
How to create a "default" stream insertion operator in C++?

I have a class similar to boost::any, in that it is a templated container class. I'd like to have a method to write the contained value to a string. However, if the contained type doesn't provide a stream insertion operator, I'd like my method to return some default tring rather than failing to compile. Below is as close as I've come, an...

Overloading based on specialization in C++

I'm trying to create a function which is overloaded based on the specialization of its parameter, such as this: class DrawableObject...; class Mobile : public DrawableObject...; class Game { AddObject(DrawableObject * object) { // do something with object } AddObject(Mobile * object) { AddObject(dyna...

Calling Parent Class Methods

Question edited to better reflect my needs. Take the following example: class Base { public $Text = null; public function __construct() { $this->Text = new Base_Text(); } } class Base_Text extends Base { public $Is = null; public function __construct() { $this->Is = new Base_Text_Is(); ...

Overloaded function in classic asp JScript

Is it possible to have an overloaded function in classic asp JScript ...

C++: Constructor accepting only a string literal

Is it possible to create a constructor (or function signature, for that matter) that only accepts a string literal, but not an e.g. char const *? Is it possible to have two overloads that can distinguish between string literals and char const *? C++ 0x would kind-of allow this with a custom suffix - but I'm looking for an "earlier" sol...

Method overload resolution unexpected behavior

I'm wrestling with a weird, at least for me, method overloading resolution of .net. I've written a small sample to reproduce the issue: class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var test = new OverloadTest(); test.Execute(0); test.Execute(1); Console.ReadLine(); } } public class Over...

Function override-overload in Java

What is the difference between override and overload? ...

C# Absolute Value for dynamic type

I have code that computes the absolute value of a custom value type: public Angle Abs(Angle agl) { return (360 - Angle.Degrees); } This isn't my actual application but it will serve my point. Then I have a method like so: public dynamic DoStuff(Foo f) { // f contains a list of value types: int, double, decimal, angle retu...

Ambiguous overload accessing argument-less template functions with variadic parameters

Yeah, the title can scare babies, but it's actually quite straightforward. I am trying to store a function pointer to a specialized template function, namely boost::make_shared (boost 1.41), as illustrated: boost::shared_ptr<int> (*pt2Function)() = boost::make_shared<int>; However, it won't compile (GCC 4.4.1) due to the fact that bo...

Is there a way to overload a function based on different Result type in Delphi?

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/442026/function-overloading-by-return-type has a very detailed answer on the rational on function overloading by return type, and from what I can see Delphi does not allow this, but are there any workarounds to overload a function based on different return type in Delphi? ...

C# Multiple similar Overload problem.

Scenario I have the following two overloads that I need in order to instantiate two different derived objects from the base class. Issue The compiler has a problem with this code since the methods are ambiguous - both taking two strings as arguments. Question How can I get round this problem so that the following below code compiles...

c++ problem with function overloading

Hello, i have a problem with function overloading. I will show you with some simple example: class A {}; class B : public A{}; void somefunction(A&, A&); void somefunction(B&, B&); void someotherfunction() { ... A& a1 = ... A& a2 = ... ... } Both a1 and a2 are instances of B but somefunction(a1,a2); calls void somefunction(A&, ...

c# generic method overload not consistent with abstract Visitor pattern

Hello *, experimenting with Visitor pattern and generic method I found a kind of discrepancy in C#.NET. AFAIK C# compiler prefers an explicit overload to a generic method, therefore the following code: public abstract class A { public abstract void Accept(Visitor v); } public class B : A { public override void Accept(Visitor v...

Why can't I overload constructors in PHP?

I know it can't be done, well I hope it can't or my Google skills have failed me. But my annoyance is beyond that now, I have abandoned all hope of ever being able to overload my constructors in PHP, so what I'd really like to know is why. Is there even a reason for it? Does it create inherently bad code? Is it widely accepted language ...

What is the most elegant way to overload a constructor/method?

Overloading constructors and methods seems messy, i.e. simply differentiating them by the order and number of parameters. Isn't there a way, perhaps with generics, to do this cleanly so that, even if you just have one parameter (e.g. string idCode / string status) you could still differentiate them? using System; namespace ConsoleAppli...

pass specific enum value to method in objective-c

Altough I already know it's not possible, as my understanding how programming works, I would like to have a confirmation of this. I have an enum typedef enum { enum_first=1, enum_second=2 } myenum I wanted to do overloading of method, this syntax is obviously wrong, but it gives the idea: -(id)myenumTest:(myenum.enum_first)value {.....

Overload handling of std::endl ?

I want to define a class MyStream so that: MyStream myStream; myStream << 1 << 2 << 3 << std::endl << 5 << 6 << std::endl << 7 << 8 << std::endl; gives output [blah]123 [blah]56 [blah]78 Basically, I want a "[blah]" inserted at the front, then inserted after every non terminating std::endl ? The difficulty here is NOT the logic ma...

Is there a way to Overload a Property in .NET

I've done plenty of Method Overloading, but now I have an instance where I would like to Overload a Property. The IDE in Visual Studio seems to allow it, since I can actually set up the two overloads, but I get an error saying it is not valid because they only differ in type. I think I'm missing something in my syntax? I want to be ab...

How Do I Handle Conflicts in Overloaded Method Signatures?

Hi. I have a feeling this question is a can of worms but I am going to ask anyway... :) I have a method: private MembershipUser GetUserFromReader(SqlDataReader reader) And I want overload this method with a different return type: private User GetUserFromReader(SqlDataReader reader) But the compiler complains that the two method...

Property Set Overload Array vs. Non-Array

I'm trying to create a property that will allow the setting of a last name based on a variety of inputs. The code that calls this is parsing a name field. In some instances it will have a single last name, in others, a array of last names that need to be concatenated. I want to keep my concatenation code in a single place to make mainten...