
XSL Transform - Remove Parent Node

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns=""> <soapenv:Body> <upsertResponse> <result> <created>true</created> <id>0011</id> <success>true</success> </result> <result> <created>false</created> <id>0012</id> <success>true</success> ...

Why does appending a <script> to a dynamically created <iframe> seem to run the script in the parent page?

I'm attempting to create an <iframe> using JavaScript, then append a <script> element to that <iframe>, which I want to run in the context of the <iframe>d document. Unfortunately, it seems I'm doing something wrong - my JavaScript appears to execute successfully, but the context of the <script> is the parent page, not the <iframe>d doc...

Button component affecting the parent Panel in Delphi

I'm writing a program consisting of dynamically created panels that each have a few components in, including a delete and add panel buttons. Each panel displays 20 pixels times the panel number below each other, OnClick for add must add another panel to the end of the set and OnClick for delete must destroy its parent and then move all t...

how to get the name of the parent element of the cursor positioned using javascript in html/jsp

I need to get the element name(i.e. text area name where the cursor positioned), and pass the name to the server then when it is back I need to pass thru the url for anchoring to the position of the element. every text/textarea have its own anchor names defined in a form i need to know where the cursor was positioned before form submit ...

Sql Get all children of a parent

Lets say I have an Areas Table ( id, parentId, name, path ). Given an Id, I'd like to get all childrens (children of children included, recursively) of the given area. I do store in the path the path from the parents to the child. Example: 1 NULL New York /1/ 2 1 BRONX /1/2/ 3 1 MANH /1/3/ 4 3 UpWest /1/3/4/ 5 3 ...

CSS Parent-Child height

hi, I have some problem with these code snippets: CSS: #wrapper{ width: 600px; background: gray; } #left{ float: left; width: 150px; height: 80px; background: red; } #right{ float: left; width: 450px; height: 150px; background: yellow; } HTML: <div id="wrapper"> <div id="left"></div> ...

how handle all the child window messages with parent window handlers

how handle all the child window messages with parent window handlers ...

Xpath - How to select parent based on attribute of child?

How do you select a parent based on the attribute of a child? I want to select a div: //*[@id='outer']/div/div/div/div that has a child with the 'a href' attribute equal to '': //*[@id='outer']/div/div/div/div/a[@href=''] ...

wpf trigger to change parent property

i want to override element triggers so when clicking on a textbox to change property of the parent border. however i get that the parent targetname is not recognized. please help. code sample is this: <Style x:Key="customstyle" TargetType="{x:Type local:customcontrol}"> <Setter Property="Background" Value="{StaticResource DownGradie...

Setting Windows Application parent container to a Java application

I was wondering if there is a way to embed a windows application like photoshop inside a java application? More specifically I would like to set the parent container of the windows application to a JPanel or JFrame. Is this possible? ...

Maven - How to let a plugin see the build output of its parent?

Hi folks, I’m new to maven and my first task is writing a Mojo. We are running a integration test tool which loads some classes of the build output and runs some tests on them. I managed to write a maven pom for the test library, so I can include it wherever I want. My Problem is now to write a plugin which runs the tests automatically....

CSS Parent DIV Overflow

I have a problem with a website I'm putting together. I have a simple div layout. Which is as follows: <body> <div id="Container"> <div id="Logo"></div> <div id="Banner"> <div id="Nav"></div> </div> <div id="Content"> </div> <div id="footer">Footer</div> </div> </body> And my CSS is as follows: @charset "utf-8"; /* CSS Docum...

How do I set a the attribute of a parent element to be the attribute of a child?

I think this should be a rather simple thing to do, but I'm completely hangin' here! I'm really not sure how much more descriptive I can be here, the title pretty much explains it all. It's a fairly odd situation because my google skills have completely failed me, and I know the solution is probably so simple to implement. Would anyone ...

jQuery use child click/attribute in parent

Why this does not work in IE/Chrome but works in FF/Opera? I want to make the div around anchor clickable, so that when you click div, it behaves the same as if you would click the anchor itself. <script src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function bindOnClickPostBack() { $("....

jQuery: How to hide a frame on parent?

Hello, I have the main page that contains multiple frames within the frameset. One of the frames is a toolbar with buttons, I would like to be able to press a button on that toolbar and it will go and hide one of the frames on the main page. I've tried the following from within the toolbar frame but it doesn't work... $(document).pare...

JQuery: pass $(this).parent(); to method?

I have a simple script: $('.expand').each(function(i){ var _Expand = $(this).parent(); ExpGroupBy(_Expand); }); Trying to pass the <tr> of all <td> with the class 'expand' However firebug keeps popping up the Error: 'TypeError: formObj.getElementsByTagName is not a function' Any ideas? Thanks ^^ ...

Can I change a value in parent page's JS from iframe's JS?

I have a page with 3 iframes and this page loads a JS file that has var stayFifty = new Boolean(false); and a function that changes what it does based on this boolean. In an iframe on this page I have an onclick function defined as toggleFifty = function() { parent.stayFifty = new Boolean(!(stayFifty.valueOf())); }; added to a...

How to get first parent of span that is a <p> in jQuery?

As per this page says: Find all parent elements of each span that is a paragraph. How to get the first one that matches? ...

How can I check whether I'm in the topmost frame?

I have a function in JavaScript which is included in the main HTML document and all embedded iframes. The function should operate in the main document. So I tried: function f() { if (parent === null) { the real work here... } else { parent.f(); // Call parent } } That doesn't work. Apparently, parent ...

JQuery: Given a Parent Element, Testing for Certain Child Elements

NOTE: QUESTION HAS BEEN EDITED FROM ORIGINAL FOR CLARITY Hi all, I have the following code: <table id="myTable"> <th>Date</th> <th>Action</th> </table> and var $table = $('#myTable'); There is a condition in my JS where I will be appending table rows (<tr>) to this table, but I want to write a function to check to see if ...