
WPF Enable/Disabled controls from a page placed inside main window application

Hi! I have an WPF application that has a main window. In the left side of this Window there are some buttons into a listbox, it is a kind of menu to access faster to pages. These buttons belongs to pages that they are loaded inside the window when the user selects one. Main window also has another main menu in the top for doing other ta...

A Relation based page rank algorithm for semantic web search engine

what is the work flow of page rank algorithm? ... Page and control Events

I have looked all over the web and I can not find the information I am looking for and I was hoping that someone could give me a hand. Specifically, I am looking for a comprehensive list of what events occur in the page and control life cycles and what is "available" in each event. Like when can I get a dropdownlists selected value, wh...

Memory mapped files and "soft" page faults. Unavoidable?

I have two applications (processes) running under Windows XP that share data via a memory mapped file. Despite all my efforts to eliminate per iteration memory allocations, I still get about 10 soft page faults per data transfer. I've tried every flag there is in CreateFileMapping() and CreateFileView() and it still happens. I'm begin...

WPF How to get window reference that is loaded from a page that is into it?

Hi! I have a page that is into a window similiar to MDI. I want to get the reference of the window in what the page is placed into. The window is loaded. Thanks. ...

The best way to display data in a table view?

Hey guys, I'm trying to display nutritional information in a table view but am struggling about the best way to show the info. I don't want to create unique views for each page as that would take up a lot of space. My ideal avenue would be like a website having links to data pages instead of individual views for each page. How would I b...

What is the Page exclude filter equivalent to "pre_get_posts" ?

I am trying to include an option page to exclude Pages from showing up in the front page. And the filter "pre_get_posts" works fine with Categories but not with Pages.What is the Page exclude filter equivalent to "pre_get_posts" ? ...

Gets Error while i write Response.write() on click event of button

Sys.Webforms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modified by calls to Response.Write(), response filters, HttpModules, or server trace is enabled. Details: Error parsing near ' Hi i have kept button in updatepa...

Call a c# method from Javascript

Hi i want to call a C# method.. I already tryed with webmethod, but in the c# method i will not have acces to textbox or others controls. this is how i done without success.. With static works, but i want without static, so i can access to the controls in the as...

please help!!! this plugin to exclude Pages from the Front Page does not work.

add_action('admin_menu', 'pag_admin_menu'); add_filter('wp_list_pages_excludes','exclude_PAG'); function pag_admin_menu() { add_options_page('Exclude', 'Exclude Page', 'administrator', 2, 'Pages'); } function Pages() { if( $_POST[ 'xclu_pag' ] ) { $message = process_PAG(); } ...

Best aproach for multi-page WPF application

How do i create multislide application in WPF? What is beast approach? What i need is something very similar to having tabcontrol with multiple pages and navigation buttons bellow, but i dont think that tab control is best for this task. I would like to have each view to be in seperate .xaml + class file. AND- it would be cool to have so...

Symfony - Custom under maintenance page

Hi there! I'm trying to add a custom page to my web application for the times I'm performing maintenance. I'm trying to test the referred page on my development environment but always appear the symfony page. I had already created a module with a proper action and template and also configured those on the settings.yml file. Can anyone ...

WPF Navigation Page Breadcrumb

I found code to use a breadcrumb instead of the navigation buttons for my pages. This code works perfect with setting a page as the startup. My problem is that I need to have a window with a frame control as the startup and this is causing the breadcrumb to not show at all. I seem to be missing something with my styling. The types us...

Reversing page navigation on PHP

Can anyone help me with reversing this PHP page navigation? Current script setting shows this format: [0] | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 ... 14 • Forward > • End >>> But I really need it to reverse for this format: [14] | 13 | 12 | 11| 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 ... 0 • Back > • Start >>> Here is the PHP code: <? $onpage = 10; // on page f...

How can I get the URL of the aspx page from code behind?

Hi, How can I get the url of the active aspx page from the code behind so that I can assign it to a string variable? Does it make a difference in what page-lifecycle stage I call this? Thanks ...

check if update web page

i downloaded a web page ".html" on mu hard disk i would like to check if this page has been updated recently without downloading the page again.. P.S. when i use last-modified it doesn't work on some servers Can anyone help me?? thanks in advance ...

How to refresh/reload page once using jQuery?

Hi! Newbie question: I'm wondering how to refresh/reload a page (or even specific div) once(!) using jQuery? Ideally in a way right after the "DOM structure" is available (cf. "onload" event) and not negatively affecting "back button" or "bookmark" functionalities. Please note: ''replace('' is not allowed due to third-party restrictions....

Reload page using prototype

Is there a way to reload a page using prototype (or redirect to itself)? ...

Content Page Navigation by AJAX

Hi there, I want to know how to navigate between content pages by loading them only and not the full master page template ? Example: If I have MasterPage.master, Default.aspx and Default2.aspx, and there is a link for Default2.aspx in Default.aspx, when I click that link, I dont want the full page included in the master page to load, ...

How can I loop through posts as well as child pages to display them all by date in Wordpress 2.9

Some background info -- In wordpress I have my portfolio as a parent page with each item of work a child page. I also have a blog. I want to display the most recent 6 items on the homepage whether they are from my portfolio or my blog. I have a loop that displays the posts and on another page I have a loop that displays the child pa...