
Revalidate JPanel's parent frame

I want my panel to fit the frame when I show/hide fields. How could I notify to the parent frame to revalidate? I thought about pass the frame to my panel's constructor, but I think may have a way this is already done. I remember that there was a protected attribute in JPanel, but there isn't.. maybe i remembering the wrong component. ...

jQuery parent()

jQuery snippet: $(".sliders dt a").click(function(){ $(this).parent().parent().parent().find(".triggers a").removeClass("active"); $(this).toggleClass("active"); $(this).parent().next("dd").slideToggle("fast"); return false }); HTML: <div class="sliders"> <div class="triggers"> <a href="#" class="active">Hi...

Javascript: Can't control parent of descendant nodes.

I'm creating elements (level 1) dynamically which in turn create elements (level 2) themselves. However, the children of level 2 elements have "body" as their parent. In the HTML code below, the content if spotAd2 is created by my function createNode(). It's a Google Ad Sense tag. However, the Google Ad Sense tag create elements that we...

mysql to get depth of record, count parent and ancestor records

Hey All, Say I have a post table containing the fields post_id and parent_post_id. I want to return every record in the post table with a count of the "depth" of the post. By depth, I mean, how many parent and ancestor records exist. Take this data for example... post_id parent_post_id ------- -------------- 1 null 2 ...

ComboBox values disappears after selected when objects used for display

I have a combobox where I want to display objects and have enum values returned. When first opened the combobox displays the items as supposed, but after a value is chosen it seems to disappear from the list. But if the combobox is active I can use the keyboard to navigate up and down between the other values, so they are in the list but...

Silverlight data binding to parent user control's properties with using MVVM in both controls

Hello! I have two UserControls ("UserControlParentView" and "UserControlChildView") with MVVM pattern implemented in both controls. Parent control is a container for Child control and child control's property should be updated by data binding from Parent control in order to show/hide some check box inside Child control. Parent Control ...

Can i override an abstract method written in a parent class, with a different name in a child class?

abstract class SettingSaver { public abstract void add(string Name, string Value); public abstract void remove(string SettingName); } class XMLSettings : SettingSaver { public override void add(string Name, string Value) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } ...

[C++] Parent-Child scheme

I'm writing a class that holds a pointer to a parent object of the same type (think Qt's QObject system). Each object has one parent, and the parent should not be destroyed when a child is destroyed (obviously). class MyClass { public: MyClass(const MyClass* ptr_parent): parent(parent){}; ~MyClass(){ delete[] a_children; }; priv...

.NET TreeView causes application to crash when trying to check Parent node

I have a TreeView with check boxes, and when a user checks a child node, I want to go up the tree and check each parent. However, for some reason my application blows up whenever I touch the parent node. For the nodes in my tree, I've extended TreeNode to create my own objects with some data that I need to store in them, but I still r...

jQuery .parent() does not work

Why the following code fails with: Error: class_a_jquery_objects[0].parent is not a function ? HTML: <div> <div class='a b'></div> <div class='b c'></div> <div class='c a'></div> </div> <div id='log'></div> JS: $(function() { var class_a_jquery_objects = $(".a"); $("#log").append(class_a_jquery_objects.len...

Full-Text Search for category with all parents in a row

Full-Text Search for category with all parents in a row: CatLevel1 >> CatL2 >> CatLn >> SearchedCategory I've got 4 columns in my category table: CatID, CatName, CatDepth, ParentID Some categories got a 3 level depth and some other 7. I want to have the target category with all its parents in one row. Let me explain by an example: Se...

how to show page on the parent of the iframe

index.html is : <iframe src="/changeDataAndBack"></iframe> but the html file return back is show in the iframe , how to show page on the parent of the iframe thanks updated: i changeed to this,but nothing happend : <iframe src="/_openid/login?continue=/" target="_top"></iframe> ...

Close current UserControl

I have a Window1.xaml main Window and after same event I display a UserControl EditFile.xaml The code behind is: public static int whichSelected = -1; private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //searchEditPanel.Children.Clear(); whichSelected = listViewFiles.SelectedIndex; searchEditPanel.Children.Add(_E...

Access value through parent attribute

I am looking to get the value A-1 through xpath based on a passed attribue. I have passed the index attribute of the unit through php from a previous page and am accessing it by global GET: $value = intval($_GET['index']); the xml: <UNIT index='1'> <ID>A-1</ID> <MANUFACTURER>testing inc.</MANUFACTURER> </UNIT> <UNIT inde...

SQL query root parent child records

Hi, We have nested folders with parent-child relationship. We use MySQL MyISAM DB. The data is stored in the DB in the following manner. Every time a child folder is created in the nested structure, the previous parentID is added. I want to get the RootFolderID of a folder which is added in the hierarchy as tabulated below. FoldID Par...

jquery selector

Hi, I was wondering how I could use JQuery to select the child of a parent? I have the following. $("#navigation a.subpage").click(function () { $("#navigation ul ul")... The HTML looks like this. <li> <a class="subpage"...</a> <ul style="hidden">...</ul> </li> I need to somehow select the parents of the link. That would ge...

how to import the parent model on gae-python

main:. ├─a │ ├─ │ └─ ├─b │ ├─ │ └─ └─ if i am in , how to import ? this is my code ,but it is error : from main import cc what should i do . thanks updated in normal python file (not on gae),i can use this code : import os,sys dirname=os.path.dirname path=os.path....

How do I Scroll parent page to top when child page is click within iframe?

Hello, When someone clicks on a link within an iframe (child page), how do I get the parent page to scroll to the top? The issue is the child page will remain in the same spot of the page, because the iframe has a lot of height larger than the parent page. Please note: the parent and child pages are on different sub domains. I created...

How can I raise a parent event from a user control in WPF?

I have a user control that is loaded into the parent window, and I want to raise a parent event when a button on the user control is clicked. How can I communicate with the parent through my user control in WPF? ...

i can use this 'zipme' to download source code from gae , but can not i download another file around me..

i follow this article : zipme and i download my file successful , and i want to download another file that ex: the parent file so i change this: dirname=os.path.dirname folder = dirname(__file__) to dirname=os.path.dirname folder = dirname(dirname(__file__)) but the error is : firefox can't find the file why ? thanks ...