
Most complete ORM with LINQ support?

I'm looking for an ORM that offers complete or near-complete LINQ support. LINQ to SQL - Supports about everything inside of LINQ (.Contains, Math.Log, etc) - Cannot eager load relationship properties without creating a new datacontext ADO.NET Entity Framework - Terrible LINQ support (lots of missing features). - Great mapping features...

Hibernate: Identifier

When using Hibernate: Must I identify an id or composite id for each entity, What about if I want to use table without any primary key and without composite key ... Thanx in advance ...

Should 'system data' be in a database?

I have designed a database for an application which contains user settings. This database will come preloaded with several system user settings. These may change from version to version. How should I deal with updating these settings? The solutions I came up with: Apply a boolean 'system' field to the settings tables and replace all s...

Orm tool not allowed: What do you do?

Let's say you're in an IT shop that allows no ORM tool of any kind. They don't want to buy one, and neither can you use an open source solution. What would you do? Give up on a real domain model and work table-centric? Craft own DAL? ...

Dealing with user-defined data structures

Does anyone have any recommendations for dealing with user-defined data structures? i.e. your users have to be able to define extra fields, and sometimes tables, to associate with the 'fixed' entities in your system. I always seem to be unlucky enough to end up working on projects where this is a major component. Normally the solution...

How to add ORM to a PHP legacy project?

Hello, guys. Need your advice very much. We'are working on the PHP project, which was in development for 2+ years, and now the team is ready and feel willingness to switch the development on ORM rails. Because it realy fasts the development and allow you to operate by Objects and not think in terms of SQL code and database tables in mos...

Best way to use hibernate for complex queries like top n per group

I'm working now for a while on a reporting applications where I use hibernate to define my queries. However, more and more I get the feeling that for reporting use cases this is not the best approach. 1) The queries only result partial columns, and thus not typed objects (unless you cast all fields in java). 2) It is hard to express que...

Tools to ease executing raw SQL with Django ORM

I often need to execute custom sql queries in django, and manually converting query results into objects every time is kinda painful. I wonder how fellow Slackers deal with this. Maybe someone had written some kind of a library to help dealing with custom SQL in Django? ...

Marrying up consumer-defined aggregates (e.g. SQL counts) with 'pure' model objects?

What is the best practice of introducing custom (typically volatile) data into entity model classes? This may sound like a bad practice first, but it seems to be quite a common scenario. In our recent web application we have developed a proper model and in most cases we are fine with loading model entities. But there are cases where we c...

Problem with mapping in NHibernate

I've the following class: public class Customer { public virtual int CustomerID { get; protected set; } public virtual string AccountNumber { get; protected set; } public virtual string CustomerType { get; set; } public virtual int TerritoryID { get; set; } public virtual SalesTerritory Territory { get; protected set...

What is the best .NET web development framework?

I'm looking for a framework to simplify the creation of a website with social networking features and plenty of custom functionality. I'm quite keen to use an ORM like nHibernate or similar for data access. Would DotNetNuke be a good choice? Or are there other options which are better. Added: I'm quite keen not to have to reinvent the...

ORMs are to RDBMSs as xxx is to OLAP cubes? Does xxx exist?

Is there an ORM-analogue for querying OLAP cubes / data-warehouses? I'm specifically interested in the .NET world, but generally interested in anything ;-) ...

"One-to-many" modeling question

What is the best way to model the following... Assume I have two objects: Agency and Publisher, and both have a 1-to-n relationship to Employee. This is a true 1-to-n relationship, as each Employee can only work for one Agency or one Publisher. Let's assume further that I cannot introduce a supertype (e.g. Employer) which holds the 1-to...

EJB3 case-sensitive annotations

We are connecting to a SQL Server to persist our EJB3 objects. These objects are annotated up with @Column. If the column name in the database starts with a capital letter (E.g. OrderName) will the ejb annotation have case sensitivity issues if the element is defined like such: @Column String orderName Thanks ...

Caching query results in ORMs - satisfying arbitrary subset queries

I know N/Hibernate uses a cache to satisfy queries that it has seen before, and that is called a query cache. However, can it satisfy a subset of that query? I'd imagine not since I'd guess that the general problem of figuring that out is undecidable. Are there any strategies for doing this, though? Say I have a query for all widgets wh...

NHibernate set mapping is not DRY?

I'm not an advanced NHibernate user, so this may be somewhat important, and I just didn't discover it yet.. but what the heck. Consider the class: public class House { public int Id { get; set; } public ISet<Room> Rooms { get; set; } } When specifying NHibernate Set element it's not enough to write: <set name="Rooms" /...

How to map uint in NHibernate with SQL Server 2005

I have a property of type uint on my entity. Something like: public class Enity { public uint Count {get;set;} } When I try to persist that into the SQL Server 2005 database, I get an exception Dialect does not support DbType.UInt32 What would be the easiest way to workaround this. I could for example store it as long in the ...

Doubly connected ordered tree mapping using NHibernate

Hello, everyone! We need to map simple class using NHibernate: public class CatalogItem { private IList<CatalogItem> children = new List<CatalogItem>(); public Guid Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public CatalogItem Parent { get; set; } public IList<CatalogItem> Children { get { return...

LINQ to SQL - Problem with 1-to-1 association

In the L2S designer I have dropped a table and a view. I tried adding an association between the 2 on their primary keys. This should be a one-to-one relationship, so I set the cardinality property of the association as such. But, when coding I can't access the child property. Any suggestions? EditI just created a view in sql server ...

Can I have a "Parent has_many GrandChildren through Children" relationship in DBIx::Class?

I'd like to have functionality like this: $parent->get_grandchildren_by_category({category => 'foo'}); I can do it easily outside of the parent class with a simple chained join: $schema->resultset('Parent')->search( { 'me.id' => 62, 'grandchildren.category' => 'foo' }, { join => {'children' => 'grandchildren'} } ); But in...