
jQuery - hide if previous element has a particular class

Hi I would like to hide all class="csc-content" where previous sibling is a h4 class="faq". UPDATE Error: I think this is wrong... the previous sibling is not h4. But I hope you get the point that all "answer" shall be hidden if the "question" has the class "faq" /UPDATE This is the html: <div id="centerCol-1"> <div id="c65" class=...

How do I make Views fill the full width of their parent in my Android app?

I have the following layout defined for one of my Activities: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <TableLayout android:id="@+id/TableLayout01" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" xmlns:android=""&gt; <TableRow android:id="@+id/TableRow01" android:layout_...

find the relative element with jquery

Is there a simple and clean jQUery-way to find the element who a element is having it's relative position to? In other words: finding the first parent who has the css attribute position: relative, or the body-element (if no parent elements has position: relative). I do -not- know the css-class or whatsover of the parent. ...

PHP and Classes: access to parent's public property within the parent class

Hi, here is what my code looks like i have two forms: class Form_1 extends Form_Abstract { public $iId = 1; } class Form_2 extends Form_1 { public $iId = 2; } i expect the code behave like this: $oForm = new Form_2; echo $oForm->getId(); // it returns '2' echo $oForm->getParentId(); // i expect it returns '1' here is m...

Jquery: How to affect parent WHILE not children?

Hi, Is there a way to not affect children that are inside a parent when the parent is being changed? <p>old text <a class="mylink">old link text</a></p> $("a.mylink").click(function() { $(this).parent().text("new text for p"); $(this).text("new link text for a"); }); }); The above seems to get rid of the link tex...

Bind to a property of a parent element in wpf

Hello all, 'I want to bind the Height property of the RichTextBox to the Height Property of the GridView`s Row. How can I do that? I do not know how to get the Row's Height as I can not access the Row in xaml what I would like to do. The Ancestor type should be GridViewHeaderRow , but I do not know its level... EDIT: <my:RadGridView ...

counter_cache rails a child creation should increment the count intwo different models based on condition

Hi, I have 3 models Recommendation Job Qualification Recommendation model has two fields as work_type and work_id(foreign key for job/qualification based on work_type as "J"/"Q") I am facing problem in using counter_cache I have done this in recommendation.rb belongs_to :job , :counter_cache => true, :foreign_key => "work_id" b...

How do I override a parent class's functions in python?

I have a private method def __pickSide(self): in a parent class that I would like to override in the child class. However, the child class still calls the inherited def __pickSide(self):. How can I override the function? The child class's function name is exactly the same as the parent's function name. ...

Find key of parent in array / PHP

Perhaps someone can help me out with this one: I'm using a basic search function to find an array deep within an array. The problem is, once that array is found, I'd also like to return it's parent key. Is there a PHP function that can determine the parent key of an array? Below is an example of the Search Function... Ideally I'd like...

PHP - Find parent key of array

I'm trying to find a way to return the value of an array's parent key. For example, from the array below I'd like to find out the parent's key where $array['id'] == "0002". The parent key is obvious because it's defined here (it would be 'products'), but normally it'd be dynamic, hence the problem. The 'id' and value of 'id' is known th...

Get selected text and its parentNode from an iframe

I've tried many methods to get selected text and its parent from an iframe but it did not work at all. Please advise... Thanks ...

How do I find out the DOM node when select text in a browser’s editable content window using Javascript?

I want to get parentElement when I select some text in iframe. iframe = document.getElementById("iframe"); function getParentElement(){ var sel=iframe.contentDocument.getselection(); return sel.parentElement() } getParentElement(); when I run this code it show Error:" TypeError: iframe.contentDocument.getSelection().parentElement i...

A function's static and dynamic parent

I'm reading Thinking in C++ (vol. 2): Whenever a function is called, information about that function is pushed onto the runtime stack in an activation record instance (ARI), also called a stack frame. A typical stack frame contains (1) the address of the calling function (so execution can return to it), (2) a pointer to...

jQuery: How to find and change multiply th classes between n & n

Hi everyone. I have some table structure: <tr class="row-2"><tr> <tr class="row-3">..<tr> <tr class="row-4">..<tr> <tr class="row-5">..<tr> <tr class="row-6">..<tr> <tr class="row-7"><tr> <tr class="row-8">..<tr> <tr class="row-9">..<tr> <tr class="row-10">..<tr> <tr class="row-11">..<tr> ...etc ...

CSS: Parent-Div does not grow with it's children (horizontal)

I would like the parent-div (red) to grow with the green child-div. Now it just stops at the viewport. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""&gt; <html lang="de" xmlns="" xml:lang="de"> <head> <title>simple document</title> <style type="tex...

ASP.NET MVC - Parent-Child Table Relation - how to creat Children in MVC (example request)

Hi All. In a standard setup of Parent Child relation, lets say Project and Task. Where a Project is made up of lots of Tasks. So in a standard RDB, we have a Project (ID, Name, Deadline) Task (ID, FK_To_Project, Name, Description, isCompleted) this is all very straight forward. We have an MVC View that views Projects, so we get a ni...

Is it possible to navigate to the parent node of a matched node during XSLT processing?

I'm working with an OpenXML document, processing the main document part with some XSLT. I've selected a set of nodes via <xsl:template match="w:sdt"> </xsl:template> In most cases, I simply need to replace that matched node with something else, and that works fine. BUT, in some cases, I need to replace not the w:sdt node that matche...

how to access child instances in a vector in c++

I have a parent class and child class (inherited from parent). In the child class, I have a member function named function_blah(); I used vector<parent*> A to store 5 parent instances, 3 child instances. So the total number of elements in the vector is 8. I can easily access to member functions of element A[0] to A[4], which are parent...

javascript popup reloads parent page -

I have a popup function in a program that works well, be re-loads the parent page as it loads the child. Is there a way to prevent this behaviour. // popup window function function newPop(url, myWin, width, height, left, top, scrollbars) { parms = 'toolbar=yes, scrollbars=no, location=no, menubar=no, resizable=no, width= ' + width ...

[PHP] How to unset object's inherited properties ?

I have an Object ( [id] => 1 [parent_id] => 0 [result:Database:private] => [db:Database:private] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 0 ... ) ) Obviously, the Object has inherited the 'db' and 'result' properties of the parent Database c...