
recursive CTE - limited numbers of rows

Hi I'm trying to create a query on a very simple table (organisations) I have the columns Organisation, Manager, Superior_Organisation CEO Leadership Team, David, CEO Production Management, Alex, Leadership Team Production Site 1, Francoise, Production Management Production Site 2, Steve, Production Management Production Site 1 Maint...

Parent div expand to child div

Hi, I am having a problem here with expanding parent div to fit child div. Here's my code: <div id="contentBlock"> <div id="content" style="position: absolute; width: 740px; z-index: 4; left: 70px; min-height: 64%; top: 16%; height: auto"> z<br /> z<br /> z<br /> z<br /> z<br /> z<br ...

jQuery: Parent or Sibling? And how to 'instruct' a sibling search?

I have a list that looks like this: <li class = "current_parent level-0"> <a> Parent Link </a> <ul class= "children"> <li class = "level-1"> <a> Link to child </a> </li> <li class = "level-1 current_page_item"> <a> Link to child </a> </li> <li class = "level-1"> <a> Link to ...

Calling parent method from within the parent class

Here's an excerpt from my code package dictionary; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.regex.*; public class IntelliCwDB extends CwDB { public IntelliCwDB(String filename) { super(filename); } @Override public void add(String word, String clue) { System.out.println...

How do I set the text() of a parent of a parent of an element in jQuery?

I'm building a custom pulldown menu in jQuery. Now I'd like to set the text of the element to the text of the element that is clicked. But I can't get it to work. This is the html: <div class="pulldown"> <a href="javascript:;" class="select">All cats/subs</a> <div class="options"> <a href="javascript:;">Option one...

> jQuery Child Selector without a parent allowed?

Quick question, is a jQuery child selector without a parent ever valid? If so, how would you use it? Example of the jQuery child selector: $('ul > li') Example of jQuery child selector without parent: $('> li') The second example above doesn't work. However I can't remember if I saw it in the past before or I've seen something adv...

display visuallightbox jquery from iframe into parent

Hi all, On my website, I use the visuallightbox script. For info, see My website contains an inframe, with the photo gallery. I want to display the photo's in the parent site instead of within the iframe. Then I have more space to use. the index.html contains a table which contains an iframe <td><iframe src="fotos....

Stack overflow in Prolog

I am trying to write Prolog code to determine whether the bound variable X is in the scope of the bound variable Y in a list. Lists may be nested and X is in the scope of Y if X and Y are members of the same list or if X is a member of a list that is a member of a list that is a member of a list...(nested indefinitely) that is in the sam...

Don't understand "Object required" error

I have the following ASP classic function: function get_children(n) dim local_array dim parent dim path if n.hasChildNodes() then for each child in n.childNodes local_array = array_merge(local_array, get_children(child)) next else set parent = n.parentNode while isobject(parent) path = parent.nodeNa...

Parent properties inside maven antrun plugin

There is a multi-module project. Inside the child I need to do some complicated stuff (integration test with deploying to application server and so on). So there is an integrationtest child, and from this module I need the root of the parent to reach other modules. I do not want to use "..". There is a property in integrationtest POM: <...

Form CSS: Styling a radio box's parent (label) based on checked / unchecked status

So i have a form. Most of the questions asked in the forms are using Radio inputs. i'm going with <label>Option1 <input type="radio"> </label> <label>Option2 <input type="radio"> </label> I'm styling the Labels using :hover, giving it a subtle background change to indicate which option you are highlighting. However, i want t...