parameters DataBinding - Method - From Code Behind

hi my dear friends : the below ASPX code is ok : <asp:Label ID="lblShowInRPV1" runat="server" Text="<%# Method() %>"></asp:Label> is it possible to pass some parameters (from aspx code) to Method()? in the other hand can u fix Below databinding for me ? (That Is Incorrect) <asp:Label ID="lblShowInRPV1" runat="server" ...

JSP include with parameters usage simple question

How should I access the param1 value from the included jsp (navMenu.jsp)? <jsp:include page="navMenu.jsp" > <jsp:param name="param1" value="menu" /> </jsp:include> ...

Javascript pass array attribute as parameter

var contact = { varWorkExperiences: [{ Experience: "aaa" },Experience: "bbb"}] }; I have a structure like this. I can use push method like this: contact.varWorkExperiences.push({ Experience: "ccc"}); but I want to do this paramaticly I cant do this: var x = "Experience"; contact.varWorkExperiences.push({ x: "ccc"}); How can I ...

Should I always make my methods static where possible?

I have often pondered this one... its probably an idiot question but here goes. Say I have this class: public class SomeClass { public int AProperty { get; set; } public void SomeMethod() { DoStuff(AProperty); } } Is there any advantage to doing this: public class SomeClass { public int AProperty { get; ...

iBatis multiple parameter mapper method called as inline query

Hi, I want to use an inline query in an annotated mapper which gets two parameters. Can I do that? I see in debug that it tries to pass the same parameter twice. I've added the @Param to each parameter of the inline query method but I don't know how to reference the two parameters from the parent query because the column property can ge...

constructor params vs. method calls

I write a URL router in Python 3.1 and wonder whether it is more than a matter of taste to use one of the following variants: Tuples as constructor params: router = Router( (r"/item/{id}", ItemResource()), (r"/article/{title}", ArticleResource()) ) Method calls router = Router() router.connect(r"/item/{id}", ItemResource())...

Specifying one type for all arguments passed to variadic function or variadic template function w/out using array, vector, structs, etc?

I'm creating a function (possibly member function, not that it matters... maybe it does?) that needs to accept an unknown number of arguments, but I want all of them to be the same type. I know I could pass in an array or vector, but I want to be able to accept the list of args directly without extra structure or even extra brackets. I...

Extra params in Rails 3 routes and resources

The new rails routes are great in many aspects, but I am looking for the best way to achieve page caching with pages and formats like I had in rails 2.x and am coming up short I have many possible desired routes of the basic formulas: /(bazes/<baz id>/)(foos/<foo id>/)bars/page/<page num>/<format> Example routes: /bars/page/1/xml /f...

Creating a list with >255 elements

Ok, so I'm writing some python code (I don't write python much, I'm more used to java and C). Anyway, so I have collection of integer literals I need to store. (Ideally >10,000 of them, currently I've only got 1000 of them) I would have liked to be accessing the literals by file IO, or by accessing there source API, but that is disallow...

ksh - passing parameter with space

Hi there, am trying to pass a parameter with a space in ksh via variables. Here is some sample code to demonstrate the issue. As you will see the parameter with the space is later handled as two variables - not what I am after. Update - I didn't copy and paste all the code in the origianl question. * Contents of #!/bin...

Passing params to flash from ASP

Hello. Please help me. i have a flash embed in my asp page` <object width="550" height="350" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000" id="obj1"> <param name="movie" value="flash_small.swf"> <param name="flashvars" value ="my_language=en-EN"> <embed src="...

passing parameters to php include/require construct

I've read quite a few posts that are very similar to the question I'm about to ask, but I just wanted to be sure that there wasn't a more sophisticated way to do this. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. I want to create a mechanism to check whether or not a logged-in user has access to the php script that is currently being called. ...

SharePoint - Passing Dataview Row Arguments to a C# function from button

I've done this with a Gridview. but does anybody have any examples on how to pass row information from an button in SharePoint Dataview rows to an inline C# function? the button Repeats as follows: <asp:Button runat="server" Text="Delete" id="Delete{@ID}" OnClick="DeleteDoc()"/> My function looks like this: void De...

Form validation errors with parameters in a URL

For many of my forms, the user submits to a particular URL and if there are errors, the script redirects back to the original page with the errors in the URL. That page then reads the URL parameters and displays the errors to the user like so: http://localhost:8080/test/?signup_error_email=no_at_symbol Works great. But sometimes the...

Passing parameters on button action:@selector

Hi, I want to pass the movie url from my dynamically generated button to MediaPlayer: [button addTarget:self action:@selector(buttonPressed:) withObject:[speakers_mp4 objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]] forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; but action:@selector() withObject: does not work? Is there any other solution? Thanks f...

Pass Parameter to Custom jQuery Function

Here's what I have so far: <html xmlns=""&gt; <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#weight").change(onSelectChange); }); function onSelectChange(){ var selected = $('#weight').val(); $....

Parameter count mismatch with Invoke?

The code block below results in the error: TargetParameterCountException was unhandled by user code. Parameter count mismatch. public void AddListViewItem(string[] Data) { if (InvokeRequired) { Invoke(new Action<string[]>(AddListViewItem), Data); } else { ListViewD...

How can I change layout params while program is running

I have an ImageView sitting on a FrameLayout. I want to be able to move this imageView by setting a margin: LayoutParams lp = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT); lp.setMargins(left, top, 0, 0); imageView.setLayoutParams(lp); imageView.invalidate(); However nothing changes and my imageView does not move. What am I do...

Get url and parameters with SSI

Hello, i have to get url and parameters with SSI (only with SSI), but i cant find any solution, so im here for example: and i have to get value of parameter "data" can someone help me? ...

Bash scripting: parameter substitution problem

Hi there, I'm trying to write a simple bash script but something seems wrong, I'm testing the following on the command line: DATE="2010-09-{10,11}" result=`\ls *ext.$DATE.Z` and results in ls: cannot access *ext.2010-09-{10,11}.Z: No such file or directory but if I execute this: result=`\ls *ext.2010-09-{10,11}.Z` it works flawle...