
Can not find Driver when using generic database bundle

I have a project that is build up from several OSGi bundles. One of them is a generic Database bundle that defines a DataSource that can be used throughout the project. The spring bean definition of this service is: <osgi:service interface="javax.sql.DataSource"> <bean class="org.postgresql.ds.PGPoolingDataSource"> <property...

Can I package my Eclipse extension so the right version is automatically installed?

Is there a way to build an Eclipse Update Site so that Eclipse 3.3 will install one version of my plug-in while Eclipse 3.4 will install another version? The feature spec allows for "optional included features" but I can't see how to make them conditional on the version of the target. Background: I've become responsible for an Eclipse e...

Monitoring a Apache Karaf/OSGi application via SNMP

We are building OSGi (particularly using Apache Karaf on Equinox) applications that need to be delivered into customer environments that commonly employ SNMP based monitoring tools. Can anyone suggest a cost effective (Open source is ideal, but has to use a license that we can ship as part of our commercial offering) framework/package th...

Deploy a bundle to Apache Felix via Ant?

Let's suppose I have a valid Ant build script which packs up and prepares my OSGi bundle. Now, I would like to make the build process install/update the bundle to my local Felix installation as the last step, and - if possible, automatically start if not started by default. Anyone has an idea how to do this? I was thinking about makin...

What is the standard way to bundle OSGi dependent libraries?

Hi, I have a project that references a number of open source libraries, some new, some not so new. That said, they are all stable and I wish to stick with my chosen versions until I have time to migrate to the newer versions (I tested hsqldb 2.0 yesterday and it contains many api changes). One of the libraries I have wish to embed is J...

Are there any OSGi web service / SOAP clients out there?

I'm looking for any webservice client that can be run inside an OSGi container and connect to a simple web service using SOAP, doesn't sound so hard does it? Oh, and it has to work under Java 1.5, so the JRE jax-ws wont be present. The problem is I've tried a few solutions now, and although each solution works in standard Java using i...

Error while deploying a web application in OSGI container using pax web

Hello I am trying to deploy a web application in a Felix container. I have all the required configuration done with my web app like the setting up of the manifest headers: Webapp-Context: Bundle-ClassPath: Bundle-Activator: Import-Package: Bundle-SymbolicName: etc The Pax bundles that I have dropped in the same container are: pax-web-se...

How can i edit OSGi bundles manifest file in Netbeans 6.9?

I'm using Netbeans 6.9 RC2 and Maven OSGi Bundle project template. Actually i dont want to test my bundles in Netbeans environment so i copy the jar file to the OSGi container directory and install it from command line. But when i want to see its headers from OSGi console, i see a lot of Netbeans related unnecessary stuff. Is it possible...

getting OSGI Bundle from Eclipse IConfigurationElement

Hi there, I am looking for extensions that implement a specific extension point, and am using the following acceptable method to do this: IExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry = Platform.getExtensionRegistry(); if (extensionRegistry == null) { return TEMPLATES; } IConfigurationElement[] config = extensionRegistry.getConfiguratio...

generating p2 site from feature fails with unresolved import package javax.swing.table

Hi, I would like to generate an Eclipse p2 Update Site from a Feature. The Feature contains several 3d party plugins. The export fails with a "Problem during export" org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Bundle com.springsource.org.dom4j_0.0.0 failed to resolve.: Unsatisfied import package javax.swing.table_0.0.0. Unsatisfied import ...

Equinox config.ini generated

Hi there, I've got some osgi plugin development going on. I've created a launch configuration in my eclipse IDE, which adds all required bundles to my runtime. Is there any possibilty to export/convert the eclipse launch config to a config.ini which I can use on my standalone equinox env? ...

how to create a simple osgi app with eclipse and maven plugin?

I have installed the m2eclipse plugin with galelio. I want to create a hello world osgi bundle with this setup. Appreciate if someone could point me to some tutorial or give some direction. currently i am using maven 2.2.1 ...

How to configure Spring-DM OSGi service for new instance per call?

I'm starting to delve into using Spring DM and OSGi services in an RCP application. I've created a service which is used by another bundle in the RCP application. It does a lookup of the service via calls to getBundleContext().getServiceReference() using the explicit bundle names and service class names. I'm not using DI anywhere yet. Th...

How to debug a GWT application running on OSGi?

I'm developing a web UI using GWT. While working only with the widgets I could debug from Eclipse using the Firefox extension, but now that I'm integrating the UI with other OSGi bundles I cannot use this solution. For deploying the GWT application I create the .war and convert it to an OSGi bundle using BND. Then I launch the OSGi cont...

Groovy + OSGi or Grails?

I have been learning OSGi and also a little about Groovy recently but am very new to both. I know Groovy is part of the Grails framework and that Grails is good for rapid development. One of the most desirable features in OSGi is class loader management and I believe this is probably still an issue with Grails (correct me if wrong). S...

Relative path from an OSGi bundle

I have a updater bundle that lookups in a specific folder "bundle" and checks for new bundles to install and updates for currently installed bundles. Inside a parent directory, OSGi framework is in the "/framework" directory, updater bundle is in the "/system" directory and the directory needs to be checked is the "/bundles" directory in...

Best solution for using AOP with OSGI?

I am using Equinox, so the Equinox Aspect project seems like a no-brainer, but that project appears to be inactive and has only one page of documentation that leaves me hanging at the end. Other than that project, I do not see many options for using AOP in OSGI. Let me know what you all think and what the possibilities are, thanks :) ...

importing org.eclipse.core packages for Eclipse plug-in

I'm trying to create a plug-in to mimic the Eclipse open resource dialog (CTRL+SHIFT+R). I've learned how to create a FilteredItemsSelectionDialog by following the example. But the missing piece is how to fill the dialog with the workspace resources. I found OpenResourceHandler and am trying to duplicate this functionality in my plug-...

Force OSGi package to be imported by maven-bundle-plugin / BND

Hello, I try to package an OSGI bundle using the maven-bundle-plugin (which uses BND). To run properly the bundle must import a package which is not in the classpath during development (because object references will be passed to the bundle methods as "Class" references). I do not manage to configure the "Import-Package" declaration i...

how do i find a class if I don't want to use a jar in osgi

i run the osgi using the java command: java -jar org.eclipse.osgi_3.5.1.R35x_v20090827.jar -console and then the bundles could be find in the ./plugins directory. There are 2 questions. (1)I just edited 1 class file in the local machine and transfered it to the remote server. so I want to osgi just load the classes not the jar. how sho...