
Safari Blank Page Umbraco Driven Site

Hi I am running a site using Umbraco 4 In safari(mac) when i refresh the page i get a completely blank page, the page appears to have finished trying to load I'm using alot of java-script so I tried to removing all javascript but the error still persists. the site is here I would really appreciate any inpu...

Memory Pages monitoring in Windows/Linux Platform

Hello Everyone, Is there a way in Windows/Linux or any other operating system to know at instruction-level, if a memory access generated a Page Fault? The code I'm imagining about would look something like this: Buffer *buffer = new Buffer(); ...Do something with the buffer... if(thisProcess.generatedPageFault)...

How long will an ASP.NET MVC application run

I wonder how long will an ASP.NET (MVC) application run, when no new requests come in? Lets say I'm using an IOC Container ans have a Singleton Object serving to the clients. As far as I know it will serve different page requests. But how long will it live when no new request come in? Is there any timeout (maybe configured through IIS) t...

How to create customized page to fetch custom list data from custom list on sharepoint 2007 site?

How to create customized page to fetch sharepoint custom list data from custom list on sharepoint 2007 site? I have a custom list on sharepoint site. I need to create an option in custom list menu toolbar (something like Print). On click event of this menu option , a new pop up window should open. New pop-up window should be ab...

Internet explorer shows an error message when I try to open a local html file with parameters

I've got an offline html page on my hdd with some javascript that does different things depending on the url parameters. when I open this page in firefox and opera everything works fine but IE does not allow me to attach anything to the url. it shows an error that reads "windows cannot find 'filename'". I guess the IE takes it for a fil...

Publishing a node to a specific page ?

Hello I have created a new content type "Quote". Now the user should be able to link a specific "Quote" to a specific page where the user wants the quote to be shown. Is this possible? thx ...

Silverlight programmatic databind to Page Title Property not updating

I'm using the Title property of a Page to set a textblock in the mainwindow. Programmatic databinding is working for one time. But when i change the title property on a page the Browser title & tab are updated, but my textblock not. In the NavigatedTo method in mainview: Page page = ((Page)e.Content); Binding binding = new Binding();...

ASP.NET Validator Controls Slowing Down Page

Hi all, I have an UpdatePanel that has user controls dynamically added to it. There can be a few dozen user controls at times. The page / UpdatePanel slows down big time on each postback as more user controls are added. After some digging, I was surprised to find the cause is the various CompareValidator, CustomValidator, RegularExpres...

PHP/HTML Strange refresh problem

After I upload my PHP files to my web host, I view the page by the URL. So what I usually do as I work on the page is make a change, upload, then refresh the browser to view my changes. What I find is that sometimes I refresh and it shows me a previous version of the page, I hit refresh 5 times and it shows me 5 different versions of t...

Dynamically create controls using stringbuilder

hi, i have been trying to create controls dynamically on my web page using the StringBuilder class..and i dont quite seem to get through... any help would be appreciated. i am trying to do this... StringBuilder sbTest = new StringBuilder(string.Empty); sbTest.Append("<input type=\"text\" id=\"txt1\" runat=\"server\" />"); Response.W...

Create a page use limit in php?

I'm trying to set up a feature where after accessing a wepage, the user is not allowed to return until they have been away for x minuets. It's on a login system, so I don't need to worry about IPs etc. What I had in mind was as following: User accesses page; current time (of access) is logged (in database?). User tries to return to pag...

Can Ghostscript to start numbering pages from zero?

I am using Ghostscript to convert a multi-page pdf to individual jpg files and can get it to output the files numbered like page_%03d.jpg but it always starts at page_001.jpg and i need it to start numbering the output files starting from page_000.jpg. Is there a setting i can use to get Ghostscript to start at zero or am i going to hav...

How to post on wall of Facebook fan page from external website, of which you are a fan but not an admin

I'm using an ASP.NET Facebook Developers Toolkit ( on an external website, and I'm also the admin of a facebook fan page for the website. Users on my website (may or may not be facebook users) create content articles. I would like to hook up these articles to the Facebook fan page, so that, when ...

How to allocate an executable page in a Linux kernel module?

I'm writing a Linux kernel module, and I'd like to allocate an executable page. Plain kmalloc returns a pointer within a non-executable page, and I get a kernel panic when executing code there. It has to work on Ubuntu Karmic x86, 2.6.31-20-generic-pae. ...

how to find out the page size of a processor using C program and malloc?

is it possible to find out the page size of a processor using C program and malloc? and not by using sysconf() call? ...

How to compress the responses to reduce page weight in .net

Hi Can anyone suggest the ways we can choose to reduce the size of the rendered html or response to reduce page weight in .net so that the client can experience a faster loading of the UI i've heard of JSON and GZip but don't have much idea about how to use it or even better ways are there ...

How to redirect page

Hi i created one java application in which i tried to open my company's standard login page and i planned to redirect the link to open my own design page. Standard login page is displayed, instead of going to my own design page as usual its going to mail page. After sign out the mail page i'm gettting my own design page. But my need is,...

Large number of soft page faults when assigning a TJpegImage to a TBitmap

I have a Delphi 6 Pro application that processes incoming jpeg frames from a streaming video server. The code works but I recently noticed that it generates a huge number of soft page faults over time. After doing some investigation, the page faults appear to be coming from one particular graphics operation. Note, the uncompressed bit...

Access current instance of Page from a static class

Basic question - is it possible to access the current Page from a static class in ASP.NET? I am thinking no, as google turns up no results. ...

Dynamic pages and controls with Asp .NET

Hi, We are starting with the design of an ASP .NET Web UI using WCSF as the UI FW. We are evaluating some FW which will allow us to build dynamic pages, dynamic as in, deciding at runtime what user controls will be displayed and in what order. Also possibly, the pages and order in which they will be displayed. We are looking at Page Fl...