
Asynchronous generation of PDF - error handling

We have some code that uses a third party component to generate a PDF from a URL that we pass it (the URL being a page within our application). In the code, we instantiate the PDF generator and it creates the PDF in an asynchronous fashion. The problem I have is that if the URL that we pass it has a problem, there is no indication of t...

ReportLab LayoutError: too large on page

I'm doing my first program using ReportLab where I don't know in advance where the page breaks will fall and I'm having trouble. To keep things simple I'm using the SimpleDocTemplate. My flowables look something like this: flowables = [Paragraph("Some title", style=headerParagraphStyle), Spacer(0, 10), Paragr...

Logo in left corner of PDF, dblatex

I am writing docbook XML and would like a header, footer in every page of the produced PDF document. I have a simple foo.xml, and I have used \cfoot[]{} in /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/dblatex/dbk_headfoot.sty to use a footer text that works. I would like to put a logo on the left corner of every page on the pdf that dblatex generates. ...

How do I create "accessible" PDFs from HTML?

Hi Does anyone have any suggestions on how to generate accessible PDFs (including images) from HTML? The PDFs need to look like the original HTML, including positions of images etc. Any special HTML structure required to help make the final PDF accessible? I've seen questions about creating PDFS none of them specifically address the ...

modifying text in Editable Pdf files

Hi, I am working on a project and I need to insert data into specified fields in an editabble pdf file using a C# program.I am not very familiar with editable pdf files and programatically modifing field data using C#. Does anyone know of any C# open-source APIs available in .net for filling Editable pdf files? thanks nRk ...

Tools to generate reportanalytics feeds from google

Can you recommend any programmable tools/extensions that can be used to generate reports out of google analytics feed on th fly? Essentially some kind of pdf generator from feed, not sure though. Or does the Google analytics itself gives reports output as feed etc., ...

Why are my 3rd-party HTML to PDF tools not recognized in Drupal 6 using Print module?

I have installed Drupal 6 and have the "Printer, e-mail and PDF versions" aka "Print" module installed. I then realized in order to generate PDF's from my html nodes that I need a third-party tool, which is fine but the Print module is not recognizing the third-party tools I have installed in the /modules/print/lib/ directory. I get the...

ASP.NET MVC: render view to generate PDF: use iTextSharp or better solution?

I display receipt in both HTML and printer-friendly version. HTML version does jQuery tabs, etc, while printer-friendly has zero scripts and external dependencies, no master layout, no additional buttons, inline CSS, and can be saved as HTML without problems. Since I use Spark View Engine, I though maybe it's a good idea to generate PDF...

HTML To PDF High Resolution

I want to convert a web page to a high-resolution PDF suitable for printing. How can I do this? ...

How to create iText PDF with CMY colors only

Hi, I need to create pdfs with iText (for the moment, other lib suggestions are appreciated) in the CMY colorspace. It's not CMYK: All colors and black should be converted to CMY only so that the black plate is empty when saving my created PDF. I know, black would look some sort of brown, but I have to requirement to not use any black ...

In XSL how to you make a block take up a whole page?

In xsl / fop how do you make a block take up exactly the whole page ? Is there something like height = 100%? I want the first page of my pdf to contain a block with dynamic summary that can be a couple of lines only so I don't want the rest of the pdf blocks to be come up on the first page. ...

How do I get MVC to return a Context type

I have the following code I wrote in Asp.NET and I am trying to convert it to MVC, but not sure how I do this within an Action HttpContext context; context.Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; context.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment;filename={0}", filename)); context.Response.WriteFile(filena...

ASP.NET website, server-side DOCX to PDF conversion

I've been having a heckuva time with this problem, and there seems to be a lot of noise out there in search engines in getting to the bottom of it, so forgive me if I've missed a silver bullet out there. The base need is that I have to generate a PDF document that has both static and dynamic elements. I started to do this by having a PD...

What does this Apache FOP error mean?

Error message (Location of error unknown)org.apache.fop.fo.Validation Exception: Property id "_Ref191196753" previously used; id values must be unique in document. Any ideas on what may cause this? Is it because I have a for-each and apply the same template multiple times? ...

reset line style in ezPDF?

I'm using the ezPDF class from R&OS ( http://www.ros.co.nz/pdf/) to generate PDF documents with PHP. I'm suing setLineStyle() to make a dashed line. However, I can't get the line style to reset to a solid line afterwards. I've emailed the authors and gotten no response. Hopefully someone out there has a solution! :) ...

problem with xsl apply-templates

It seems that my template is never called but the for loop works correctly. It prints "test" exactly the number of times the "car" node exists but "doStuff" doesn't seem to be accessed and "test2" is never outputted. Any ideas? <fo:table-body> <xsl:for-each select="car"> test <xsl:apply-templates select="car" /> </xsl:f...

Centering an pdfimportedpage in iTextSharp

Hi guys, I am appending PDFs together using the function below via iTextSharp. Its working fine. The only problem is that PDFs that are larger than the set size of the document (A4), ends up being scaled and placed at the bottom left corner of the document. I would like to centre it. Can anyone point me in the right direction to achievi...

xsl fo base link problem with password protected pdf in fop 0.95

Hi all. I have successfully generated password protected pdf using xsl fo from apache foundation's fop 0.95 engine. Now the problem comes with the base-link with external-destination specified. Clicking the links work no more. On hover, the link shows the tooltip of the form: "file:///C:/myfolder/some-strange-special-characters". However...

xsl checking variable doesn't seem to work

when I output the value of the node directly for example: <fo:inline><xsl:value-of select="isEnabled" /></fo:inline> I get the correct string outputted in pdf "true".. but if I set the value of isEnabled directly to a variable and then try to do the comparison on it.. it doesn't seem to work as if the node doesn't exist. <xsl:vari...

Are there any credible alternatives to iText for programmatic PDF generation within Java?

Anyone come across anything else that is similar or close in quality/features? Cheers. ...