
PHP / jQuery page change transition

Hey all Basically I want to replicate the page changing effect found here, at But instead of using #values I want to use PHP includes, mainly because I want the site to be as uber-seo-friendly as possible... but still have this nice effect. So is there a way of doing this? I have a main index file which include...

Section of website to be protected by a login

I have a section of my website where I will have forms. I only want people who have registered with the site to be able to use these forms so that I only have serious customers using them. So what i want to have is a way that people can register on the site and once registered the area with the forms will be available to them and I will...

Centering CSS Page - Classes conflicted

Hello everyone, I cant center this page, no matter what. It's a simple task. Sorry Im so new to CSS. Please help.... ...

How to display a page in my browser with python code that is run locally on my computer with "GAE" SDK?

When I run this code on my computer with the help of "Google App Engine SDK", it displays (in my browser) the HTML code of the Google home page: from google.appengine.api import urlfetch url = "" result = urlfetch.fetch(url) print result.content How can I make it display the page itself? I mean I want to see tha...

Page curl left and right for uiwebview with html contents

I am working on a epub book reader application and displaying the contents of book in web view and i want to give a horizontal page curl effect for that just a turning the page of a real book. I couldnt find any tutorials for that . Help is appreciated ...

FBML on Profile Page - Any Workaround?

I noticed the following restrictions when I tried to hook my facebook application to a profile page [application tabs and profile boxes]. Apparently theses restrictions are not there for a canvas page. 1) No iFrames supported 2) No external scripts 3) No onLoad events [but a close substitute using setTimeOut works in canvas page but not...

How can I see a specific page's memory consumption of a browser ?

Hi, What way or which profiler tool I should use to see a specific web page's memory consumption? Does it make a difference if it belongs to a TAB in an individual browser window? Thanks ...

document type [object XPCNativeWrapper [object ImageDocument]] not supporting my firefox plugin.

Hey actually i want to insert some sticky notes through my firefox plugin but when it comes to image pages (""). it contains a body element. but whenever i try to append any child than it does not insert it as html element. it escapes it first and th...

Page Rendering occurs blank page because of Old Cookie

Hi! I am developing application using J2EE (JSF,RichFaces, Jetty/Glashfish). Sometimes when I click on some link I get nothing returned to the browser at all (blank page). But when i refresh the page all contents appears in page. After some trail and error i found that it is cookies problem: It happens bez some old cookie not deleted ...

sharepoint custom aspx page with database connection

hi there i have created a custom aspx page whithin my sharepoint site with a sql server connection to a database on that server to select data when i view the page it works but when another user tries to view it it gives the following error : Server Error in '/' Application. Login failed for user 'GRINCOR\GuguK'. Description: An ...

Where to put "return false" in this code (provided)

Initially i was looking for an answer to a show/hide page jumping issue. Having found an answer here:, I need to understand where to put "return false" in the following code: toggleDetail : function(obj) { $(obj).parent()....

How can i have custom fields on the posts page in wordpress?

First I've created a home.php page to replace index.php and can add some custom fields on this new one and to have in it lastest 3 posts. On home.php page I put: <?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'test', true); ?>"/> but it doesn't works cause it tries get the post id and not the id of the page. If i put 18 (id of the page) directl...

Problem displaying custom error page in ASP.NET MVC 2

This is customErrors section from my web.config file <customErrors mode="On"> <error statusCode="500" redirect="HTTP500.aspx" /> </customErrors> HTTP500.aspx is the same as standard /Views/Shared/Error.aspx page. When I get HTTP 500 error I see this page: Server Error in '/' Application. Runtime Error Description: An application...

MVVM using Page Navigation On Windows Mobile 7

The Navigation framework in Windows Mobile 7 is a cut down version of what is in Silverlight. You can only navigate to a Uri and not pass in a view. Since the NavigationService is tied to the View, how do people get this to fit into MVVM. For example: public class ViewModel : IViewModel { private IUnityContainer container; priva...

CrossPost access to data

Hi, I have a search form on a page that posts back to itself and shows the results, all works fine. I now have a requirement to put the same search form on the site home page. This needs to post back to the search form and run the findResults code. Using the PostBackURL parameter on the home page form's submit button I can hit the sear...

c# Counter requires 2 button clicks to update

Hi, I have a problem that has been bugging me all day. In my code I have the following: private int rowCount { get { return (int)ViewState["rowCount"]; } set { ViewState["rowCount"] = value; } } and a button event protected void addRow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { rowCount = rowCount + 1;...

How to change same page/post css styling from page template

How to change same page/post css styling from page template (background, font, etc) ...

XSLT For Breaking Elements Into Sets?

Is XSLT a good solution for breaking an XML document into sets by element name? For example, if my document is: <mydocument> <items> <item>one</item> <item>two</item> <item>three</item> <item>four</item> </items> </mydocument> I want to split this into sets of 3 or less like: <mydocument> <items page="1"> <item>one</item> <item>two</...

Any idea to make wellcome screen

Hello I'm a new android developer. I want to do a welcome page which can display program logo [ full screen image] and loading progress of my main program. My main program has to load a webpage. My question is how to display the web-loading progress of the main program on the welcome page, while showing the welcome page until the downl...

Navigating to pages within a dynamically loaded XAP

I have dynamically loaded a silverlight application (XAP) with multiple pages, to be hosted inside a master application. I'm able to run the application and load and display the initial page of the dynamically loaded application (which itself uses the business app template). However, when that application then tries to navigate to one of...