
ASP.NET MVC partial views slow?

I just happen to check the performance of an ASP.NET MVC application we are building. I was going to insert a partial view into a loop, and just out of curiosity I checked how long it took to render the page. The result was not good. I need to do more conclusive investigation, but just in case there was somebody with similar issues or m...

with partial view, how do i access the model assigned to the template

I have another simple question for all you mvc gurus. I have a partial view with the following definition. <%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<IList<whoozit.Models.PictureModel>>" %> How do I access the data that has been assigned to the view? ...

ASP.NET MVC rendering partial view with jQuery ajax

I have a controller action which renders a partial view: public ActionResult Details(int id) { DetailsViewModel model = ModelBuilder.GetDetailsViewModel(id, _repository); return PartialView("Details", model); } and I'm loading the returned content into a dynamic element as follows: $container = appendContainer(); // ...

ASP.NET MVC2: Can I return the same PartialView from more than one Action?

Hello, I am using PartialView object for all the CRUD operations in my project. I would like to return from more than one action (Create/Read/Edit) always the same PartialView that I have previously binded to the correct model object. How can I achieve this? Thanks ...

Slow Nested RenderPartial Response times - MVC

Hi I have an view/page (dynamic) that is built up of nested Html.RenderPartials. The view is sent an appropriate viewmodel to render. Firebug says the GET response for the HTML is 9.89 secs for 9.5KB. To compare the FAQ page (static html) of the same site is 1.3 secs for 17K. At first I thought it was the SQL Entity back en...

How do I add a partial's current folder to the rails view path?

I have a set of partials that are used to update a section of a form depending on the user's choice from a drop-down menu. There are a lot of different choices, so rather than having a view folder like this: app/views/myview/ _choice001.html.erb _choice002.html.erb ... _choice998.html.erb _choice999.html.erb _form.html.erb ...

Update A Partial View From Another Partial View - ASP.NET MVC2

I want to have two partial views, one for SEARCH and one for SEARCHRESULTS. I want to update SEARCHRESULTS when the "Search" Button is clicked on the SEARCH partial view form. SEARCHRESULTS needs to have the form data fed to it from the SEARCH partial view. I'm not totally sure how to go about this. Can I update the SEARCHRESULTS par... mvc - Elmah and partial view

I have a page that contains multiple div's. Action on one div changes the content of other div. Each div loads a partial view from controller. For example- a div for "Search" and another div for "SearchResult". "Search" div contains couple of fields and a button. On click of this button a controller method is invoked asynchronously usi...

ASP.NET MVC Partial View with different Model

In my Index view I have the usual Edit, Details and Delete links. I've made icons for them, and since I use them everywhere I placed them in a Partial View. Now, I do not have the feeling I'm doing it best practice here. So my question is: How to optimize it, or what should be different for best practice. The Partial View: <%@ Control...

MVC 2 Client and Server Validation with Data Annotations - Required not working

I have a Create view which is passed a ViewModel. The ViewModel contains the following: namespace MyProject.ViewModels { public class MyObjectCreateView { public MyObject MyObject { get; set; } public List<OtherObject> OtherObjects { get; set; } } } The objects are generated using Entity Framework. I have...

Why does my button not show up?

Hello, I have a partial view where I render, if the user has choosen an option, a button that permit the user to generate automatically a value for a certain field. Please give a look at this picture to understand what I mean: This is achieved using the following markup on the partial view <%= Html.LabelFor( model => model.IssueCode...

ASP.NET MVC [HttpPost] action accepts single object, spits back validation errors to ViewPage<CustomViewModel>

I'm experimenting with different combinations of strongly typed view models, full views and partial views, using both RenderPartial() and RenderAction(). The form-post scenario I'm asking about, though, is one that comes from the "main" view--one that isn't a partial. This main view's controller constructs the view model that provides ...

ASP.NET MVC2 partial view form via jQuery show() - best way to display validation errors (P-R-G pattern)

So, the partial view is a form, that is revealed via a jQuery show(). The form is submitted, and suppose a unique index is violated, for example, using the Post-Redirect-Get pattern I pass the errors via TempData back to the original view, which contains the partial view that is of course hidden again. Therefore the form's errors/hints...

ASP.NET MVC2 - is it possible to access parent view's model data from partial view?

In handling a 1--->0...1 relationship, I'm trying to use a separate partial view for the 0...1 end. I'd like to use RenderPartial() rather than RenderAction(), for the sake of efficiency. Is it possible to gain access to the containing view's model data from this partial view, in order to access the PK/ID of the main object? Is this j...

jQuery Form plugin - how to make ajaxForm() "live"?

So I'm turning an "edit" form into an ajaxForm with the following: $('#reviewForm').ajaxForm({ success: function (response) { $('#bookReview').html(response); } }); This returns the same form, that can be edited again, if necessary. The second form submission, however, no longer has the ajaxForm() attached to it, whic...

How to post partial view to another controller method

I have a one form tag inside my Index.aspx view. Index.aspx contains several partial views and using the same model to render them. Now when any partial view is posting the form with submit button form is posted to OneActionMethod. But I want for some partial views to post form to OtherActionMethod. How can I achieve this, without us...

Using Html.RenderPartial() in ascx files

Hello, I try to use Html.RenderPartial in acsx file and and I've got error Compiler Error Message: CS1973: 'System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper' has no applicable method named 'RenderPartial' but appears to have an extension method by that name. Extension methods cannot be dynamically dispatched. Consider casting the dynamic arguments or calling...

MVC 2 partial for edit/create return error

I got a question about MVC 2 and returning views for partials: I got two views for creating and editing a user, the views both uses a partial so i can reuse the form fields. UserPartial.ascx, EditUser.aspx, CreateUser.aspx I got some logic in the controller post method (EditCreateUser) which finds out if its a new or existing user whic...

How to update a div with Ajax.BeginForm AND execute a javascript function?

I am updating a div with a partial view by using something like this: <% using (Ajax.BeginForm("Action", "Controller", new { }, new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "divId", InsertionMode = InsertionMode.InsertAfter, })) { %> ...

Rails3 Partial Question

I have an issue with routes when i use this partial partial search <% form_tag search_path %> textfield submitbutton <% end %> Then inside of my main index, i call the render 'partial' then when i try to use the text field i get a routing problem but in my routes i have match 'search' => 'dashboard#search' ... Any he...