
Cannot find MacOS.so

Hi I'm trying to use a Python library which apparently must load code from MacOS.so, but it cannot be found on my system. I've tried linking to other ones found with the locate command, but with complaints about flat namespace. I'm wondering if it's required then why is it not packaged with other libraries? Where can I find the source f...

How to create a weblink to open a osx desktop application?

I was wondering is it possible to create a web link so that when a user click's on it, it will open up a OSX application - How could I make like in terminal - open myapp.app Or am I violating some OSX rule? ...

dyld: warning, unknown environment variable: DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH_64-bit

I used the bundled Property List Editor of Mac OS X Developer Tools to set an environment variable DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH_64-bit to the value path/to/dylib in the file ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist. I saved this file and logged out. Upon logging back in, the console displayed multiple messages of "dyld: warning, unknown environment variable: ...

Problems installing lxml on a Mac, it installs but module not found

The code from lxml import etree produces the error ImportError: No module named lxml Running sudo easy_install lxml results in lxml 2.2.7 is already the active version in easy-install.pth Removing lxml-2.2.7-py2.5-macosx-10.3-i386.egg from site-packages and rerunning sudo easy_install lxml results in Adding lxml 2.2.7 to ea...

How to config Gedit on osx to edit UTF-8 files

I find the ~/.gconf/apps/gedit-2 directory where the %gconf file is. But How should i change it so that it use utf-8 as default. ...

Is there a collection of consistent and nice document icons (e.g. HTML, ZIP, PDF)?

I am looking for a collection of consistent, nice looking, system neutral document icons. For example, if you check the entry of PDF file format or the ZIP file format in wikipedia you find at right side a document icon for the respective file. However, these icons are neither free nor have a consistent design. Systems like OS X, Windows...

Create a simple OSX Uniform Type Identifier file

How can I create a Uniform Type Identifier file for OS X with PHP? ...

Does the Mac Developer Program have old versions of Mac OS X?

I'm developing something for Mac OS X. It's a port of a Windows product. One of my boss' concerns is how it will run on older versions of Mac OS X. I know Xcode has facilities for compiling for old versions of Mac OS X, but QA would prefer to actually run the older versions of Mac OS X on a Macintosh. Since we got into Macintosh devel...

Why can't I change the system default python the way Apple says I can?

On this help page http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/python.1.html Apple says: CHANGING THE DEFAULT PYTHON Using % defaults write com.apple.versioner.python Version 2.5 will make version 2.5 the user default when running the both the python and pythonw commands (...

Changing $PATH in OS X to run most recent version of Python

So I changed $PATH to have Python2.5 work with Django back when it didn't support 2.6. Now I can't install much of anything through Python because I screwed up a lot of the internals. $PATH is now unnecessarily long because I didn't know what I was doing when I was adding to it. .profile doesn't contain any of the paths that I added usin...

How to install Python 3.1.2 on Mac OS X 10.6.4 ?

Hi there I have downloaded the mac installer here, http://www.python.org/download/releases/3.1.2/ , & installed it. But when I run terminal & type python it says: Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Feb 11 2010, 00:51:29) [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. ...

detect non responsive windows in mac os x

Hello, I am developping an objective c application and I would like to detect non responsives windows even if they are not own by my application. Is there a way to be notified when a such case occurs? Thanks in advance for your help, Regards, ...

Mac OS X creating .Spotlight-V100 and .Trashes at MacFUSE mountpoint on root volume

I'm creating a MacFUSE filesystem for adding HFS write support to Mac OS X Snow Leopard, and it mostly works, but the system creates .Spotlight-V100 and .Trashes directories on the mountpoint in /Volumes before the volume is actually mounted, so those two directories stay there after the volume is unmounted, which prevents the mountpoint...

Getting started with cocoa for os x?

I am familiar with iOS programming, but I don't know where to put my logic when I start a Cocoa project for OS X. Are there any good online resources for transitioning to OS X from iOS? EDIT: Thanks for the help so far. My main question is where my code goes in the default template. ...

Availability.h No such file or directory

Hello, I am trying to build a pre-written app, on OS X 10.5 with the base SDK set to OS X 10.4. There are a couple of pre-compiled header files which are returning errors on compile, in CFNetwork.h where it is including Availability.h "Availability.h - No such file or directory" I checked the header path and this header is not present...

Displaying custom/arbitrary controls in an NSMenu

How can I Display an NSTextField or an NSProgressIndicator within an NSMenu? I'm looking to do something similar to the Spotlight icon menu, or the Help menu of most applications. ...

Latex for Mac OS X

Does anyone know of a latex distribution/front end they highly recommend for OS X? If the front end had some features you recommend, what are they and why? Thanks! ...

Apple binary plist and/or keyed archive file format documentation?

Are Apple's binary plist format and/or the related keyed archive format actually documented anywhere? I know that there is Apple open source code for binary plist parsing out there, which is a good start, but reverse-engineering the format and its revisions from that is less than ideal. Is there any actual explicit documentation on thi...

Cocoa osx: Add a menu item on dock elements for all running applications

I'm working to an application for OSX and I would to add a new menu item on the menu shown when you click on a dock icon. The menu isn't for my application but it must appear for all running apps. I've found only this doc http://cocoadevcentral.com/articles/000036.php but it adds to its own app. My app will run on OSX 10.6 or superior ...

Bash scripts handled differently then typing in the terminal?

I'm having some problems with bash scripting. I want the script to find the "Firefox.app" directory, but things that work when I type them in the shell interpreter don't work in the script. ffxapp=`find /Applications/ -name "Firefox.app" -print | tee firefox.location` When I type that into the shell, it works ($ffxapp == "/Application...