
CSS set width to parentNode's width

Is there a way in CSS to set the width of any element to equal the width of its parentNode? I tried 'inherit' - sounds logic - but it didn't work. Thanks in advance. ...

Stop VCL Child Controls from Inheriting Parent Popup Menu

I have a Delphi 2007 VCL TPanel with a TPopupMenu assigned to it. There are some TEdit controls on the panel. The edits inherit the popup menu of the parent panel. I want to not allow this popup inheriting, so the edits will show the default Windows TEdit popup menu with Copy, Cut, Paste, etc., but have not found a way to do it yet. T...

How to callback the new list id jQuery UI: sortable

Hi, I'm trying to use the sortable widget for my site. I have a mini scheduling app that I'd like to display a list of appointments for the week sorted by days. For this example we'll use only two days ( 2 lists ). If I wanted to drag an appointment (list item) from day 2 over to day 1, is there a way I can callback the id of list 1 a...

Jquery addClass on radio box checked.

I checked all the topics, but i simply don't know why my script does not work :( <script type="text/javascript"> $('input[name=pic]').click(function() { $(this).closest('ul').find(".green").removeClass("green"); if($(this).is(':checked')) { $(this).closest('ul').find("li").addClass('green'); } }); </scri...

JQuery Dragging Outside Parent

I'm using JQuery's draggable(); to make li elements draggable. The only problem is when the element is dragged outside its parent, it doesn't show up. That is, it doesn't leave the confines of its parent div. An example is here: - it's as if the z-index for everything else has greater priority (and the element ...

jQuery - toggle the class of a parent element?

Hello, again. I have a few list elements, like this: <li class="item"> <a class="toggle"><h4>ämne<small>2010-04-17 kl 12:54 by <u>nike1</u></small></h4></a> <div class="meddel"> <span> <img style="max-width: 70%; min-height: 70%;" src="profile-images/nike1.jpg" alt="" /> <a href="account.php?usr=...

Get the parent id..

I have a bunch of elements like the following: <div class="droppableP" id="s-NSW" style="width:78px; height:63px; position: absolute; top: 223px; left: 532px;"> <div class="sensible"></div> </div> They all have class droppableP but different id's obviously and I would like to factor the code in this script I am hack...

jquery - Getting the second level parent of an element

I am trying to retrieve the parent of an element's parent (grandparent?). I want to find that grandparent, then find a tag in that element, then store that text as a variable to publish elsewhere on the page. I've been trying to use the parent() function but without success. Here's the code I tried: $('.mixPlayCell a').click( fun...

jQuery - How to determine if a parent element exists?

Hi, I'm trying to dynamically and a link to an image, however I cannot correctly determine is the parent link already exists. This is what I have, if (element.parent('a'.length) > 0) { element.parent('a').attr('href', link); } else { element.wrap('<a></a>'); element.parent('a').attr('href', link); ...

CSS Hover on parent list Item only

Hey Everyone, So I have some nested lists (only one level deep) and I'm running into trouble with the CSS :hover feature. I only want the hover to apply to the parent class, but I can't figure that one out. Here's my CSS <style type="text/css" media="screen"> .listblock li img { visibility: hidden; } .listblock li:hover img ...

Why can't I SELECT a parent field that doesn't have a child?

(rest_branches) is the table of restaurants. (phone_numbers) is another table which contains the restaurants phone_numbers, and it has a field called (branch_id) which references the restaurant id. When I try: SELECT * FROM rest_branches NATURAL JOIN phone_numbers I only get the restaurants which have a phone_number. What should I ...

Parent CSS (jQuery)

There is <dl> with padding-top <dl id="posters" style="padding-top: 150px;"> <dt class="active">text</dt> <dd class="active"><a href="#"><img width="150" height="150" src="..." /></a></dd> <dt>text 2</dt> <dd><a href="#"><img width="150" height="250" src="..." /></a></dd> <dt>text 3</dt> <dd><a href="#"><img width="150" height="350" src...

C# How to kill parent thread

A parent has several child threads. If user click on stop button the parent thread should be killed with all child threads. //calls a main thread mainThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(startWorking)); mainThread.Start(); //////////////////////////////////////////////// startWorking() { ManualResetEventInstance ...

Maintaining Mouse Control in Embedded swfs (i.e. parent / child ) Flash cs4 AS3

Hello to all, I have an issue that is driving me nuts. I have an AS3 application that performs a calculation based upon user's input to determine a result. The purpose is to predict the results of a horse's coat color based on the genetics. The results are given in a 3d model swfs that are loaded into the "shell's" UILoader Component and...

PHP Classes: parent/child communication

Hi all, I'm having some trouble extending Classes in PHP. Have been Googling for a while. $a = new A(); $a->one(); $a->two(); // something like this, or... class A { public $test1; public function one() { echo "this is A-one"; $this->two(); $parent->two(); $parent->B->two(); // do i do something...

jQuery - fade out when clicking on parent element (and not the parents children)?

I've got the following code on my page, and what i'm trying to do is that when a user clicks outside the #loginBox, i want the entire #loginOverlay to fadeout. But i can't achieve this effect without having the fadeout triggered by clicking on #loginBox... It's placed on the bottom of the page, and i have a link on the page that trigger...

Using Tor behind a proxy ?

hi, i'd like to use TOR/polipo behind a proxy like below ME --> POLIPO --> TOR --> PROXY SQUID --> WEB Couldn't find how to do that. When specifying a parent proxy for polipo, it goes straight for it without using TOR so my IP Adress doesn't change. Please any idea is welcome. ...

JQuery Delegate and using traveral options in function

I am having trouble figuring out how to use the JQuery delegate function to do what I require. Basically, I need to allow users to add Panels (i.e. divs) to a form dynamically by selecting a button. Then when a user clicks a button within a given Panel, I want to be able to to something to that Panel (like change the color in this exam...

How can I serialize the values of checked checkboxes in an iFrame into a hidden form field on clicking a button?

I have an iFrame like so: <iframe width="100%" frameborder="0" height="470" allowtransparency="true" name="productframe" id="productframe" style="border-bottom:1px solid #eee"></iframe> The iframe contains several line items drawn from a sql server db, and I can check any of the checkboxes I want to perform a task with - in this case ...

Is it possible to get the referrer of an iFrame's parent page with JavaScript in iFrame?

Is it possible to get the referrer of an iFrame's parent page with JavaScript in iFrame? Example: Page A has an iFrame. The iFrames referrer is be page A. But is is possible to get Page A's referrer in the iFrame with JavaScript? ...