
Accessing parent iframe from a childs iframe

Okay, I have an html page with two iframes on it so. ------------------------------------------------- | PARENT | | | | | | [iframe1 id=i1 name=i1] | | ...

Nhibernate - why is it trying to insert existing parent row when inserting child

I don't understand why NHibernate is trying to insert the parent object - when the row already exists in the db - when I'm inserting the child row. Parent mapping: <hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" auto-import="true"> <class name="ReportDistribution.Client.ReportMgr.Model.ClientReport, ReportDistribution.Client.Repo...

XPath: Recursive Ancestor Search

With my current node selected I wish to find an element <name> [./name] and return the text content. If an element <name> does not exist in the currently selected node I wish to check the parent element [./parent::name] and so on recursively up to the root, returning the value of the nearest parent where the element exists. Can it be do...

WPF UserControl Command Parameter Binding to an object on the Parent

Hi, I have a UserControl Tasks.xaml that is used within a couple of property pages that inherit from a PropertyPageBase class - which itself inherits from UserControl. Within the Tasks UserControl, I want to use a Context menu command and the CommandParameter needs to bind to a DependencyProperty called Data on the PropertyPageBase cla...

JQuery how to access divs <p> tag and append it

Hello I'm trying something .. I was reading Jquery traversing documentations some forums, this websites previously asked questions relating this topic .. none actually answers my question so I'll ask instead .. here is the deal <div class="entry"> week <span>some text</span> <p>DKK</p> <input type="radio" name="red<% Response.Write(co...

Get the parent listview from a gridview object

Hi, In the code-behind of a WPF application I have a variable containing a GridView. I know for sure that this GridView is the View of a ListView. Is there any way to get a reference to that ListView? Thanks ...

Can E4X Get Attribute of a Parent Node Based on Attribute of a Child At Any Level?

Hi, I'm struggling with some E4X and hope you can help. Here's my XML structure: <xml> <node type="bar"> <subnode id="4"> <subnode id="5"/> </subnode> <subnode id="6"/> </node> <node type="foo"> <subnode id="7"> <subnode id="8"> <subnode id="9"/> </subno...

NHibernate not inserting parent into the db

When I save a new Report, NHibernate inserts the Report, ignores the Publication and tries to insert the UserPublication. However SQL then complains about violation of FK constraint. Its like NHibernate doesn't think the Publication is new even though the row doesn't exist in the db. Think of the entity relationship as: A Report can hav...

javascript parent question

If I have a page with an iframe on it, then there is another iframe in that iframe, do I have to use parent.parent to reach the top frame or is there a shortcut to the page "root" that would be equivalent to parent.parent; or parent.parent.parent for that matter.. you get the point. ...

How to get the id of the parent and the position of an li item

Hello. I want to change a nested Navigation by drag and drop and i find a nice plugin. Now i want to store the changes in the database, but unfortually I can't read out the id of the parent element. The second thing what I need is the new position of the dragged li element in the list <script type="text/javascript" src="includes/jquery/...

shared resource between child thread & parent thread

hi all, I have met a problem with Textbox can't be updated. "Main Thread" runs on Page_load. It calls child thread, which change the text of textbox, recursively. Here is my code serverSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); //Assign the any IP of the machine and list...

Can an entity parent be modified in Google app engine?

When I update an entity, the entity needs to change parent, is there any way to do that? ...

Maven - skip parent project build

I know it's mauvais ton to ask twice in a single day but here's another Maven puzzler: I have a parent POM which defines 5 modules (5 subprojects). Since each module is executed in exactly the same way I pull <profile><build> section into the parent POM to get rid of the duplicate code. Now - if I execute build individually from each mo...

How to clear a parent response content from a usercontrol in

Hi all, I have a page that has 4 different usercontrols on it. At a certain point I need to make a redirection using javascript location.replace() and it cannot be made through server. It has to be client side. So, what I need is call the Response.Clear() in parent page from the usercontrol so nothing else will be written in the page. ...

how to remove parent element if it exists?

So, sometimes, my output will look like this: <p><img src="someimage.jpg" /></p> <p>A new paragraph</p> Other times, it will look like this: <img src="someimage.jpg /> <p>A new paragraph</p> I'm trying to write some sort of "if" statement where, if the first p element in the markup surrounds an image tag, it will pull: $j("p:eq(1)...

Close Python when Parent is closed

I have a Python program (PP) that loads another Program(AP) via COM, gets its window handle and sets it to be the PP parent. This works pretty well except that I can't control that AP still has their [X] button available in the top left corner. Since this is a pretty obvious place for the user to close when they are done with the progr...

jQuery closest ID to my list

Hi Folks Hope you can advise, I'm trying to find the closest or a parent id. I think its maybe easier to show you. Here is some example code. <li id="search" class="widget color-green"> <div class="widget-head"></div> <div class="edit-box" style=""> <li class="item"> <label>Available colors:</label> <ul class="...

Only select a single element that is inside the same element | jQuery selectors

So i have a unordered list, each item in the list has a button that is suppose to toggle the post comment textarea. Unfortunately with my first attempt when u click on one Post Comment button all textareas open, then i tried to use this to make sure only one element is selected. Here is the code: <ul class="todosDisplay"> <li><span>Con...

C# MDI Parent Gain Focus by clicking on MDI Parent background

I want to set focus to an MDI Parent Form when I click on the background of the form. However, the only way I can get it to set focus is when I resize the form. I have tried using mouse click event, click event, key press event etc to manually set the focus when you click on the MDI Parent but none of these events fire. Is there ANY wa...

How do I refer to the document object of an <iframe> from the parent page, using jQuery?

I'm trying to access the document object of a page that lives in an <iframe> from the host page. In other words, I have a page that has an <iframe> in it, and I want to use jQuery on that page (the parent page) to access the document object of that <iframe>. Specifically, I'm trying to find the height of the <iframe>d document once its ...