
Php LiveDocx library or another template based pdf creation lib

I need to generate gift vouchers from PHP code and was looking at PDF libraries to accomplish this. Stumbled upon LiveDocx http://www.livedocx.com/ which looks like an excellent service and then found http://www.phplivedocx.org/ which looks like the natural choice for PHP. Problem is I'm using Zend Framework 1.6 still. Is there a way to ...

Jinja-like for Pdf in Python

I am looking for the best accurate tool for PDF in Python that works like Jinja do for HTML. What are your suggestions? ...

Problem In Exporting Excel to PDF usinf excel 2007 on Windows 2008 Server(64 bit)

I am getting a problem when exporting excel files to PDF using Office 2007 dll only On 2008 Server(64 bit). It's working fine on Windows XP. I have also complied the exe for x86 platform. Process hangs on ExportAsFixedFormat Method. Acrobat Pro is also Installed. SaveAsPdf.exe is also installed. Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Applicatio...

Set image size relative to page size

Hi, I am generating pdf files using FOP. is used to include images. My requirement is to set the width and height of image relative to the page size. Thanks in Advance. ...

What program to write pdf including other pdf on Linux from Python?

On an Ubuntu server, I want to create pdfs which include other static pdfs. I have tried using ReportLab with pyPdf. Ideally I would use ReportLab to do the whole thing, but in order to import the pdfs requires their PageCatcher which has a large recurring fee. So I use pyPdf to merge a page created with ReportLab and my other pdfs. Th...

Attaching Files to PDFs?

PDF files can contain attachments (see here). This is useful when you need machine-readable data (e.g., XML) to be associated with a human-readable PDF. Does Cocoa's PDFKit support adding file attachments to an existing PDF? I'm looking through the documentation and I don't see anything. ...

prawnto displaying tables that don't break when new page

Hi all I have a variable number of tables with variable number of rows and I want to have them displaying one after the other but if a table doesn't fit on the current page put it on the next then continue on. I have put the table in a transaction so I can roll back then print it if the height will fit on curent page but how do I get th...

ruby prawn how to wrap text around an aligned right image ?

Hi all s it posible to align an image to the right and wrap text around the image like it is in html and css using the float:right property ? If so how do you do this ? I can align an image but dont't know how to wrap the text around it. The text is dynamic text therefore varies alot in length. Thanks alot Rick ...

Are there any free Silverlight PDF controls?

Hey, I'm trying to both create and display PDFs in an OOB app I'm trying to make as part of a hobby. Does anyone know of any good controls for creating and displaying PDFs in Silverlight? ...

How Can I Share Referenced Resources Between PDF Files

I create hundreds of PDF files with the same images and fonts. I there a way I can share these resources between all the files instead of having them embedded in each PDF? It sure would be a disk space saver. ...

Look for a cost effective native PDF API

Hi, I'm looking to buy a performant while cost effective API in native code (C) so that I can perform conversions from Office file types to pdf and print them in file or real device. For info, I want to use the API (dll) also from managed code via PInvoke. By your direct experinece and knwoledge what would you recommend? Thanks! ...

drupal views: how to add generate pdf link in views

i have to add generate pdf links in the view how to that.. when the user clicks on the generate pdf links pdf should be generated which contains the content information of that node... ...

Converting a flash chart to image / pdf

Hi, Need help in figuring out a tool which can convert a flash (.swf) chart to any image format to be later embedded to a pdf report. I am using Ruby on Rails as the dev platform. I have used tools from swftools (specifically the swfextract program) but it doesn't suit my use case as it extracts individual elements (shapes, movieclips, ...

Writing web service to convert documents to PDF

Is it possible to write a RESTful web service that will accept files from a client, convert those files to PDF files and then will send the result back to the client? Any information on the topic would be helpful. ...

PDF Making with Rotated Image for iPhone

I'm having problems with drawing rotated images on PDF, my output is worse. My case is, we don't know have any fixed co-ordinates. X,Y, rotation, etc. depends on ImageView itself. I select the ImageView and rotate it through Sliders. Check on ZOSH application. I need to implement functionalities like that app. I want to make PDF by add...

Generating pdf file using symfony framework

I'm using Symfony 1.4 and I have to create pdf file from Word/HTML with some fields added by user using form. I've met this problem in plain php few years ago, but I wonder if there is any ready solution in Symfony framework? Or someone wants to share his idea about this... ...

Dynamic PDF generation from template

Hey, I've a requirement to be able to generate PDF's within our (ASP.net) application. We need to meet the following requirements: The text will be largely dynamic and must be added programatically. Ideally we'd like to base these generated documents off PDF templates provided by our designers. Some of the sections/pages may or may n...

how can i create a pdf file using turbo c? (e.g typing something and save it as .pdf)

can anyone help me on how can i create a pdf file using turbo c? (e.g typing something and save it as .pdf) ...

SVG to PDF on a shared linux server

I have a website which uses SVG for an interactive client side thingamabob. I would like to provide the option to download a PDF of the finished output. I can pass the final SVG output back to the server, where I want to convert to PDF, then return it to the client for download. This would need to work on a headless shared linux server,...

c# Converter from html to pdf, xls

Hi i'm looking for a free asp.net library for converting html in pdf, xls formats? thanks ...