
How to deal with "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" error (64MB heap size)

I am writing a client-side Swing application (graphical font designer) on Java 5. Recently, I am running into "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" error because I am not being conservative on memory usage. The user can open unlimited number of files, and the program keeps the opened objects in the memory. After a quick research ...

Why do I get an OutOfMemoryError when inserting 50,000 objects into HashMap?

I am trying to insert about 50,000 objects (and therefore 50,000 keys) into a java.util.HashMap<java.awt.Point, Segment>. However, I keep getting an OutOfMemory exception. (Segment is my own class - very light weight - one String field, and 3 int fields). Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at java...

Big XML file and OutOfMemoryError

Hello, I’m trying to parse a XML file up to 500 mb in java. I tried to use SAX but it gives me this error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.XMLStringBuffer.append(Unknown Source) Can you help me? Thanks a lot. P.S. Smaller XML files works just fine ...

Java Heap Space error in glassfish

I am using a fresh Glassfish install with very little customizations. I have a Message Driven Bean (ObjectUpdateMDB) that listens to a topic, then updates the object it receives in a database. There are a lot of objects being updated. After a while of running I get this exception: SEVERE: JTS5031: Exception [org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL: ...

eclipse outOfMemoryError: heap space

Hi, while running junit tests I always seem to run into the above error. I have monitored eclipse with JConsole and heap memory peaks at about 150MB and yet I have set heap memory to 1GB? I am using the following argumments when starting eclipse -vm "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_08\bin\javaw.exe" -vmargs -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=1...

Java heap space in netbeans.. but I've increased the heap size already!

I'm having an issue with netbeans and Java. My program needs to be able to cope with large files being uploaded via an arraylist. So I used -Xmx512m to increase the maximum heap size via the netbeans.conf file. I know that netbeans is catching the change, and I've restarted multiple times to make sure it is. Still, my program continues ...

Coping with, and minimizing, memory usage in Common Lisp (SBCL)

I have a VPS with not very much memory (256Mb) which I am trying to use for Common Lisp development with SBCL+Hunchentoot to write some simple web-apps. A large amount of memory appears to be getting used without doing anything particularly complex, and after a while of serving pages it runs out of memory and either goes crazy using all...

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space with NetBeans

This is the error I get when I run my web application using NetBeans (using servlets). To fix this I even changed the heap size in netbeans.conf, but still it shows the same error. How can I keep this from happening? HTTP Status 500 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type Exception rep...

VM options in project properties in netbeans

I got a problem with the java heap space while using servlets in netbeans5.0 and got a solution to resolve it too,they asked to change the VM options of run category in the project properties.But,i couldnt find such option in my properties.Please do tell me what to do with this error. This is the picture of my project properties. ...

OutOfMemoryError - why can a waiting Thread not be garbage collected?

This simple sample code demonstrates the problem. I create an ArrayBlockingQueue, and a thread that waits for data on this queue using take(). After the loop is over, in theory both the queue and the thread can be garbage collected, but in practice I soon get an OutOfMemoryError. What is preventing this to be GC'd, and how can this be fi...

ActiveMQ 5.2.0 + REST + HTTP POST = java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

First off, I am a newbie when it comes to JMS & ActiveMQ. I have been looking into a messaging solution to serve as middleware for a message producer that will insert XML messages into a queue via HTTP POST. The producer is an existing system written in C++ that cannot be modified (so Java and the C++ API are out). Using the "demo" ex...

How to export large data to excel across some 25 sheets in a single work book using java without Outofmemory exception?

Hello, I have a problem with Swing GUI which automatically closes when we run export to excel operation with more than one time continuously. The operation consists some 25 tabs data and each tab is having a table with more than 1k rows.This is a JNLP based application with 1024 mb RAM specified in the configuration file. Thanks in adv...

What means the error-message 'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded' in Java?

I get this errormessage as I execute my JUnit-Tests: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded I know OutOfMemoryError, but what does GC overhead limit mean, and how can I exceed this? EDIT: I resolved the problem, but thanks to your answers I learned something new about the JVM. ...

OutOfMemoryError in a separate Java thread

Consider that I have a main Thread which executes a new Runnable in a new Thread. Now, while the new Thread is executing, the Java VM runs out of memory and throws an OutOfMemoryError. What happens? Does the target thread stop? Will the main thread continue? When the new Thread crashes, will the VM reclaim the memory from it and let exe...

CComBSTR memory allocation

I have a "const char* str" with a very long string. I need to pass it from a cpp client to a .Net COM method which expects BSTR type. Currently I use: CComBSTR bstr = str; This has the following issues: Sometimes this line fails with out of memory message When I pass the bstr to the COM class it takes a lot of memory (much more than...

How can I avoid OutOfMemoryErrors when using Commons FileUpload's DiskFileItem to upload large files?

I am getting OutOfMemoryErrors when uploading large (>300MB) files to a servlet utilizing Commons FileUpload 1.2.1. It seems odd, because the entire point of using DiskFileItem is to prevent the (possibly large) file from residing in memory. I am using the default size threshold of 10KB, so that's all that should ever be loaded into the ...

Hibernate: OutOfMemoryError persisting Blob when printing log message

I have a Hibernate Entity: @Entity class Foo { //... @Lob public byte[] getBytes() { return bytes; } //.... } My VM is configured with a maximum heap size of 512 MB. When I try to persist an object which has a 75 MB large object, I get an OutOfMemoryError. The names of the methods in the stack trace (StringBuilder,...

JUnit java.lang.OutOfMemoryError when running all tests in a package

When loading all unit tests in a package, the make task throws a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space error. If I run all the tests in each subpackage, though, all tests load and complete just fine. It is only when I try to run all tests in the parent package that the OOM error occurs. I don't think this problem should be solved...

How to best output large single line XML file (with Java/Eclipse)?

We have a process that outputs the contents of a large XML file to System.out. When this output is pretty printed (ie: multiple lines) everything works. But when it's on one line Eclipse crashes with an OutOfMemory error. Any ideas how to prevent this? ...

Maven Cobertura OutOfMemoryError

I am using Maven site:run to generate a cobertura code coverage... The following is my pom.xml configuration for cobertura: <reporting> ... <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>cobertura-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.3</version> </plugin> ...