
jQuery: getting current selector's inner html PLUS selector's header (outer html)

Hi all, Using jQuery, I've got a selector -- call it $('#someDiv1') -- that I'd like to get the inner HTML for, but also the header of the tag as well. So given this HTML structure.. <div id="parentDiv"> <div id="someDiv1"> <div id="innerDiv1_1"></div> <div id="innerDiv1_2"></div> </div> <div id="someDiv2"> ...

parent zIndex problem IE6 and IE7

For my understand. I need to put div 2 in front of div 3. How can I do this in IE6 and IE7. All of others browsers works normal. Here is my code. CSS div { position:absolute; } #div1 { background:#0F9; top:0; left:0; width:500px; height:400px; } #div2 { back...

Converting folder copies to branches in TFS 2010

Hi, TFS 2010 introduced the ability to convert basic folders into branches. The documentation also speaks of "reparenting a branch" (which does not appear in source control explorer context menu but is accessible only through File>Source Control> Branching & Merging ... hard to find ...) Let's say I have folders A and A2 under source co...

IE6: Calling function inside parent window from iframe on same domain

Does anyone know how to call a javascript function inside parent window from iframe on IE6? Usually, parent.functionName() works for all browsers including IE7+. However, with IE6 it does not work. If you know please shed some lights! Thanks in advance. ...

Parent/Child tables not referencing in LINQ or am I just wrong?

I have a categories table "Category" [ID, Title] and a Parent/Child table "CategoryParent" [ID,CategoryID,ParentCategoryID] where a many-to-many tree is represented by the parent of a category being indicated using the ParentCategoryID field in the join table. I thought this would be a simple structure to use to retrieve root categories...

Android Parent and Child Activity onCreate question

I have a parent activity, and a child activity that extends the parent activity. When the parent starts the child activity, Which onCreate gets executed first? The child's or parent's? There is a particular variable I am setting in the Child activity's onCreate method, and right now, it looks like it takes a while to get to the Child ...

WPF: WrapPanel in ItemsPanelTemplate expands list width

Hi, I have a listbox defined like this: <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <ItemsControl> <!-- Contents here --> </ItemsControl> </DataTemplate> </ListBox.ItemTemplate> </ListBox> My problem is this: This l...

Counting nodes in XSLT whose parent nodes have certain attributes

I have XML like this: <exam> <section name="SampleSection1"> <attributes> <variable_name data_type="String" value="SCORE"/> </attributes> <item name="SampleItem1-1"/> <item name="SampleItem1-2"/> <item name="SampleItem1-3"/> </section> <section name="SampleSection2"> ...

reading stack frame Instruction pointers in loop using Ptrace

Hello ALL, i am using ptrace() call to walk the Stack on Linux x86_64 a 64 bit m/c. my requirement was to Walk the stack of a Process(ABC) periodically. so i created a separate process which is child of Process(ABC). this Child Process should walk the Stack of its parent after every 1 sec, so both the process should run simultaneously. ...

WPF Binding parent property in HierarchicalDataTemplate

Hi! I have a WPF TreeView with 2 levels of data and 2 HierarchicalDataTemplate to format each level. From the HierarchicalDataTemplate at the second level, I need to bind a property in the class of the first level. I have tried in this way, but it dosn't work: Text="{Binding Path=Ori, RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}}" wi...

Shared Method in Parent Pulling Info From and Producing Child?

Here's what I'd like to achieve. After mucking around with it for a day and a half, though, I've become nearly convinced that it can't be done. If someone can show me how to achieve this, I'd be quite grateful. I have a .NET parent class Parent with a shared method Fetch(). Fetch can take a variety of parameters to help it know what par...

Hibernate all-delete-orphan on a child class with two parent classes

I'm looking into a problem, where there are two "parent" classes, P and Q that cascade all-delete-orphan to a "child" class, C. My intuition in Hibernate tells this is really a bad idea and I am getting an error message that probably confirms this when the code deletes an instance of P (i.e. session.delete(myP); ): "deleted object would...

Javascript + How to get the index w.r.t the parent Node of selection + Browsers Other than IE

Hi I want to get the selection start and end index with respect to the parent node of the selected text. I am able to do this in IE. However in other browsers like Firefox, Opera, Safari and Chrome, I am able to access the selection and the index of the selected text. But my requirement is to get the index w.r.t the parent node and not t...

AppEngine query for None parent

I'm trying to find all object which have no parent (i.e. which were created with parent=None). Using M.all().filter("parent = ", None).fetch(100) doesn't bring any results, even though some objects certainly do have no parent. What am I doing wrong? ...

In Interface Builder, can I change the parent view of a view without changing its position?

I have a .xib file that I have many views in. I would like to move these many views into a subview, to allow my code to easily move everything all at once under a new condition in my app (I want to slide the entire display up while a keyboard is displayed). When I drag a view (button, image view, label, etc) to a different view in order...

Red-black tree - How to find the node's parent?

In red-black tree, when rotate, you need to know who is the parent of particular node. However, the node only has reference to either right or left child. I was thinking to give a node instance variable "parent" but just for this reason I don't think it is worth doing so and also it would be too complicated to change parent reference p...

onchange find this parent

Hi i am really stack. I have a few select boxes (at least 5) with the following structure <li> <div> <select name="sb[]">...</select> </div> </li> When a sb change i want to make an ajax call pass the selected value and replace the content of parent li with the html receive from ajax. I tried the following onchange=" ...

How can I manipulate the parent attribute using artifact:pom?

I've been experimenting with generating pom.xml files using ant and maven-ant-tasks. So far everything has been working splendidly, but I have a problem with the parent attribute. artifact:pom doesn't support the nested "parent" element. This was my attempt at using the parent attribute: <artifact:pom id="maven-pom-test-s...

How can I insert a set of child records while updating the parent?

I'm using SQL 2005 and wish to create a number address records, updating the contact records with the new Id's: Take the following tables create table contact(id int primary key identity, home_address_id int, work_address_id int) create table address(id int primary key identity, street varchar(25), number int) And foreign keys: ALT...

jQuery parents (nested divs) change class

I'm trying to learn jQuery I want that, when I hover a children, he changes (rose in the image) the class of parents (XI). I believe that must be something like that $(this).parent().addClass("XI"); You can copy and save it near jQuery <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "