
Changes in Page Object in HttpModule is not working/effecting output

I am trying to access the page object in module and change the hyper links urls. Page object is being access properly, but changes I am making are not effecting the output. I mean here I am changing the url to TestURL.aspx, but this is not comming. could anyone help me in this please? namespace Dutt.PageURLBuilder { class PageURLMod... form view blank page problem

Hi Formview1 is databound to SQLSource that has a while condition. this while condition has a term which is a control in my page set by user. The problem is when there is no match (between users' value and database) the page *becomes blank* i want the controls of my formview and rest of the page to still be available is that possbil...

Is it Possible to apply a DataTemplate to a Page?

I'm trying to follow the MVVM pattern laid out here: I have this in my MainWindowResources.xaml file: <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:VendorsViewModel}"> <vw:Vendors/> <--- I get a "Can't put a page in a style" error in blend with this </DataTemplate> and I'...

Duplicate <meta> in Drupal variable $head

Hey Everyone, I am trying to customize the $head variable in my page.tpl.php template, because there are two instances of <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> appearing, which I believe is affecting the site from being validated u...

page child control page is also a control. how can I access child control within page control? ...

Use Left and Right Arrow Keys on keyboard to move onto next html page/last html page... NEED HELP!

I've been search the WWW for a while and can't seem to see what I'm looking for... I need a piece of code that will allow my page to move on when someone uses the arrow keys to move forward or back. PLEASE HELP! THANKS... :) ...

ASP.Net C# expire page

How can I set an ASP.Net web page to expire so that if the user clicks the submit button, he/she will get a page expired error if the browser's back button is pushed to try to go back and press submit again? ...

php execute page

I want to call a page (click.php) on a click of a button, click.php executes a php-mysql command that inserts a value into a table. Is there a way to click the button and have the page execute without page load. An example: when you do +1 rep on this website to someones post, Im assuming its database driven and when you give them rep, it...

div tag problem

in my website designing side i meet one problem , even now also i don't know how to rectify that problem. any one help me <div style="overflow:auto;height:535px; width:656px;position:absolute;" id="abit" runat="server" > contents... </div> in this code i got scroll bar. but i don't want that scrollbar, but i want that actions, how...

avoid page load on html image button click

I have code on aspx page : <input id="imgBtnUpdate" type="image" src="../images/update_btn.gif" value="Update" onclick="javascript:showModalPopupUpdate();"/> also Script is : var popUpObj11; function showModalPopupUpdate() { popUpObj11 ="AddPopup.aspx?mode=Update", "ModalPopUp", "toolbar=no,"...

How to load jquery plugin on page load

Im trying to use this page slider jquery plugin, you can see the demo here: I can get it to work, but it works when you click a link. I would like to make it automatically run when they go to a certain page, is this possible? I am very new to this and searched google but couldnt find a s...

Powershell, paginating output from foreach

Seems like this should be simple, but powershell is winning another battle with me. Simply wanting to output the name of all the services running on a system, and their executable path, and pipe that into something I can use to search through it like Less. So far I have: $services = get-WmiObject -query 'select * from win32_service...

Dismiss modalviewcontroller with a page curl

Hi, I am trying to dismiss a modalviewcontroller with a page curl. The curl works okay but I cannot seem to get the tableview under the modalviewcontroller to show up. The image of the modalviewcontroller is still under the curled away page. If I dismiss the modalviewcontoller before the animation finishes the animation doesn't show up. ...

What's the best way to handle navigation in a WPF application following the MVVM pattern?

I've seen this done inside of an event handler directly behind the .xaml file however it doesn't seem like this would follow the MVVM pattern: MainApplication.mainFrame.Navigate(new HomePage());. Is there a better way for handling navigation with the MVVM pattern perhaps in the ViewModel? or in the XAML? ...

How do I apply a ViewModel to the UserControl inside of a Page?

Doing something like this: <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:AllCustomersViewModel}"> <vw:AllCustomersView /> </DataTemplate> works in a ResourceDictionary for when I want to apply a ViewModel to a UserControl as root, but how do I the same thing when I have a UserControl inside of a Page? Would I create a ResourceDictionary for all ...

MDI and WPF Ribbon

Hello, i noticed that the WPF Ribbon is bound to a XAML Usercontrol or window. Lets imagine i have a windws.xaml page with a WPF Ribbon at the top. I want to create an instance such that once i click on one of the WPF Buttons, i am taken to a different XAML UserControl or "page". How do i do this? Will this new page have the WPF Ribb...

Relate field control ID in the page layout

Hi, I am facing a problem while referencing the field control in the page layout. In this article there is a field control which id is "PGPageBottomLeftContent" which store the data in the column "PageBottomLeftContent". I am not able to know that how it stores the data in the perticular column however the column name is different. It...

Call method of Parent page in

Hi, I have the 2 aspx pages as page 1 and page 2 . Page1 has button on which page2 will popup. where as page2 has button . the button click event on code behind of page 2, will call the method of page1 code behind. how this is possible ? please send me code line. please guide. . In Short: how to call method from parent page code behind...

LaTeX hyperref package: Opening a target PDF at a specific page

Does anyone know if it is possible to employ the LaTeX hyperref package to open a target PDf at a specific page? I have tried using the \href{FILENAME#page=XX}{LINK_TEXT} command, where XX is the target page number, but no dice. The file iteself opens, but it always starts out at the first page. The idea being that I have a large inde...

Best way to redirect user in login.aspx page webforms try to access a page without access

hi guys I'm with a question. Imagine, my web site is restricted in some URLs, in a login page i try to access a url than i dont have permition And if i doesnt i need to redirect to default page. which is the best choice to do? TY ...