
partial views in ASP.NET MVC?

Hi, I have a three database tables related for example: company( one - one) Contact( one- one) Address, I need to create a company, then create contact for company, then create an address for contact in one page (to make things easier for user). the user doenst have to fill all the details at once and submit it, he may create company ...

Is it possible to bind an attribute to a in a partial?

In a Rails view, I'm trying to show a <select> drop-down list for a number of different string fields with restricted values. I've been trying to do this with a partial (below), but the current value is not being selected in the <select> list. Is it possible to do this in a partial? If so, how? Is there a better approach to take? ...

ASP.NET MVC loading multiple partial views into a single div using JQuery

I am working on a help page which is composed of a navigation tree, content box, and search box. The navigation tree has links to Frequently Asked Questions and Glossary, each of which are linked to an Action which return partial views. To the right of the navigation tree I have a single content div that I would like to contain whicheve...

mvc-Ajax.ActionLink Opens page on new window

Hello experts, I have a view with Ajax.ActionLink which calls a controller action and returns a partial view.And i have given UpdateTrargetId as id of div.Now when i click on this link ,view opens on a new page rather than the content place holder.I want to render partial view with in the content place holder.Can i have the solution f...

Show missing PartialView as a build error

Hey everyone, I've been reorganising our views at work and moving them around to more appropriate locations. Because we're currently organising many of our views into their own folders within the Views folder, we're having to reference our views using the full path in RenderView. Is there a way that I can get Visual Studio to throw a ...

Using RenderPartial twice for same mvc view control in one page, get problems.

I'm using same partial view in create.aspx view page twice, part of my code is: <%Html.RenderPartial("LocationVerifyControl"); %> <%Html.RenderPartial("LocationVerifyControl"); %> In the mvc view user controls, it had a button and test code for it: $('#btnVerify').click(function() { alert("clicked by btnVerify");} I watched...

Organizing partials for a polymorphic resource

I'm looking for how others typically organize their partials for a polymorphic resource. Example: I have Image which is polymorphic and depending on what is imageable, I want to display things slightly different. I have a partial images/_image and can call render imageable.images. My current mindset is to have my image partial check w...

How to make these 2 blocks of almost identical code reusable?

I need advice on what I need to do to make the following two blocks of code reusable. I have to produce another table of funds and while I'm doing that, I'd like to create FundsTable.ascx partial view that all Views that need to display a fund table can use. // Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<CompanyViewModel> // this is a company <%f...

Isolating a chunk of code from all existing external CSS

I have used a tutorial to create a widget for my site. This widget now needs to be dropped into a complex page with existing CSS rules on important tags like *, body, ul, and li. Is there a way to drop in this widget (currently a separate page with html, css, and javascript) into my webpage without the webpage applying all of its own ...

HTML markup rendering issue in ViewData? Also, MultiView functionality in MVC?

Hi, i'm trying to populate a ViewData instance with html markup like shown below. When the page renders, the html tags get rendered as text and not html markup. Anyone know why? Controller code: if (user.ActivationStatus == false) { ... ViewData["Message"] = "<p>Your account has been activated, you're good to go.</p>"; } el...

PartialView not clearing after ajax postback

I have this weird thing happening. I have a PartialView with 3 fields on it. I do a jQuery ajax post to my action result and if the model passes validation i save the record. I also then set the model to empty and pass it back to the view as a partial view. public ActionResult jQueryAddComment(Comment comment) { if (M...

jquery load partial view mvc

i have some header tabs on a basic index.aspx page that uses a masterpage. the header tabs are correctly rendered on the index page from a viewusercontrol (<% Html.RenderPartial("pvHeaderTabs")%>). the problem is i am trying to load other partial views into the index page without any luck. can someone point out what i am doing wrong? ...

Can you put a PartialView into a ViewData object?

Hi, I'm trying to mimic the webforms multiview functionality and the only way i can think of is to put a PartialView into a ViewData object? Something like the following: View code: <%= ViewData["PartialViewPlaceholder"] %> Controller code: if(//condition){ ViewData["PartialViewPlaceholder"] = partialView1; } else { View...

MVC2 Partial View throws/catches exceptions while resolving the path to the view

While debugging my Visual Studio 2010 MVC2 solution, I noticed something that I didn't necessarily expect and that struck me as inefficient. When I was viewing the Home page, the IntelliTrace showed that many exceptions were getting thrown and caught while resolving a partial view. I have code that calls the partial view like this: <%...

Rails partial overloaded with logic needs refactor

How would you refactor this logic filled partial? <%- for post in @posts -%> <div class="post"> <%= link_to post.title, post %> <%- if -%> <%- else -%> <span class="name"> by <%- if -%> <%= %> <%- else -%> <a href="mailto:<...

Dynamic Action-based URL menu problem c# mvc

Hi, i'm having issues implenting a dynamic action-based menu system in a PartialView as below: <ul class="tabs"> <li <% if (ViewContext.RouteData.Values["Action"] == "Index"){ %>class="active"<% } %>><a href="/talent">Home</a></li> <li <% if (ViewContext.RouteData.Values["Action"] == "account"){ %>class="active"<% } %>><a href="...

Ruby on Rails - How to pass hash parameter to a partial view?

Hi, I use this: <%= render :partial => 'shared/subscription' %> To call this partial view: <% form_for(:subscription, :url => city_subscriptions_path(@city)) do |form| %> <%= form.hidden_field :city_id, :value => %> <%= form.text_field :email, :size => 30 %> <%= form.submit "Email Me" %> <% end %> Since I am using th...

MVC Partial Login Control Return View

Hi, This is a follow on from: I got the AccountController Logon Post event firing from my child control. The problem I have now is that when a user enters an incorrect password the AccountController Logon post tries to return to the Logon.aspx page not my Logon partial...

ASP.NET MVC partial in a Portable Area not found

I'm trying to include a partial in a view. Both the partial and the view are in an MVC Portable Area. Here's the code in the view: <% Html.RenderPartial("Here"); %> Here's the partial (named Here.ascx and located in the Shared folder of my portable area): <%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<dynamic>" ...

Reuse js.rjs files in Rails ?

Hi, i have an .js.rjs file, that must be used in many places. How can i reuse it ? For example, in my .js.rjs file i need something like this: page << ( render "widely_used_stuff" ) where "widely_used_stuff" is a widely_used_stuff.js.rjs file, that contains the code, used in many places. Also, i need to pass the variables to widel...