
Launching default apps with intents

How, in android, do I start an app set as the default (i.e. Handcent for Messaging, Dolphin for browsing)? I can only find how to use definite package names for intents: Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); i.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER); switch (position) { case 0: //messages i.setPa...

Problem with Java Mail not being found

I am trying to use Java Mail to send emails with my program but whenever I compile on the command line I get this: package java.mail does not exist import java.mail.*; I have the mail.jar and activation.jar in my /Library/Java/Extensions folder so I'm not sure why it cannot find it. I've also tried changing my...

Recipe for making Cocoa NSDocument packages play well with svn?

I have a tool that writes package-style documents. It's implemented using NSDocument and overrides the following NSDocument methods: - (NSFileWrapper *)fileWrapperOfType:(NSString *)typeName error:(NSError **)outError; - (BOOL)readFromFileWrapper:(NSFileWrapper *)fileWrapper ofType:(NSS...

lisp package differences between repl and compile file

I'm currently playing with lispbuilder-sdl on SBCL under Windows. My source code is as follows: (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :lispbuilder-sdl) (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :lispbuilder-sdl-binaries) (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :lispbuilder-sdl-examples) (sdl-examples:squashed) When I compile the file I get the error: package "SDL-EXAMP...

Is it possible to send a html page with application installation package in adobe flex?

I want to send a html webpage with my application in installation package,is it possible? ...

How to manage several python subprojects with setuptools?

I'm wondering about the correct/easiest/most pythonic way of dealing with subprojects that you want have using the same base package. We currently have a file structure like this: trunk\ proj1\ company_name\ + proj1's code proj2\ company_name\ + proj2's code We want to ...

Trying to create a package for debian with java

Hi, I'm trying to create a package which depends exactly on sun-java6-jre (other variants don't work in this case) and build-depends on sun-java6-jdk. Unfortunately pbuilder doesn't want to work this way: it installs openjdk-6-jre as a dependency it returns pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy: Depends: sun-java6-jdk which is a virtual packag...

Android app appears multiple times in the 'Recent Apps' list.

A number of users of my app have reported that on the Nexus One, running Froyo 2.2, the app appears multiple times in the 'Recent Apps' list that is displayed when you long press the home button. Personally, I have not been able to replicate the issue. Have tried killing the app with a task killer then restarting it to see if that would...

Initializing an object in Perl

Hi everyone, So, i'm a bit of a perl newb. Although I had something much more complicated going, i all of a sudden hit a roadblock and cannot figure out wtf is wrong with the code. I've simplified it so greatly that it's only a very small fragment of code. package Test; sub new { my ($class) = shift; my $self = { _att...

Can't locate object method "add" via package "Heap"

I'm not sure why perl isn't recognizing the Heap's method add. Getting message given in question title. Here are the most relevant files. #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Util; use Heap; use HuffTree; my $heap = Heap->new; my $test = 3; $heap->add($test); # <--------ERROR HERE----------- package Heap; use strict; use warnings; ...

Resolving java package dependencies

It is time to sub-divide a platform I'm developing and I'm looking for advice on how to handle cross-component dependencies. I spose there a many cases, so I'll give an example. I have an Address class that I want to make visible to developers. It is also referenced by classes in my.Contacts, my.Appointments, and my.Location packages ...

Have I organised my django app correctly?

I'm in a situation where I need to merge two Django apps into a single, re-usable app. Neither are particularly large, but they are certainly not trivial apps and to preserve readability / sanity I'm trying to keep the two apps separated to some extent. I could set up each app as a sub-package (which would be a pythonic way to achieve ...

PHP Packages and Sub-Packages: What are they used for?

I've been using PHP for a few years now but I've never really used it for a large project, it's only usually little functionality upgrades I've given to websites. I've just been given the task of developing a project in PHP and I've been looking at the code for some real world examples of my proposed bespoke system and they all start wi...

Is a Java package the equivalent of a .Net assembly?

I am a .Net developer starting Java development for Android and would like to know if it's correct to think of Java packages like .Net assemblies. Thanks! ...

what happened in inheritance of same class name holded classes in different packages

package a; class hello{ } package b; import a.*; class hello extends hello{ } please tell me what is the result?? ...

how hasnext() works in collection in java

program: public class SortedSet1 { public static void main(String[] args) { List ac= new ArrayList(); c.add(ac); ac.add(0,"hai"); ac.add(1,"hw"); ac.add(2,"ai"); ac.add(3,"hi"); ac.add("hai"); Collections.sort(ac); Iterator it=ac.iterator(); k=0; while(it.hasNext()) { Sy...

android not receiving Intent ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED in the removed package

When my android app is removed, I would like to also remove files the app has created on the SD card, as these can consume many megabytes and are only of use to my app. It seems that receiving the PACKAGE REMOVED intent would be the place to do this. However, my broadcast receiver is never called--it seems to have been deleted before th...

PEAR Package for Symfony Plugin on Windows

I have been looking for a way to create a PEAR package out of my Symfony plugin on Windows. I am unable to find any utility or tutorial explaining the process. In case there is no solution, I will have to manually prepare my package.xml, which is kind of sad in this world of automation. Any solution? ...

Changing package name but keeping database on Android

I've created an Android application which has a certain package name that I've been using personally for months now. I'm about to release it on the market, and I have to change the package name. This cannot be avoided. My issue is that the application has an SQLite database attached to it that I want to keep, but I know if I change the ...

How do I import JARs and Packages in Java

Hi, I'm relatively new to Java. I've been using Eclipse to do some work but I want to get back to basics and just use a text editor in conjunction with the JDK. The problem I'm now having is that Eclipse and other IDEs hide away a lot of fundamental stuff which is very important to know and fully understand. This is what I'm trying to ...