
separating values in a URL, not with an &

Each parameter in a URL can have multiple values. How can I separate them? Here's an example:,phones So I want to search for 2 different things: cars and phones (this is just a contrived example). The problem is the separator, a comma. A user could enter a comma in the search form as part...

Non type template parameters of reference

What is the use of 'non type template' parameters which are of 'reference' type? Why are such parameters also treated as 'rvalues'? template<int &n> void f(){ &n; // error } int main(){ int x = 0; f<x>(); } ...

JDO Exception: "Query requires 1 parameters, yet 2 values have been provided."

Despite the fact that my JDO query contains TWO declareParameters statements, the code below produces an error claiming only one parameter is accepted: Query requires 1 parameters, yet 2 values have been provided. The two parameters are amountP and taxP: javax.jdo.Query query= pm.newQuery(Main.class); query.setFilter("amount == amo...

Search form parameter rewrite rule

I am realy ,realy newbie in rewrite rules.. I have php script with a search form and with three imputs : title ; category ; region . User can search by title category or region , so the parameters can not be in a specific order.Sometime they search by title sometime only by category an region... my rules RewriteRule ^list/(.*)/(.*)/(.*...

Default parameter value for a TSomething in Delphi

I'd like to know if this is possible in Delphi (or if there's a clean way around it): type TSomething = record X, Y : Integer; end; GetSomething( x, y ) -> Returns record with those values. ... and then you have this function with TSomething as parameter, and you want to default it as function Foo( Something : TSomething = GetSo...

WPF enumeration value as ObjectDataProvider's method parameter

Hi ! I want to pass for as a parameter for the GetValues method from MyItemSourceProvider a concrete value of MyEnum. How to write it please? <ObjectDataProvider MethodName="GetValues" ObjectType="{x:Type local:MyItemSourceProvider}"> <ObjectDataProvider.MethodParameters> <!-- ENUM value (e.g. MyEnum.Record1) --> ...

Paramertize Fetch First n Rows Only in DB2

I'm trying to do the following: select * from table fetch first @param rows only @param is an int. DB2 would not have it. I've heard of concatenating it with ||, but I can't seem to get that to work. Anyone have experience with this? (PS I saw a similar question (

passing information using javascript.

can we pass any info., say a string between html pages using javascript. No forms, input fields I am using just want to pas some info in hyperlink. ...

Java Servlet getParameter for a param that is a URL

I am building a site which submits a url to a servlet for analysis purposes. On the client side, I submit the url as a parameter that is encoded. For example... Submit: Goes to: http://localhost/myservlet/? On the server side, I have my servlet request the parameter like so... String u...

Are the parameters sent from one jsp to another jsp page are saved?

I try to send parameter from menu page to My home page which include both the menu page and the page which comes through a parameter from one href form menu page . MainPage inside folder in my web app, and all other jsps and the menue inside AdminPages folder inside the web-inf folder , so when i call AnyPage.jsp from the menu i make Ad...

What is use of getting button name as one of the parameter for Action control in following code ?

Hi I am a beginner in MVC 2 and I was going through the ScottGu's blog for deleting a record from database using entity framework. I don't understand the use of string confirmButton(name of button tag in View template) as one of the parameter for Delete action method in the following code. Can any one tell me why it is used ? // // HTTP...

Oracle SQL Developer - Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 1

Hi, I am having trouble testing this simple stored procedure in Oracle Sql Developer. The stored procedure does a simple select and returns a cursor. create or replace PROCEDURE GET_PROJECT_DRF_HISTORY ( projectId IN NUMBER, resultset_out OUT sys_refcursor ) AS BEGIN OPEN resultset_out for SELECT * from GLIDE_HISTORY where G...

Rails: Preserving GET query string parameters in link_to

I have a typical search facility in my app which returns a list of results that can be paginated, sorted, viewed with a different records_per_page value, etc. Each of these options is controlled by parameters in the query string. A simplified example: /search?q=test&page=2 Now say I need to display a set of links that set records_per...

How do I parse and rebuild a URL in ASP.Net?

I'm devloping a C#/ASP.Net app and I'm trying to find a means of breaking down a URL into its component parts, then swapping out, or deleting these parts and creating a new URL. For example if I have the following URL:;parm2=value2 I'd like to split the URL down into: Protocol (http...

How to pass parameters to soap in classic asp

Hi, I need to call a web service from my classic ASP website. I have been provided with a URL and three variables from the SOAP provider: URL of web service: Parameter1: CustId Parameter2: PWord Parameter3: OrderNo So I'm supposed to send this SOAP request from my classic ASP website, alo...

C Struct pointer as Parameter

I'm trying to pass a pointer to a struct in C but i cannot: float calcular_media(struct aluno *aluno) { Output warning: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c gcc main.c aluno.c aluno.c:7:29: warning: 'struct aluno' declared inside parameter list What am I doing wrong? Thank you. ...

Should we allow null/empty parameters?

I recently had a discussion with a co-worker on whether we should allow null or empty collections to be passed as method parameters. My feeling is that this should cause an exception, as it breaks the method's 'contract', even if it does not necessarily break the execution of the method. This also has the advantage of 'failing fast'. My ...

find about about the type of function parameters

can i somehow find all functions/macros that take a specific type of parameter ? for example, what function accepts a Namespace object as parameter ? (this is because i can create a namespace and store it in a var, but i don't know where i could use that var; what function might i pass that var to ?) here is some code: user=> (def wo...

Passing null to an optional parameter with default value

I think this is a pretty basic question, but I just want to clarify. If I have a variable with a null value, and pass it as a parameter that is optional, will the parameter get the null value, or the default value? dim str As String = "foo" dim obj As Object //call 1 Request(str, str) //call 2 Request(str) //call 3 Request(str, obj) ...

Is there .net magic to get parameter values by name in console application?

I've been developing .net console applications using C# and have always just dictated what order parameters must be inserted in so that args[0] is always start date and args[1] is always end date, for example. however I would like to move over to using named parameters so that any combination of parameters can be sent in any order, such...