
Post photos Facebook fan pages and/or album using FBConnect on iPhone

I've been successful in doing a post to a fan page using fbconnect on the iPhone. I also can upload a photo to a friends wall, but the same code won't work to upload a photo to a fan page. I also can't upload a photo to a friend's album. Has anyone been successful in uploading a a photo to a friend's album, or a photo to a fan page or f...

Why use only a few webpage AJAX to load content ?

Hey My Question is: Why don't use more webpages AJAX to load the Webpage content? Because of the fact that you can switch off JS or is there a thought about some security problem ? ...

How to make the WebBrowser to scroll up when new content is appended to the bottom of the page?

In order to achieve this effect, I would like to know how I can make the WebBrowser to scroll up when new content is added to the HTML page? "Allow more entries to be displayed in the view: When the user clicks more, additional entries should be displayed in addition to the ones which are already displayed. The code should cause the U...

Google Page Rank

Hi All I've heard and read that Google's Ranking System is like a points system, and that certain things such as Backlinks, properly-formatted html and many other things are each worth a certain amount of points. Can somebody please provide some sources on this? I have Google'd for this, but just came across a whole bunch of... nothing...

jsf and page fragment caching

Hi, Does jsf 2.0 + facelets supports page fragment caching, something similar to aps page framgent caching (example this tutorial Regards ...

Web page looking bad after uploading on server

I'd create a web page with jquery and css3 and is looking good on my computer but after upload on server is awful in IE. In any other browser everything is good. Any suggestion why is that? ...

Page validation not working in javascript

Hi, I have a problem regarding checking the page validation in javascript. I have a user controls in my aspx page,for example control1, control2, and control3. For each control I created a validation group, then I tried to use the code below, the problem is, it will always return a false value eventhough the page validation has been sa...

Is there an easy way to give a MediaWiki wiki page a specific background colour?

We're looking to give pages in a specific category a specific background colour. Since every page in this category makes use of a specific template, we're ideally looking for a template change. Can this be done? ...

Is there a way to detect when a WSS default.aspx page is updated?

That is detect when the user makes web part changes and selects to exit editing the page. I want to be able to capture a page event, then create a SharePoint task to instruct a user to translate that page to another language (note that MOSS and variations is not an option because the client wants to use the free version of SharePoint). S...

value was "" blank when refreshing the page manually

Hi, I have a problem regarding the maintaining of value when page was refresh.I assign a value into a hidden control using javascript below: function displaytab(tabID) { var tabId = document.getElementById("ctl00_MainContent_tabId"); switch (tabID) { case 1: tabId.value=1; break; case 2: ...

In what circumstances can large pages produce a speedup ?

Modern x86 CPUs have the ability to support larger page sizes than the legacy 4K (ie 2MB or 4MB), and there are OS facilities (Linux, Windows) to access this functionality. The Microsoft link above states large pages "increase the efficiency of the translation buffer, which can increase performance for frequently accessed memory". Whic...

How do I redirect to another page with ASP.NET?

I know it's a simple question but I really can't find anything on Google. Sorry if I'm not searching right. I created 2 pages and in the first one I have a button. What should I write in the C# code to change to redirect me on the second page? I usually know my way around C# but I'm totally new in ASP. ...

Sharepoint: Add css and javascript to a web part page

I have created a web part Page and need to add css and javascript code to it. I am using Sharepoint 3. ...

iphone app information page

Hi, What is the best way of displaying an information page in an iphone app? Anny ideas will be very helpful. I would prefer to keep all info within iphone app so as not to make it internet connectivity dependant.. Thanks for any help... mb ...

How to implement a book preview (2 page spread) without using Flash?

I'm looking into a solution for work, where you have a two page spread of the book to preview. Either side of this, you can hover in the corner to create a pseudo-flip and then click the mouse button to actually turn the page. I know there is many Flash solutions out there, but in this case we cannot use it... So we are looking for a pos...

Updating like count of a Facebook page programmatically

Hi, I am developing a iPhone application that uses Facebook APIs. Which API should I use for incrementing the like count of a Facebook page? Thanks and regards, Deepa ...

Show a form in a new window in silverlight 4

I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to mimic the ".show();" method silverlight 4? Basically I have a form that includes a button. When that button is clicked, I would like the program to bring up another form that I have created. So essentially, in Page1.cs I have: private void btn_Button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) ...

Page.ClientScript Register a pair of javascript code

How can I register a javascript code a page? I want to put th javascript function to the; I thing it might be like that; string strJS= "<script language = javascript> (function(images, elements) { var fetchImages = function() { if(images.length > 0) { var numImages =...

Efficiency: what block size of kernel-mode memory allocations?

I need a big, driver-internal memory buffer with several tens of megabytes (non-paged, since accessed at dispatcher level). Since I think that allocating chunks of non-continuous memory will more likely succeed than allocating one single continuous memory block (especially when memory becomes fragmented) I want to implement that memory b...

Page replacement algorithm simulation in Java

Is there utility program for Page replacement algorithm simulation in Java? ...