
Papervision3D: mouseEnabled = false on DisplayObject3D

How do I make a DisplayObject3D have mouseEnabled = false. I have a Sprite behind the Papervision3D scene listening for mouse events and so i need to let it pick up those mouse events through some of the DisplayObject3D objects. I've tried adding the DisplayObject3D to a separate ViewportLayer and setting thats mouseEnabled to false bu...

Flex, Papervision3d: basic scenes, cameras, planes issue

// Import Papervision3D import org.papervision3d.Papervision3D; import org.papervision3d.scenes.; import org.papervision3d.cameras.; import org.papervision3d.objects.; import org.papervision3d.materials.; public var scene:Scene3D; public var camera:Camera3D; public var target:DisplayObject3D; public var s...

images don't load on papervision3d planes

I have downloaded a code for creating carousel's in papervision. The code works fine, complete with mouse interaction and all that, except for the bitmaps to be displayed as the faces of the planes. is the source code. ...

Sprite in Papervision 3D

Hi, What is a sprite in papervision 3D? thanks ...

Adobe Flash or After Effects: How to make a piece of virtual paper blow away?

About a month ago I saw a portfolio website in Flash that featured a stack of cards, and each time you clicked on it, they sort of blew all over the place, thus exposing the backs as videos and pictures. Although I could easily take a bunch of 3D planes and tween them to turn and flip, these cards actually seemed to 'bend'. How is this...

Putting a MovieMaterial behind a DAE model in Papervision3D

Hi, I'm doing a project using FLARManager augmented reality and the Papervision3D library. Unfortunately, Papervision is giving me a lot of problems. My scene3D contains a DAE model and a plane. The plane has a MovieMaterial and is playing a video through FLVPlayback. The DAE and the plane are both inside the same DisplayObject3D conta...

How to Load a VRML model on PaperVision3d?

Hello, im very new at papervision3d, i know in order to display a .DAE model i use this import; import org.papervision3d.objects.parsers.DAE; [SWF(width=640, height=480, backgroundColor=0x808080, frameRate=30)] public class Earth extends PV3DARApp { private var _earth:DAE; public function Earth() { ...

How to fix rotations in a Rubik's Cube?

I'm trying to create a Rubik's Cube in Flash & Papervision and i'm really stuck here. I'm up to the point where i can rotate any plane of cubes once, but after's messed up because all local coordinate systems are messy. I dont really know where to go from here, can anybody give any advice on what do do? I'm not looking for 're...

Shader vs Shader Material , papervision specific , general insight welcome.

hello overflow. I asked this question on the pv3d forum and not a single person could, or cared to answer it. Im relatively new to 3d so i apologize if this is common sense to some. I have a sphere , in which i am applying a CellMaterial to. Looks great. I noticed that in the papervision sdk , there is also a CellShader. Should I...

how to combine a texture on a cylinder in papervision3d ?

I would like to combine bitmaps to one texture and apply it to a cylindric primitive. The cylinder will be rotating or better: the texture should moving along the cylindric-surface and therefor you should see only one (up to 3 textures at the same time). For better understanding: it's my intention to create somehow a poster-pillow with a...

Creating an rotating cone with dynamic segments using papervision

I'm trying to create a rotating cone using papervision where all the segments can be filled with a color / image separately. So just like you can use a MaterialsList to render all the sides from a Cube separately. Also I'd like to be able to check if a specific segment is clicked. ...

Intermittent/staggered loading of an object

Hi guys, I've just recently tried my hand at actionscript 3 and have come across a road block. How do I go about rendering the cubes (cube1) intermittently, ie. staggered loading. I need the cubes to load a split second from each other. Below is a snippet of what I have so far: var rows:int = 5; var cols:int = 3; var spacery:int = 100;...

How do I represent tiles in XML?

So, I'm writing an AS3 program that tiles floor tiles. I want the user to be to be able to create their own floor schematic represented by different rectangles. It'll be drag-and-drop. They will lay out their schematic (which is composed of different size rectangular tiles) and drop colors/patterns onto them. This schematic will then be...

AS3/Papervision LensFlare Class - Can not convert to DisplayObject3D?

Hey, So I'm working on a project, and I've created a 3D scene with particles and everything how I need it.. I'm hoping to use the PV3D2.0 LensFlare class to add a lens flare to the scene. I have all the lensflare movieclips set up, and I'm using the following code to instantiate the LensFlare, but I'm getting the error TypeError: Error...

children don't rotate along with Camera3D's local axis when added with addChild?

When I add a Cube to my Camera3D object with "addChild()", it doesn't rotate along with the camera when I modify the camera's "localRotationX", "localRotationY", ""localRotationZ" properties. The cube will, however, rotate along with other DisplayObject3D objects. Are Camera3D objects a special case? ...

mixing flex 4 gui components with papervision3d

I'd like to mix papervision rendering (either "fullscreen" or constrained in some area) with flex gui components laying over that rendering.. how could this be achieved? For now I can design .mxml templates at hand and do some papervision rendering in a separate .as file (definig [SWF ...]), but I'm still very new at as3/flex, so don't ...

How to blur 3d object? (Papervision 3d)

How to blur 3d object? (Papervision 3d) And save created new object as new 3d model? (can help in sky/clouds generation) Like in 2d picture I've turn rectangel intu some blury structure ...

How to open a 3dmax or maya file in flash?

Hi i want to open a 3d max file and do some rotation of a 3dmax object in flash action script 3. How can i do this? ...

How to port Away3d scene with animation into PV3d?

How to port Away3d scene with animation into PV3d? Are there any tutorials on how to do that? ...

Need to put markers on a papervision3d model (esphere) on execution time (flash/flex)

Hi, im using papervision3d to load a 3d esphere with the world texture on a flash proyect. I want to know how can i put a marker on the model given a coordinate?, like two angles, and with marker i refer to a simple movieclip or similar. Thanks ...