
Looking for a reporting tool that will allow vector graphics in output file (PDF)

I have been tasked with evaluating our current system that we use for creating and outputing reports. Currently we are using Crystal Reports ver 8, (I know that this is and old version.), which has a custom commandline app that we wrote in C# to execute the report for a given parameter passed through the command line. We like Crystal b...

Jar files for PDF generation through Java

Where can i get the following jar files from-: adobe-livecycle-client.jar adobe-usermanager-client.jar adobe-utilities.jar? How do i download these jar files? ...

How to calculate the string width in itext ?

I am using itext to write pdf, but in some cases, I need to sign the pdf with SetVisibleSignature function, and we know, with this function, we need to designate the rectangle that we will write the content into it, But it's hard for me to calculate how large the string will occupy, then I can set the rectangle before set a signature on...

Can I generate a PDF file in Perl using Hebrew and English text?

Do you know if Perl's PDF::API2 module can generate documents with both English and Hebrew text? I have searched for a while and cannot seem to find how to handle right-to-left language text. Eventually I will want to list English in one column and Hebrew in the other. But I would be happy to have the two texts on different lines for ...

iTextSharp - Outputting a segment of HTML into PDF (into a Table Cell)

I'm using iTextSharp to generate PDFs for an ASP.NET application, the PDF generation seems to work fine, though I'm finding iTextSharp a little unintuitive to use, but that's a different story. I'm putting data into a table inside my PDF, now I want to place HTML content into a table cell and have it maintain the formatting/styling. I'v...

XSL:FO processors for the .net platform

Currently I am looking for a good solid xsl:fo processor to use within a .net application. I have seen a few but alot of them use the java virtual machine, which is something I do want to have running on the web server. I must have a .net implementation, one I have found so far which is open source is fo.net on codeplex, although it does...

Programatically generate high quality PDFs

Note: I realize this question has already been asked (with a ruby slant) here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/786670/creating-on-demand-print-quality-pdfs-preferably-in-ruby-if-feasible. BUT there was no decent answer IMHO. So as you may have guessed, I am looking to find the best approach to producing HIGH QUALITY, print ready PDF ...

Printing PDf issue

Most of the print pdf library I ran into requires drawing tables, layouts etc. Which library can simply print the web page in pdf format without requiring too much coding? Any pointers will be greatly appreciated ...

How Should an OS X Drawing Programs Store Custom Data in its PDF PasteBoard Flavor?

A little history. In the days when the pre-eminent Mac vectored clipboard flavor was PICT, a program could insert its own data into the PICT. The PICT could be pasted into another application. At some later date, the same drawing could be selected and put on the clipboard, and pasted back into the originating program. The originating pro...

What's the fastest .Net PDF library to dump a bunch of bitmaps to PDF?

I have around 10 System.Drawing.Bitmap elements, which I want to dump to PDF. When combining them to a single bitmap, and then writing this to PNG, this takes me about 150 ms. Now I want to create a PDF out of my bitmaps (4 pages), but with PDFSharp this takes >2.5 seconds. Is there any library that is (way) faster at doing this? NB. I...

Rails PDF Generation with Prawn in IE7

I'm using Prawn and Prawnto to generate a PDF in a Ruby on Rails app (Rails version 2.2.2) which works great and generates PDFs happily and sends them to the user to download in Firefox. The problem is in IE7. I have a route set up like so: map.invoice_pdf '/invoices.pdf', :controller => 'invoices', :action => 'inde...

What is a good report generation (i.e. PDF reports) that can be used with Objective-C on mac?

I am creating a program for mac that needs to generate reports and be able to print them as PDF files. I would rather find an already created library for this rather than hard-coding everything, but I can't find anything yet. Do you recommend any report generation libraries that can be used in Objective-C? Thanks for your help! ...

Set PDF title with Java and FOP

Hi, I'm generating some PDF files using Apache FOP v0.94. Can you please tell me how to set the PDF Document Properties like Title, Author, Keywords etc programmatically? Googled a bit but didn't get any useful information. Thanks in advance... ...

Maual Page Break in TCPDF

I am using TCPDF to generate the PDF in one of my project. I simply create a HTML and give it to the TCPDF to handle the PDF generation. But now I have certain HTML where multiple certificates are added one after the other and I want to have a page break into it. Page Break should be decide by HTML i.e. I want to know if there is any ide...

FPDI, how to remove automatic page counter

I'm using FPDI together with TCPDF to add a page to a already existing PDF-file. This works great, but I have one problem. When I output the new PDF I get an automatic page counter in the lower right corner, "112/299" for example. I find no documentation in FPDI or TCPDF about this automaticly generated page counter. This problem only ...

Is there a reliable way to determine if a PDF was generated from a Powerpoint file?

Like the title says. Reason I ask is that we're converting PDFs to formatted ASCII text (using pdftotext) and only want to display the ones that look reasonably sane. PPT files tend to have text over images, diagonal text and others things that don't translate to ASCII very well, so we'd like to filter them out if we can. ...

TCPDF Div Border doesn't work

Hi, I tried to generate pdf using TCPDF with html content. My html code is <div style="border:1px solid #000; width:200px; height: 100px"> Test Border</div> But it just generate text only. I didn't see div and border. Is that not supported or am i wrong ? Or how can i make it work ? Thanks. ...

What is the best way to generate pdf from c#?

We are looking at creating a custom PDF document for users using C#. The windows app will ask certain questions to the user. Based on the questionnaire responses certain sections are removed / added. The PDF will be in a 2 column layout with fair amount of graphics etc. What is the best solution to create this PDF based on user response...

Dynamic PDF features

I've been asked to write a program which generates reports in the form of PDF files. There are two main dynamic features which have been asked for, which I'm not sure are even possible: 1) The report contains a table with several columns. Users should be able to click on the column header to sort the table rows by the values in that c...

Long text input from user and PDF generation

I have built a web application that can be seen as an overcomplicated application form. There are bunch of text areas with a given character limit. After the form submission various things happen and one of them is PDF generation. The text is queried from the DB and inserted in the PDF template created in iReports. This works fine but t...