
What is the optimal way of organizing a C# project?

Hello guys. I was wondering here, how do you guys organize your projects, in terms of funcionality, scope, etc. Do you have one project for unit tests, one project for class library code, one project for User Interface? Or do you just divide all these into separate folders? I ws thiniking that separating these by projects is easier, ...

Development, repository and deployment organization

I'm looking for your advice. Initial situation: we (at the moment 5 developers, 1 quality guy/documentation, 1 projectmanagement/organization) plan to do a small startup we all earn our living with coding, but for better paid projects you'll have mostly no chance as one-man-show located somewhere mostly in europe we'll do clojure, ph...

wpf resource dictionary organization - data context

The pre-release wpf ribbon control uses commands as resources, and the commands aren't dps so you can't bind directly to them. With an attached property and subclass of the RibbonCommand, as described here, I wound up with a pattern similar to this: // as resources <ab:CommandReference x:Key="AddCommandRef" Command="{Binding AddComma...

How can I speed up my PHP based website?

I just built a small PHP based site from scratch, yay for me! But given the size of it, it's running a little slower than I expected. I have the files/folders organized like this: articles [folder] css [folder] html [folder] images [folder] js [folder] photography [folder] resources [folder] articles.php [file] bio.php [file] ...

Where should I put a JavaScript routine needed only on one page?

Hi, I have the following prototype JavaScript code Event.observe( window, 'load', function() { Event.observe( 'agreement', 'click', function() { alert("It works") }); }); It is used on only one page of my site, what is the best way to organise it? I suppose I could put it in its own file, and include it only on that page. Or I c...

PHP: How to loop through a dynamic number of classes

I'm wanting to detect all objects(classes) defined in a php file (example: flavors.php). The number of objects will be defined dynamically, so I need to process the available objects with a function at runtime until the objects are exhausted. After the objects are exhausted the program stops. I have full control over the code, so if the...

Organizing a bunch of controllers that all deal with the same model

I have a bunch of different controllers that all deal with the same basic model. For example... FoobarController FoobarShareController FoobarTakeController FoobarToolsController FoobarVerifyController They all do various things to the foobar model and I kind of wanted a better way to organize them along with other things that deal w...

Organize Project Solution w/ Interfaces for Repository

VS 2010 / C# Trying to organize a solution and looking for options for naming the project that will host the interfaces for the repository. I have: MyProject.Domain MyProject.WebUI MyProject.Repositories MyProject.Interfaces?? So far "Interfaces" is the best name i've come up with, but I don't like it. Any ideas/suggestions? ...

How do you find out which solutions in your svn have a reference to a specific project

There are many visual studio solutions on our company svn, with different teams working on different areas. Some of our projects are re-useable library projects. The problem comes when someone makes a breaking change in a library project that is part of a specific solution..... How does that person know what other solutions will possib...

Organizing partials for a polymorphic resource

I'm looking for how others typically organize their partials for a polymorphic resource. Example: I have Image which is polymorphic and depending on what is imageable, I want to display things slightly different. I have a partial images/_image and can call render imageable.images. My current mindset is to have my image partial check w...

iPad UI organization advices

Hi there, I'm doing an iPad application with a map. I want to have a top bar (toolbar), under a 156px height and all width block where i will display information and under an MKMapView. On my second block, I will have a UIPageControl with a couple a view. A button will also allow the user to hide this block, and the map will be resized...

How to organize Android source code into folders

I'm working on an Android app and it's up to 17 classes. I want to start organizing the .java class files into a more intuitive layout. Say I want to have a source code directory called "views". When I create that directory using Eclipse, it changes my package name to to Since this package name ( ...

PHP Function Organization

I am writing a pretty basic php app and have created a pretty big mess of functions to do various things, e.g. display_user_nav(), display_user_list() etc. I want a way to organize these in a logical way. What I really need is something like a ruby module, but I haven't been able to find a php equivalent. I also feel that from a programm...

CakePHP, organize site structure around groups

So, I'm not quite sure how I should structure this in CakePHP to work correctly in the proper MVC form. Let's, for argument sake, say I have the following data structure which are related in various ways: Team Task Equipment This is generally how sites are and is quite easy to structure and make in Cake. For example, I would have th...

Should I bundle source and class files in the same JAR?

Separate Jars When creating JAR files, I've always kept the source separate and offered it as an optional extra. eg: Foo.jar Foo-source.jar It seems to be the obvious way to do things and is very common. Advantages being: Keeps binary jar small Source may not be open / public Faster for classloader? (I've no idea, just guessing) ...

How can I name and organize methods used by a finite state machine?

In the following code you'll see a simple lexer that conforms to the following regular expression: \d*(\.\d*)?([eE]([+-]\d+|\d+))? If I were to use this design for something more complex, all of the anonymous delegates would be a nightmare to maintain. The biggest challenge I am facing is what to name the methods that would act as cho...

What good practice strategies and technologies can my company adopt that would save them potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars?

Basically we have rows upon rows of programmers that do mundane tasks every day. This would involve writing code that is not very effective, is not unit tested, and often integrates poorly with the application. Not to mention that there is no accountability in terms of hours spent versus hours worked. I am not trying to get people fired ...

How should I organize my xCode project files?

I'm trying to wrap my head around xCode's file organization - or lack there of. I can do all I wan in project and it looks great with all the "fake" folders and structure. I go look at the file system and boom HUGE mess. I've tried importing files with the Create Folder Reference for any added folder option checked and that works, kinda....

How to organize Objective-C UIViewControllers for UINavigationController in code

I have a project with the following: navigationController: usersViewController (UITableViewController) [rootViewController] photoViewController (UIViewController) chatViewController (UIViewController) (It has a tableView as a subview) I'm also using the ZTWebSocket code to make a webSocket connection. I'm choosing to define & connec...

free organization chart component for

i need a "free" organization chart component for any ideas plz ? ...