client site. I'm connecting using the provider the dll version is When I run the fill command I get an ...

How could predicate pushing on an inline view slow down a query?

I have inherited a somewhat messy query that I am working on refactoring to be performant. During this process, one of the things I did due to personal preference was change all of the ANSI-99 join syntax from the "inner join" and "left outer join" statements to be predicates in the query. I noticed two very strange things that I wou...

Oracle Generic DB Link not working

I'm trying to use oracle's hsodbc generic database link driver to access a postgresql database from my oracle 10gr2 database server. I think I have everything configured but I'm receiving this error from the sqlplus promt after trying a remote query. SQL> select * from temp_user@intranet; select * from temp_user@intranet ...

How do I specify which Oracle client install to use?

I have a server with both 10g and 11g clients installed. How do I setup the connection string to tell my ASP.NET application to use the second client which is 11g (i.e. OraClient11g_home2)? ...

Run a query from two data sets programmatically

I am trying to reconcile data from a website and a database programmatically. Right now my process is manual. I download data from the website, download data from my database, and reconcile using an Excel vlookup. Within Excel, I am only reconciling 1 date for many items. I'd like to programmatically reconcile the data for multiple date...

Querying Oracle with a pick list

I have an oracle database that I have read-only access (with no permission to create temporary tables). I have a pick list (in Excel) of 28000 IDs corresponding to 28000 rows in a table which has millions of records. How do I write a query to return the 28000 rows? I tried creating a table in access and performing a join through ODBC b...

Binding query parameters by name with ODP.NET

Hi, I'm currently using the Microsoft ADO.NET provider for Oracle (System.Data.OracleClient). I'm aware that it is certainly not the best Oracle provider available and that it will soon be deprecated, I should be using Oracle's ODP.NET instead. The reason why I still use the MS provider is because ODP.NET binds parameters by position, n...