
Problem with pagination - no success yet.

Hey guys I am really messing up with this. This is I'm doing: If there are 100 users to fetch from Database, I'm using pagination and showing 10 users at a time. when user will click on next page, he will get next 10 users through ajax(called ajax on click) and so on. I'm showing 10 page-links right now with first, next last and previou...

Pagination and Data buffering in Windows Application using C# 2005

Requirement .NET Windows application using C# interacts with Oracle DB for retrieving and saving data Issue With huge volume of data, the performance is slow and the memory usage is high, the application displays the entire data in the screen. Response time is high due to database call and client side data processing Proposed Soluti...

C# : Print with DocumentPaginator and different PageOrientation

In my application I have some pages to print and I do it using the DocumentPaginator. Works fine so far. Most of the pages are in landscape orientation while a few are in Portrait orientation. But its looks to me I can only set one orientation for the PrintTicket. PrintDialog dia = new PrintDialog(); dia.PrintTicket.PageOrientation = Pa...

jqGrid prevent pager navigation?

We use a custom formatter to output html form text boxes. In the case that a user has entered in data and they hit the next/prev button, we want to tell them "you've edited data, hit ok to stay on this page and save your data". How can you do this? The 'onPaging' event fires when you use the pager but it doesn't seem to let you preve...

jqGrid paging question

If you have 17 records and are displaying 15 at a time then when you're on page 2 you see records 16-17 of 17 - makes sense. Now when you're on this second page and you hit the reload button on the nav (set datatype='json') when the grid reloads the nav is showing that the grid is displaying 16-30 of 17. This seems to be a bug - is the...

In cakephp, how can I set conditions for a model that is not associated with the one I am paginating but which is associated to one that is?

I am paginating ($this->Customer->paginate()) on the 'Customer' model. The customer model is associated to the 'Contact' model which in turn is associated to the 'ContactAddress' model. So: Customer hasMany Contact Contact belongsTo ContactAddress Now I want to paginate customers in the 'Customers->index()' using a search query let'...

Problem in getting current page number in this case:

Hi there, I am quite confusing in getting page number for pagination links. See what I am doing:I have a ShowDetails.php page on which I have created page links in for loop. Onclick of every links I am calling ajax function with parameter as URL(GetData.php) and target. When this function is called I get data through GetData.php and pr...

Need help with complex mysql pagination query logic

Ok at this point, I am pretty confused on how to construct my pagination system in an efficient manner. The problem is that the system is not typical and does not go in regular intervals such as 10 per page. The problem is, messages can have replies and thus share the same reply_chunk_id (reply_id). I do not want messages to get cut off ...

How does one do an Oracle top-n (paged) query in SubSonic 2.2?

(Disclaimer: I changed/obfuscated some of the variable/table/column names here for security reasons. Please forgive me if something looks a little off.) I am building a front-end to an Oracle 10g database, and I'm trying to get paged data. Aside from paging, the following SubSonic 2.2 code gives me what I want, in the order I want it:...

Smart paging problem with RiaServices and entityQuery.IncludeTotalCount when filtering

Hello, I'm using RiaServices to populate a grid using an EntityQuery. Since my database has millions of rows, I want to query only the current page, but also to bring the total number of rows for paging purposes. Ex: 100 rows total entityQuery.Skip(0).Take(10); //for the first page entityQuery.IncludeTotalCount = true; That brings ...

Nhibernate Criteria make dynamic query and get the row count

Hi, I am in big need of help. I am making dynamic query using Criteria: ICriteria query = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Employee)); if (searchOptions.FirstName != null) { query.Add(Expression.Eq("FirstName", searchOptions.FirstName)); } if (!searchOptions.LastName != null) { query.Add(Expression.Eq("LastName", searchOptions.Last...

Ajax Array Display Control - Pagination

I have an area which gets populated with about 100 records from a php mysql query. Need to add ajax pagination meaning to load 10 records first, then on user click to let's say "+" character it populates the next 20. So the area instead of displaying all at once will display 20, then on click, then next 20, the next... and so on with n...

Repeater Paging Custom Link Format

I'm implementing repeater paging with a pagedatasource and I'm trying to format the links. I'd like to creating something like this: << < 3 4 ***5*** 6 7 > >> // Where 5 is the current page This isn't that difficult of a task, but its probably been done already, and as such I don't really want to have to do it. Anybody know of any c...

how to have a normal form's action to follow zend custom routing?

Hello gurus! i've picked up zend framework and being playing with it, and here is a situation i'll like to achieve. i have default and user modules, user has a different layout user_layout that i load in predispatch of NovelsController of user modules.i have a small form in the user_layout that post dates (from and to ) to showAction...

jQuery Scrollable Pagination

Hello! I just wanted to know if somebody knows some jQuery scripts that do some effect like this one: I mean the scrolling thumbs. as I'm developing a website with pagination and when it comes to style I don't want that multi-line pagination links....

Weird CakePHP (1.3) Pagination component behaviour

Hi, I have a users list page where the result can be modified by using gender, city and country selects (dropdowns), and it's working perfectly fine. As we have a lot of users I need to put a pagination as well, and here comes the "weird" part (I am sure it's not weird but I just cannot figure out where the problem comes from): when I se...

Django Generic object_list pagination. Adding instead of replacing arguments

Hi. I'm having some trouble with the django generic object_list function's pagination not really being "smart" enough to compensate my daftness. I'm trying to do a url for listing with optional arguments for page number and category. The url in looks like this: url(r'^all/(?:(?P<category>[-\w]+)/page-(?P<urlpage>\d+))?/$', ...

MySQL query, many-to-many relationship - Tagcloud and pagination concepts

Does someone have a good idea / way on how to work with the following situation? : Situation is: I have the tables 'releases' and 'ntags', related via 'releases_ntags' (containing 'release_id' and 'ntag_id') Starting with a number of ntag id's I have a query that returns only releases that have all corresponding tags assigned. Thanks t...

Rails - refresh/render question after select box onchange event

Hi there, I have a paginated list, and a select box of numbers showing how many pages to display. When the user picks a value I want the screen to refresh with the resized list. View: <%= select_tag :paginate_size, options_for_select([['Display: 5', 5],['Display: 10',10],['Display: 20', 20],['Display: 30', 30],['Display: 50', 50],['...

How to check if a user has scrolled to the bottom

I'm making a pagination system (sort of like Facebook) where the content loads when the user scrolls to the bottom. I imagine the best way to do that is to find when the user is at the bottom of the page and run an ajax query to load more posts. The only problem is I don't know how to check if the user has scrolled to the bottom of the ...