
Package-Resolution (Import-Export) problem in maven2 generated osgi-bundles running in ServiceMix

Hi there. I have one bundle using the following configuration in pom.xml: <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.felix</groupId> <artifactId>maven-bundle-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.1.0</version> <extensions>true</extensions> <configuration> <osgiManifest> <bundleName>SAMBA Common</bundleName> <bundleDescription>The Com...

platforms for large software projects (OSGi or alternatives?)

They is kind of an open-ended question. Anyways, here at work we've got a few very large Java EE software projects. Here's a quick description of our projects: They are divided into a few dozen Maven projects. Some of those projects change on every release; others don't change for months. All are Maven/Spring-driven. Is OSGi the ri...

Eclipse RCP: Target platform - Eclipse vs. Equinox?

Hi, I'm just starting with OSGi and Eclipse RCP. Could someone explain to me the difference between "Eclipse" and "Equinox" as the target platform, when creating a new eclipse plugin project? I still know that Equinox is Eclipse's implementation of OSGi. I read in some articles that eclipse rcp is also based on Equinox. So where is the d...

Finding files and folders in an OSGI Bundle

Hi, I am writing test cases that have to be executed in osgi environment, i have put the test data which is a set of files in the test bundle. I am able to access the test data files using bundle.getResource which returns an URL from which i can get the InputStream for a particular file, but how can i find out all the list of files in a ...

NoClassDefFoundError exception while using external library in EMF plugin project

Hi, I'm working on a EMF project where I've created a ecore model from a mdl file. I created the corresponding gencore file and generated the code from the gencore file. While EMF has a own serialization mechanism based on XMI I want to support my project with a own serializiation mechanism. So far, I've done the necessary steps and i...

Eclipse plug-in - Bundle additional files with native code library

Hello! We are trying to bundle a .dll file with an Eclipse plug-in. The problem is that the .dll file requires another (non-.dll) file to reside within the same directory when it is loaded. Both files are in the .jar and we have added the following to the MANIFEST.MF Bundle-NativeCode: native/license.file; native/library.dll; selection...

Is there a way to generate the MANIFEST.MF for an Eclipse plug-in project with m2eclipse?

I have a mavenized Eclipse plug-in project and I would like to be able to generate an OSGi-ready manifest for it. Is this supported by m2eclipse? ...

Problem integrating OCL types in Xtext grammar

Hi, I'm working on a grammar (Xtext project) where I want to reuse OCL types. Usually you refer in Xtext to existing types with an import statement, e.g. import "http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore" as ecore There is already an example Xtext project (CompleteOCL) which integrates OCL types in a grammar. Unfortunately the project re...

How to make Sonatype's Nexus Repository to work with SpringSource’s EBR

I'm looking to add the SpringSource EBR (Enterprise Bundle Repository: http://www.springsource.com/repository/) to Nexus as a proxy. My main reason to doing so is that SpringSource OSGi-fied various well known OSS projects (ex: Velocity, AspectJ...), making them easy to be included in OSGi runtimes. Anyway, it seams that are some troubl...

Is it possible to run MyFaces as OSGi Bundle with Equinox?

Hi all, i try to run JSF (MyFaces) Application as OSGi Bundle (Spring DM and Equinox).Is it possible at all? Are there any web resources with some examples? Thanx in advance ...

JSF 2.0 Application as Spring Web Bundle

Hi all, is it possible to run JSF 2.0 Application as Spring Web Bundle? Is there any OSGi support for JSF 2.0? I didn't found any OSGified bundles for Apache MyFaces 2.0. Thanx in advance ...

Java 6 - Annotation processor and code addition

I wrote a custom annotation containing metadata for a property and an AnnotationProcessor: @SupportedAnnotationTypes({"<package>.Property"}) public class PropertyProcessor extends AbstractProcessor { @Override public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) { // Get messager object Mes...

Equinox launcher

What is the big difference between launching Equinox via java -jar plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3.6.0.v20100517.jar and using org.eclipse.equinox.launcher (basically, java -jar plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.1.0.v20100507.jar)? I suppose that org.eclipse.equinox.launcher provides some added value, but what exactly? ...

access Spring context in OSGi bundle

I have an OSGi bundle that uses the bundle-context.xml file to initialize a bean. <bean id="myBean" class="test.MyClass"> <property name="output" value="test"/> </bean> I have a factory class that needs to get the bean instance. In the non-OSGI world, I've always just the following to initialize the context and get a handle to a...

Has anyone succesfully got Tomcat running via Spring OSGi Web in ServiceMix4?

We've been using Fuse's Apache ServiceMix version 4.2.0-fuse-02-00 for a while now for standard OSGi applications and have been fairly successful. We've also been leveraging CXF for making web services available. Now we'd like to deploy our webapps to servicemix4 and leverage the OSGi layer for dependencies and services. However it seem...

GWT project in eclipse with Maven as OSGi bundle

I tried to set up a Maven project, which supports the Google GWT tools and eclipse PDE integration. I was only able to accomplish this by adding "gwt-dev-2.x.x.jar" and "gwt-user-2.x.x" to the bundle classpath. For this, I had to change their scope from provided to compile, which is highly undesirable as this greatly increases the size...

What is difference between Eclipse Virgo and Eclipse Gemini?

Hey, What is difference between Eclipse Virgo and Eclipse Gemini? (I understand what OSGI does in general). ...

How to Represent an OSGi Runtime Configuration in Ivy?

In contrast to the POJO world where the runtime classpath is just an ordered list of containers, in OSGi, the containers from the runtime classpath itself can be ordered lists of container paths. How can/should such a structured runtime configuration be represented in an ivy.xml file? For terminology please see section 3.8 from OSGi Se...

Spring MVC ebook

Could anyone suggest a good ebook for spring 3 mvc and osgi? thx ...

How to reference an included file in OSGi bundle when performing java.io.File or FileInputStream

I am using the aQute Bnd toolset to create an OSGi bundle and have packaged with some dependant 'resource' files. This includes *.css files and *.xsd files in a resources directory I have created. I have included the following in the bundle.bnd file: Include-Resource: resources/=resources/ and when I do a build, the generated *.jar ...