
Good practice: Pagination links in html lists?

Do we put pagination links in html lists like for instance we do it with navigation links? ...

Paginate with order defined by joined model in Rails

I have currently the following problem in my Rails application (Rails 2.3.5): I want to sort books stored in the application by the author name, then the title of the book. Book and Author are concrete models, the corresponding tables are Ressources and People. The relevant portion of the schema is (I have stripped down the model a b...

"Previous" link - equivalent of LIMIT x OFFSET y ?

I'm creating a page system using CouchDB, showing: 10 items per page a link to the previous page (if any) a link to the next page (if any) From this article on the topic, I understand that using skip is suboptimal, and that I should instead use the startkey property to specify the first document, read 11 documents from there, displa...

Pagination with Mysql and PHP Help

Hey guys. I am trying to create a pagination with just next and previous links instead of 1,2,3..etc. So I have say item 1,2,3,4,5 in the database and each item is on one page. If I am on item 2 page I would like a previous link for item 1 page and a next link for item 3 page...etc So far I got up to retrieving all the items in the d...

jQuery call for a partial doesn't work if there is RoR code in it?

Hi, I am trying to get paginating to work with jQeury. I am using the will_paginate gem. It works normally (with no javascript). I tried following a railscast ( but I am still having a problem. show.js.erb $('#comments').html("<%= escape_javascript(render "comments/comment.html.e...

CakePHP AJAX request fails to show new content and uses wrong layout

I'm using CakePHP 1.3.2 with jQuery 1.4.2 and I'm seeing some strange behaviour with AJAX requests. Intermittently, when clicking an AJAX pagination link I'll see 2 POST requests instead of 1, the first of which is via XMLHttpRequest, the second of which isn't. The first request never completes, but returns a full page using the default...

cakePHP paginate with left join causes incorrect number of pages

Hi everyone, I'm having an issue with cakePHP pagination, specifically when I do a left join. There are 6 rows returned, and with a pagination limit of 3, it should calculate 2 pages, but it calculates 3 pages, with the last page being blank. Here is the options array I'm passing to paginate: Array ( [fields] => Array ( ...

Which is the best method to do pagination so that load on server is minimum

Hi, I have done a bit of research on pagination and from what i have read there are 2 contradictory solutions of doing it Load a small set of data from the database each time a user clicks next Problem - Suppose there are a million rows that meet any WHERE conditions. That means a million rows are retrieved, stored, filesorted, t...

Use query strings with Pagination Class in Codeigniter

Is it possible to append query strings to the links created by the pagination class? Currently if you are on this page:;price_high=300 the links are incorrectly generated as;per_page=20

First record not picked up in pagination script (despite the fact it is set to show all records > NOW() as query)

This is my pagination script, which I've been working on: This is the query page which displays the records - but it omits the first record: The actual query is this: <?php //Require the file that contains the required classes include("pmcPagination.php"); //Php...

Memcache for pagination

This feels like a really bad idea on implementation and I'm not sure of the speed savings given the potential cost in memory. Using Dalli and Memecache to store a set of data that gets pulled on every page request that needs to be paginated. Its a lot of data so I'd really rather not keep hitting the database if possible, but I also don...

Parsing restructured text in django (and python)

I'm going to manage some documentation using Django (I come from Sphinx) in order to have more control on the output. The docs are in rst (restructured text) in a git archive, and it's trivial to display them in HTML using a filter. My problem is that they are quite long, and I'd like to have more control on how the pagination goes, so I...

PHP and MySQL: Formatting URLs correctly when using pagination to display images of multiple galleries.

I've set up a simple gallery system in PHP that is built to display one image per page. My URL parameter simply uses a gallery variable and a page variable and does not use the image iD in any way to pull the image. This is because I'm setting my htaccess settings to make a friendly URL: ^ Would pull the ...

Making a chain of p's flow into a "two-page spread"

Recently a student got this quite by accident (or well, a side effect of incorrect xhtml/css). Is this possible to do in a cross-browser, automatic way with say a Wordpress article and custom html/css? (I.e., no php script or such.) It's been a goal for me to at one point make a site that reads "like a book" rather than a scroll. Ideas...

how can i get mysql results with alphabetical pagination

how can i get mysql results with alphabetical pagination i.e i have 2 fields i.e id and name in mysql table and following html links for pagination A B C D E F G ....... by clicking on A i want to get results names starting with A how can i do that with php ...

MySQL slow query at first, fast for sub queries

PHP: I have a simple pagination script which uses two queries. MySQL: Using server version 4.1.25 - I have two tables (products, categories) with the item_num field tying them together to retrieve products via category and both have unique ID fields which are indexed and auto-incremented. They're both MyISAM types. Query #1: SELECT COU...

Mysql procedure to modify limit and offset

Just a thought in my mind but would it not be possible to createa function in MySQL that can modify the LIMIT within a query The clause would be a simple calculation function that would work out the offset depending on the pageno * perpage Example SELECT * FROM items PAGE(4,20) this would be the same as SELECT * FROM items LIMIT 10...

pagination using javascript for API

I have an API which contains a JSON . The JSON looks like as shown below {"oldestId":"1","latestId":"42","records":[{"id":"42","uid":"34","time":"1134314","email":"[email protected]","fName":"Matt","lName":"Wright","level":"0","description":"User [email protected] logged in"},{"id":"41","uid":"34","time":"1134314","email":"[email protected]","fNa...

Pagination and Multiple relational entity indexes with AppEngine

This is a general question on doing pagination with models containing multiple entity indexes. This is easier with an example so let us consider the example that Brett Slatkin provided in his video ( You have your Message model (I have ignored the MessageIn...

jquery paginate for top and bottom

Here is my code, I don't know what is wrong. It is working but something is wrong in the cloned pagination doesn't following the #Pagination. When I clicked page 2 of #Pagination the #bottom_pagination_placeholder is not following. Please help <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"...