
Have base page property show up in @Page attribute

Hi all, I have create a list of public properties in our custom page. However, when I want to assign the property on any aspx file, it does not show in intellisense and when I use it it said it is a invalid attribute of element "Page". So, 2 question. How do I make it such that it shows up in intellisense? Can I set any localize var...

How can I get php source code to display neatly on my website?

Hi, is there some Javascript/CSS snippet or perhaps another solution to parse PHP source code intended as content on a web page so that it has highlighted elements for commands, variables, brackets etc? ...

Inserting a page with a different paper size

I am writing a report in LaTeX and want to insert a page at the end containing a summary of the content. Of course the summary will contain a lot of data so I want to add a page with another paper size (A3,...). But I don't find any solution on the internet for that problem. Is there a solution to this problem or do I have to write an ad...

clientscript.registerclientscriptblock or include not adding to the page head?

hi i am using the clientscript.registerclientscriptblock with (typeof(page),this,that) to bung in my scripts.. ie. jquery and validate etc.. and i also have some hand scripted stuff in the head (where scripts are supposed to be .. right?) doing bits and bobs.. but it seems that as the registerclientscript doesnt put the scripts in the...

why Can't I save page from my MVC website

hello there! i've builded an mvc website,when i click the "file->save page as" button in my browser and try to save the page as a local html file,there is no response and saving failed.why is this happening? ...

PHP page counter, Database driven VS File .. which one better?

as the title of the question suggests, my question is simple, which one is better in terms of performance knowing that i'm on a linux shared hosting, siteground.. i'm capable of coding both, i actually coded a one that updates the DB, but from reading around some people suggested to insert and not to update.. any feed back is much apprec...

Adding a fan box on a facebook fan page

I am trying to add a fan box on my fan page using the tag. But it just doesn't get rendered on the page. I also tried using an as mentioned in, and setting its source to another file which contains the code for tag. But even that doesn't work. Any help regarding this would be appre...

Printer Page Size Problem

I am trying to set a custom paper size by doing: Printer.Height = 2160 Printer.Width = 11900 But it doesn't seen to have any effect. After setting this up, i ask for that values and it returns the default ones. And this: Printer.PaperSize = 256 Returns an error... Any ideas?? ...

Drupal 6 preprocess blocks & nodes

I build a BLOCK that sits on a right side of the website and is available for whole site. Also I got a many CONTENT_TYPE NODES like (pages, news,gallery, files). How can I modify _preprocess_xxxxx and which one, so I can let my BLOCK know which CONTENT_TYPE is currently displaying. so then my BLOCK displays var $section = top 10 dow...

modal popup extender as progress bar

Hi, I have a modal popup extender in which i have a progress bar. When i click a button ...this popup should be displayed to the user. I have done this though button.attributes.add().[ this is without postback] But ...popup extender can blur the base page only after the postback. Issue is currently i am able to see the progress bar......

Xpath select following (number) sibling inside anchor help

Sorry in advance if I don't explain this clearly. I will try my best to clarify what I am trying to do. Without further ado...Suppose you have a series of numbers on a page (separated by only a space) where brackets indicate the current page you are on. It looks like this on the page: [1] 2 3 The HTML looks like this: <tr> <td> [<a...

ASP.NET/C#: Bundling Sets of Files, Zipping Them Up, and Sending Back to User thru Response

Let's say that I have a website where I'd like users to be able to download a certain group of files. There will be checkboxes and listboxes of options for users to choose from, so that they can select what parts they want to include and what they don't want to download. Then, they click the Download button and their browser downloads a ...

Show Facebook stream published feed actionlink to fans only

I've been working to understand FB API, apps and pages for 2 weeks and end up exhausted. I created a company page, developed an app to publish feeds to that page. It works fine, but I have to find a way to show its action links only to that page's fans. I tried Page.IsFan() method, but it is not working, as said in docs. I desperately n...

Cakephp paginator not going to first page after a form submit

Below I have pasted code snippets of a page where it displays cars by year and model. This list is paginated. For this example, imagine that you go to page 5 of the list displayed. At the bottom of the page, there is a form that lets you refine your search. When you fill in another year and model and push "Search", it reloads the pag...

Magento CMS page (or block) mass import

I have 50 CMS pages I want to create in Magento. These are essentially mail merges off of a database with different content (but same structure) in each, so I'd love to be able to import them if possible. I want individual pages so they can be indexed by the search engines. Is there a handy/dandy way to do this? I could alternatively...

page will not align center

Hi there. I have got a css problem. I cant get this page to align center. Before i get the answer to use "text-align: center;" on the body, i already did. The page 100% validates (CSS and HTML). Please help, never had this before. ...

Height of div 100%

Hello. I want to make a div 100% height, so basically the full screen. This, so that the background streches over the whole page. I don't want to add the background to the body, since i want it so that if i comment out the wrapper, the page is full width. (which works by the way) So basically my question is: how can i make the wrapper...

jQuery: Wait for entire page--including ajax--to load?

I'm using some jQuery tabs that load their content via ajax. I'm using $(document).ready() in conjunction with the following code: // Hide loading animation, show content container $("#content").show(); $("#loading").hide(); The purpose is to wait until the page is fully loaded, then show the content and hide the loading animation. H... double buffering ?

Hi, How can I use double buffering in C#? I want smthng like that : I dont want full page refresh when I click a button in a web page.. I think it can be solved with double buffering. When a button clicked for redirect a content page (button-in master page), current page will not go until the redirected page completely load in ...

To display permission page in facebook of iphone

hi, I am new to iphone development, i want to display the permission page after logging facebook. buttonIndex is the index of my actionsheets. if(buttonIndex == 1) { session = [FBSession sessionForApplication:@"My App key" secret:@"My Key" delegate:self]; FBLoginDialog* dialog = [[[FBLoginDialog alloc] initWithSession:sessio...