Hi All,
As much amazing info as is out there, it often seems to fall just short of my demented requirements. That said, I'm looking for a mechanism by which to handle multiple nested models on a single page.
Now, I've seen all the videos and posts (not really, but humor me) on nesting two models (Railscasts, etc.). However, I need to...
I have just finish that site, but there is a silly bug that remain...
if you check tu horizontal position of the WHOLE page there is a slight shift... nothing to cry about but WHY
here is the 2 pages
any idea, the horizontal css is:
#wrapper {
I'm currently writing an application that works with modules. The module part is all okay, but I am not entirely clear on what would be the best approach to display multiple modules on a same page. The way common MVC like systems could work is that an URL like "site.com/article/full/18543/how-to-lose-weight" (I'm not implying any...
When I try
user = System.Web.UI.Page.CurrentUser
user = System.Web.UI.Page.User.Identity
I get an error saying that the method is not defined for System.Web.UI.Page... I am trying to access it within a Controller, does that matter?
I've checked to make sure that I do not have another class named Page, Why would it say the metho...
I'm writing am ASP.NET/C# project, it's a simple blog page with commnents.
Problem I'm having when button click you see comments load original blogload plus blogs and comments, trying to get it to load blog/comment selected only.
If I try not to load blog in page_load or have it only do if not postback nothing is displayed. Any help wou...
I have a page in my website which view life information(like bourse info) from database
What I want is :
refresh a part of the page through the AJAX technics
When a new row is added to one of the tables in the database.
How do you add a page number from java without using any third party library in a document and which can be treated as a new page in MS Word? Can Java create/manipulate an MS Document?
I have a Seam application originally generated by seam-gen with a view Search.xhtml.
Search.xhtml has a number of input fields, half of which are bound to the Office entity and half to the Devices entity.
For example, if you enter a hostname, it is bound to a field in Devices, if you enter a City, it is bound to a field in Office.
I know that if I created a custom control, say MyLabel in App_Code ..
namespace MyNamespace
public class MyLabel : Label { .. }
To access this control in my page, I would use this directive ..
<%@ Register tagPrefix="foo" Namespace="MyNamespace" %>
If I did not provide a namespace (MyNamespace), how do I write the Register d...
Hi anybody know how to select and read client page data using c# and asp.net?
Here I'm tring to load a page using iframe in my application. Now i want to select some specific text and want to store it in my local database.
Is it possible?
I'm going through snagit tool but it is capturing the selected area but unable to read the conte...
Hi I got a different problem here
here i'm loading client page (ex: yahoo.com) in my page using iframesource as yahoo.com
Now i want to selecte some specific lines in yahoo.com and i want to store it in my database.
Can somebody help me to do this
Thank you,
I have a page with a form that is submittes via ajaxSubmit() (so, without changing the page).
My goal is that, when the user try to change page (or even to close the browser), i ask him if really want to exit the page without sending the form (exactly as gmail does).
Gmail for example do this with a window.confirm-like popup, but if it...
I want to move a page between sites from a site collection.
I am getting result as :-
Operation Failed.
Access Denied. Not enough permission.
When I login as Site administrator, I can move page between sites.
The user with contribute permission cannot move pages between sites.
Please help me for this issue...
I have the following BasePage class...
Public Class BasePage
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Private litError As Literal
Protected SO As Session
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
SO = Session.Item("SO")
If SO Is Nothing Then
I have a section in an ASP.NET page that has some <% and %> that I do NOT want the ASP.NET compiler to process. How can I specify a section to not be parsed?
I created one form with css and HTML without using Zend_Form and decorator. But with same element name created a form structure in my forms folder. and creating instance and using isValid function I am able to work with that form.
Every thing works fine for last couple of days but today i am geting this error.
The connection to th...
What's a good way to implement a Web Page counter?
On the surface this is a simple problem, but it gets problematic when dealing with search engine crawlers and robots, multiple clicks by the same user, refresh clicks.
Specifically what is a good way to ensure links aren't just 'clicked up' by user by repeatedly clicking? IP address? ...
My webapp needs to auto-login when the user access the app url:
on my pages.xml i have the following:
<pages xmlns="http://jboss.com/products/seam/pages"
How do I add an image to the left column on the homepage?
I have a LinkButton which is in a Panel that contains an UpdatePanel. When clicked, the only thing that happens is the Panel closes. I need to do a postback to the parent page. How do I do it ?