
[iPhone] Orientation of a UIWebView HTML5 video

I am using a UIWebView in a Tab Bar application and I am having a <video> tag for some m4v clips. I have the desired behavior so far, however when the device goes from portrait to landscape, the video (and the controllers) remain as before. I am not 100% sure, but I suspect that the UITabBarController is "locking" the orientation change...

UIViewController Auto Rotates on Iphone but not Ipad

Hi all, I have an IPad auto rotation problem. I have a UINavigationController, managing a stack of UIViewControllers. They all implement the method - -(BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation { return (interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait); } At the bottom of th...

android orientation change vertical to right

My app changes orientation when I move from vertical to the left. But does not when I move from vertical to right? ...

What is the better way to switch between portrait and landscape interfaces?

I have two different views (portrait and landscape) for each screen (home, user info, etc). The difference between portrait and landscape views is enough to have each one into a different view and view controller because it's not only a relocation and resizing of controls. To perform the switching between the two views I have a contain...

iPad orientation animation extremely sluggish when displaying large webviews

When I change the orientation with a relatively empty webview, the screen rotates no problem. As soon as the webview is particularly full with content and it becomes scrollable the rotation animation becomes very slow. The status bar will rotate first, and the view will follow 3-5 seconds later. Currently, in willRotateToInterfaceOrient...

How do I get a callback within my TableViewCell, inherited from UITableViewCell, when the device orientation changes?

Hello, I'm in the following situation: I created my own TableViewCell (inherited from UITableViewCell) with new labels. It works really good when the device is in portrait mode (I designed the frames of the labels based on 320x480). Now the problem is when I turn the device in landscape orientation I haven't got a method which adjusts t...

Default-PortraitUpsideDown.png not loading on iPad

I'm trying to get my launch screen to load with the proper orientation on the iPad. The landscape png loads fine, as does the portrait, but the upside down portrait always appears right side up (when it's supposed to be upside down). My PNGs are named the following: Default-Portrait.png Default-PortraitUpsideDown.png Default-Lan...

iPhone - UIView orientation changes

I got a subclass of UIView in which I draw an NSString object using the drawInRect:withFont:lineBreakMode:alignment: method. Unfortunately, when I change the orientation of the device, say from portrait into landscape mode, the text doesn't get redrawn correctly but gets scaled and distorted against my intentions. How can I solve this ...

UIActivityIndicatorView in UITableView section header disappears on orientation change

Hi all, I have an iPhone app containing a UITableView in grouped style. In the ViewController I defined an UIActivityIndicatorView as a property: self.browsingIndicator = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithActivityIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhite]; browsingIndicator.hidesWhenStopped = YES; I want to place this s...

Mail composer view opens in landscape mode when the app is launched in portrait faceup mode in ipad?

I have launched my app in portrait face up mode i have a button, on clicking it will open a mail composer view. For me the the mail composer opens in the landscape mode.But if i launch the app in portrait mode then the mail opens in the portrait mode only, i face this problem only in face up portrait mode only.Please help me out.Thanks. ...

View does not handle click events after changing screen orientation

Hi all, I have one weird issue. I have developed application (Android 1.5) which does not recreates itself on changing screen orientation (android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden") and do nothing on configChange method (just to forbid recreating activity), but some of my special views lost possibility to handle onClick events, ...

How to find orientation of a bezier curve?

How to find orientation (cw or ccw) of a closed curve that's formed by Bezier cubic segments? ...

UIOrientation returns 0 or 5

I am running a simple function that get's called in multiple areas to help deal with layout on an iPad app during orientation changes. It looks like this: - (void) getWidthAndHeightForOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)orientation { NSLog(@"New Orientation: %d",orientation); end And I call it in various places like this: [self g...

Android, how to not destroy the activity when I rotate the device?

I have an app that works only in portrait mode, and I have made the changes in my manifest file for every activity the orientation to be portrait. But when I rotate the device, the activity recreates again. How to not destroy the activity? ...

Detecting iPad launch orientation

I'm developing an app that will feature a splash screen fading to the first app page. This splash screen is supposed to seamlessly flow from the Default-X.png image from the app launch. I've got this working great, except for one very special situation. If the user taps the app icon, then IMMEDIATELY changes orientation, the automatic D...

iPhone navigation bar height remains short in portrait orientation

My app's root view controller supports any orientation but user can navigate to another view controller that supports only landscape orientation. The basic problem is that regardless of the device's actual physical orientation, when the user pops back to root view controller, the navigation bar has a height that would be appropriate fo...

Android orientation issue

I have application which works only in landscape orientation . I set that in xml layout. When I'm starting application it works ok . But when the application is started and next if I lock the phone and then unlock, the application first 1-2 seconds is in portrait mode and then in landscape. Is it possible to skip theese 2 seconds? ...

UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification won't stop

Hey, I've got a little problem using UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification. After I leave a certain ViewController (the viewWillDisappear: method is called), the device won't stop to send notifications. This means, after I pushed another ViewController on top of the stack and I rotate the device, the receivedRotate: method of the Vi...

Android emulator - screenOrientation ignored

I have android:screenOrientation="portrait" set for my activity. Creating an AVD with resolution 800x480 and running my activity, the GLSurfaceView is created with dimensions 800x480 (ie. not rotated and width > height). I would expect it to be created with dimensions 480x800 and be rotated 90 degrees. Is this a bug in the emulator or ...

iPad Keyboard comes on from wrong side

Hey everyone, I've been working on my first iPad based project which has proven a massive learning curve but I'm nearly there. I have a small issue left however. I've got my iPad to work in all orientations as dictated by Apple however they keyboard always comes on from the Portrait position unless the user rotates the device first. Doe...