
Fast and flexible PDF generator on *NIX system

We are building a LAMP application that also needs to generate loads of complex PDF reports. I'm looking for a library that runs on our Debian server and allows us to generate these reports. The language isn't of great importance (java, python, php, perl, ...) as long as it's stable, flexible and supports Unicode. LTR and RTL writing s...

Using "Microsoft Save as PDF" add-in programmatically without installing Word

The sample code in this article for creating a PDF from a Word doc works great if you have word installed on the machine. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb412305.aspx I'm curious if it is possible to do this without having to install Word. ...

Scribus - disable escaping of text field

Scribus - Ubuntu 64bit I have a scribus document that I'm creating with text fields. I'm using the text fields for code samples, as that appeared to be the only way to have a scrolling text frame. Upon conversion of the document, these text fields get populated with escape characters. Is there any way to disable the escape se...

Rails and Prawn PDF - add current item ID to filename?

Hi Everyone, I have two PDFs that are made "on the fly" using Prawn PDF. The PDFs are called jobsheet.pdf and discharge.pdf - their URLs are: railsroot/kases/IDNO/jobsheet.pdf railsroot/kases/IDNO/discharge.pdf I am trying to work out how to automagically append the filename with the ID number: railsroot/kases/IDNO/jobsheet_IDNO.pd...

iTextSharp for PDF - how add file attachments?

Hi all. I am using iTextSharp to create a PDF document in C#. I would like to attach another file to the PDF. I'm having just loads of trouble trying to do so. The examples here show some annotations, which apparently attachments are. This is what I've tried: writer.AddAnnotation(its.pdf.PdfAnnotation.CreateFileAttachment(writer, n...

iTextSharp - how to open/read/extract a file attachment?

I have some PDF's all with two attached files with static names. I would like to use iTextSharp to extract these files to a temp directory so that I can work with them further. I tried following the tutorial here but I ran into problems when the iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfReader didn't have a getCatalog() method as shown in the bottom exam...

pdfmark for docinfo metadata in pdf is not accepting accented characters in Keywords or Subject

I am inserting metadata into postscript files with a program, to be distilled to pdf with Adobe Distiller. I am using this code that I grabbed from an online chapter of Thomas Merz's "Web Publishing with Acrobat-PDF": /pdfmark where {pop} {userdict /pdfmark /cleartomark load put} ifelse [ /Title (mot accenté) /Author (mot accenté)...

Specify horizontal overflow for PDF reports in Eclipse Birt

Cheers, we are having the following problem while generating PDF reports with the Birt framework - when the content is a table that has many rows in it then the rows get stacked together. We'd like to split the content into more pages. When we set the PDFRenderOption's PAGE_OVERFLOW to OUTPUT_TO_MULTIPLE_PAGES we can only see that the ...

Prince PDF footer not displaying

I'm generating a PDF using Prince. I'm using the below stylesheet (part of a much larger css file) to include a footer on each page containing page numbers, but the footer doesn't appear. So the question is, what am I doing wrong? @page { size: A4; margin: 24mm 22mm; padding: 0; @bottom-left { content: "Page " counter(...

Image auto resizes in PdfPCell with iTextSharp

Hi, i'm having a weird problem with images in iTextSharp library. I'm adding the image to the PdfPCell and for some reason it gets scaled up. How do i keep it to original size? Here's the image of the PDF at 100% and the image in its original size opened in paint.net. I though that the images would be same when printed but the differen...

Adding barcodes to pdfs

is there any way to do something like a mail merge, where the data (9-15 chars long) is converted to a barcode? im using trying to use openoffice's code128 for calc, but for some reason, every 10 strings, the barcode goes crazy, and the ascii tells me to register at the site where the extension came from, which i dont want to do i also ...

Show PDF in iPad using CGPDF APIs

I have learned Apple has release CGPDF APIs in SDK 3.2 for drawing PDF context. What I understand from these APIs is that you can draw a PDF to a data object or a PDF file. You can then export it, may be, to your sandbox's directory OR add as an attachment in the mail. But I am not sure if we can use these APIs to read a PDF from app...

How to get php form data to pdf

Hi I am displaying all the users in the form using php where the data are fetched from db. When i click on the icon all users data should be show in a pdf. How should this can be done. kindly advice. thanks in advance ...

pdf errors with php, apache2

Hi-- I'm seeing some strange behavior from some dynamically generated PDFs using the TCPDF library in PHP. Standard lamp stack-- however, if you try to open the PDF from Windows with Acrobat Reader, it gives an error that the "file is damaged and could not be repaired". From Mac, Linux, etc. the file works fine, and opens fine. It also ...

Populating PDF Fields using FDFACX

I was recently asked to preform some updates to an existing PDF document. The changes required were completed using Adobe Designer (the only tool I have available to me). These changes included alignment, and new text. Note that there were fillable form fields on the forms, and they were left untouched. The saved version of the form ...

Adding metadata to PDF via PHP

I need to augment a PDF with a custom metadata field on download in PHP (5.3). I have been looking at the pdftk library, but I can't get my head around how I would get PHP to interface with it on our (Ubuntu) web server. The deprecated PDFInfo library seems like a dead end. Is there a simpler/easier/better solution? Thanks ...

GridView Styling

I have below GridView that generates a PDF document. How do I add "valign = top" in all td's? also if the table moves to a new page in the PDF doc I want the table to be closed at the bottom of the previous page and start as new page with table headers added in the new page. Hope this is clear.... GridView gridView = null; ...

Cant save modified PDF created with itextsharp PdfCopyFields

I can use PdfStamper to populate a blank PDF form with data values, and the result document can be changed and saved by the user. When I needed to stream 2 copies of the same document with different data as a single download, I modified my code to use PdfCopyFields to merge the two documents, which works, but the result document can't b...

PDF Manipulations

I'm looking for a solution that will allow me to do the following to PDF documents: Insert PDF pages into existing PDF documents Delete PDF pages from existing PDF documents Change the orientation of certain PDF pages Any solutions I should be looking at? My output needs to be PDF. ...

Generating PDF's with signatures using Ruby or Ruby on Rails

I'm working on a Rails application that uses prawn to generate PDF's. Long story short, we want to be able to digitally sign generated PDF's. Im not sure where to start reading up exactly. Just wanted to ask if anybody else has been able to accomplish this before, and if so, what kind of resources I should be using to do it. Thanks! ...