
HTML book-like pagination

How can I split the content of a HTML file in screen-sized chunks to "paginate" it in a WebKit browser? Each "page" should show a complete amount of text. This means that a line of text must not be cut in half in the top or bottom border of the screen. Edit This question was originally tagged "Android" as my intent is to build an And...

cakephp reverse routing conflicts with pagination logic

Hi, I've a new question :) I'll briefly explain what I'm trying to achieve. Right now I have an url that looks like this. /products/index/brand:figleaves I want this to look like this /brand/figleaves By writing the following route rule I get what I want. Router::connect('/brand/:brand/*', array('controller' => 'products', 'actio...

How can I hardcode the Nextpage tag into a Wordpress theme file?

I have a custom post type for a Slideshow which uses Custom Post Meta to insert the different slides. How can I code the <!--nextpage--> tag in between the sides in my slideshow.php so that they slides will paginate? Right now when I try to do it the code doesn't show because it by it's nature it commented out. ...

Postgres: Find position of a specific row within a resultset?

Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to get the relative position of a single item in a query relative to all the items returned from the query. For example,the long hand way of getting the answer would be: single_item = SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=65 result = SELECT * FROM table WHERE published_date < date_value x=1 foreach(result as...

Creating a pagination index in CouchDB?

Hello, I'm trying to create a pagination index view in CouchDB that lists the doc._id for every Nth document found. I wrote the following map function, but the pageIndex variable doesn't reliably start at 1 - in fact it seems to change arbitrarily depending on the emitted value or the index length (e.g. 50, 55, 10, 25 - all start with ...

Problem with ifelse in PHP script

I have a working pagination script, it displays the data with few issues. However, the issue I'm having is trying to get my data to enclose it in quotes if it's not null. This is the part of my pagination script: //This function shows the data public function display() { if(date('Y-m-d') == date('Y-m-d', $this->airdate)) $dateForm...

how to return number of records efficiently in SQL?

Hello everyone, I am using SQL Server 2008 Enterprise on Windows Server 2008 Enterprise. I am using the following code to return a part of data for a query to implement paging (i.e. page up/down to show a part of result at each page, like Google search result paging) on my web application (I use pageCount as number of results showed on ...

Facebook album pagination callback

Hello, I've tried to paginate an album that contains more than 25 images with Graph API. The returned JSON contains a "paging" property that leads me to two JSON strings, for example the "next page" is: FB.ApiServer._callbacks.f24adb366({... The problem is that I don't know what to do with this response. FB.ApiServer._callbacks.f24ad...

jQuery pagination for json results

What is the best way of doing a pagination? I would also need to save the current page, so that when I click a link it would save the page I was on. So if I'm on page 2 of the pagination and click one link and then get back to pagination page it would remember that I was on page 2. I get the results/data from Json request where I have o...

How to save multiple data variables into one cookie, using jQuery

I have made pagination with jQuery and now I would like to save the selected state/page to cookie. I would need to save tab-id, offset and limit values. I know that I can write to cookie like this: $.cookie("example", "foo"); And then read it: $.cookie("example"); But how I can save all those three thing into cookie? And especiall...

wordpress pagination by year

Somebody answer me if you know how I do paging per year? Like pagenavi plugin, but instead of displaying the pagination links like: 1 2 3 4 >> exhibit: 2010 2009 2008 2007 >> ...

problem in creating next and previous pagination links using ajax

Hi There I am using for loop to create pagination links, according to no. of pages directly from database. To get data from database I am using ajax in this pagination. What actually I do is, I create links through forloop and on click of link, call a page containing database connection and get data through ajax script and print ...

jQuery paging plugin that works with odd~ish page structure

I've added a jQuery plugin to our websites that currently works as desired, however it breaks when there's two elements on the page that needs to be paged. I've asked the developer of the plugin about this, and he confirms it's been designed with only one element on the page. So, I've went out to look for another pager plugin, but all o...

Alphabetical pagination gets progressively slower as you page (MySQL)

I've got a dataset with over 100k rows, so it's not tiny, but not huge either. When paging through the results, it gets progressively slower as you go to higher pages. In other words, this query: SELECT * FROM items WHERE public = 1 ORDER BY name LIMIT 0,10 executes much faster than SELECT * FROM items WHERE public = 1 ORDER BY name ...

Pagination page saves page in to cookie

I have a pagination which is done like this: this.pagination = function(limit, length){ //number of pages var nrpages = Math.ceil(length/limit); var currPage = this.pagingcurrPage; console.log('l- '+length); console.log('p- '+nrpages); console.log('c- '+currPage); $.cookie('presss...

Paging : ClientSide or Serverside

Hi; In an admin panel made with php, what is the best way for paging? ClientSide (jquery) or Serverside ? ...

Deciding on a strategy for paginating Book listings without SQL

I have an ArrayList of Books pulled from different Merchants and sorted in Java, depending on user preferences, according to price or customer reviews: List<Book> books = new ArrayList<Book>(); This requires me to keep a large chunk of data in memory stored as Java objects at all times. Now that I need to paginate this data into listi...

Does Spring (3) have any built in support for pagination?

I have a model I need to paginate (Book listings - as explained in a previous question.). This seems like a common enough feature that I would expect some pre-built solutions for it without having to build a custom solution. Does Spring (3) have support for pagination? ...

How to do Paging based on dynamic validation criteria?

Here is the case: I need to display a list of records on a page, and paging is necessary. The question I got is whether a record should be displayed depends on validation result computed in memory, after selected from database. for example, 50 records for one page: Select 50 records from database 30 records are left after validatio...

Pagination of oracle result set, returned by stored procedures

Hi all! In our project, we have all DB manipulations concentrated in Oracle stored procedures. Result sets is returned by OUT parameter of SYS_REFCURSOR type. Now we have a task to make pagination, and we don't want to rewrite all of our procedures, adding 2 parameters (pageNumber and pageSize) to them and editing WHERE clauses. We have...