
How to fill out a pdf file programatically?

What techniques available to fill a pdf form automatically using external data and save them. I have to use data from a database to fill a template pdf and save a copy of it on disk with that data. Language and platform is not issue but it would be good if it can run on windows and Linux. Any one can guide me through it or point to any ...

DOMPDF - show custom text on image using css

I am trying to show custom text on the image using dompdf <div class="image" style="font-size:25px"> <img alt="" src="image-url.jpg" /> <div class="name" style="margin-top: -575px; margin-right: 0; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 235px; position: absolute;"> <font face="High Tower Text"><em><?php print $some-value; ?></em></font>...

CMYK overprinting (colour-separated PDF output) with Reportlab

is it possible to use CMYK overprinting without using the CMYKColorSep class, which always generates a new seperate color in the printer settings, i just want to use overprinting with the standard 4 CMYK inks (colour-separated PDF output, as stated in the 2.4 changelog) here my example code (reportlab 2.4 needed): from reportlab.graphi...

Generating CHM help and PDF manual from the same source

We are trying to find a set of tools to generate context-sensitive help files (CHM) and manuals (CHM and PDF) from the same sources. Features wanted are: able to deal with linked hypertext must be able to generate CHM and PDF from should be able to integrate documentation generated from code (currently XML comments) cross-file links w...

Ruby on Rails: Plugins/gems for converting a .xls file to a .pdf file?

Hi, what are the Rails plugin/gem solutions for converting a .xls file into a .pdf file? Thanks a lot for any feedback! Tom ...

how to create pdf file form using C# or VB.NET which is filled by the end users on a browser

The best example is the application forms which we genrally fill in for the most of the CIC Canada’s immigration websites. Please see the example link provided here... http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008egen.pdf ...

Free Type font in pdfs on iPhone

Hello guys! Here's my code to create a PDF file from a CGPDFPageRef. + (void)createPDFFromPDFPage:(CGPDFPageRef)page withFilename:(NSString *)filename { CGRect pageRect = CGPDFPageGetBoxRect(page, kCGPDFMediaBox); CFStringRef path = CFStringCreateWithCString (NULL, [filename UTF8String], kCFStringEncodingUTF8); CFURLRef ur...

Pdf creation/manipulation from classic asp?

I'd like to do the following tasks on pdf files from classic asp get page count split pages save splitted pdf Is there a nice and easy library available? -Vivek ...

How can I generate a PDF index from pdfLaTeX?

I often generate reports from pdfLaTeX using TeXworks, and would like to generate a document index, which will appear in the sidebar of a PDF viewer, (e.g. evince, Adobe Reader). Are there any packages which will allow me to do so? ...

Force pdflatex to create one box per word.

Good evening everyone! I'm converting ebook files to ereader-optimized pdf files (the sony ereader can't propertly justify text). I'm therefore converting html to latex, and then building the latex output using pdflatex. The sony reader has a function to lookup words in a dictionary. However, it figures out words by analysing boxes; an...

Create a PDF From a JSP Output

I have a webpage with a export option to PDF. I have to display the contents of the page in the PDF. Currently I use iText PDF Library to generate PDFs. The problem is creating PDF with iText is quite a challenge. Moreover we get frequent layout/UI changes for the webpage, so we have make the same changes to PDF. Is there any way...

phpThumb PDF thumbnail

Hi, I am using phpThumb to create thumbnails of PDFs uploaded to my site. This is working for some PDFs but others produce an error that states imagemagick and or ghostscript are unavailable. These should be available as phpThumb is using these for the working PDF thumbnails. One thing that I have noticed is that it tends to be PDFs ...

How to create PDF files from .Net application without needing Adobe installed

We are developing a windows-based .Net application for distribution. This application has spreadsheet controls that we allow the user to print (essentially like printing a excel worksheet). Our requirement is for our application to create PDF's of our reports, and also to merge multiple pdf's into one file, without the end-user of our ...

HTML page to PDF in Python?

Is there a library available to convert a HTML page (text, images, layout elements etc. ) to a PDF file. I have an HTML page with figures, text and tables with numbers etc. which I want my clients to be able to download as PDF. How do I do this with Python? ...

How to pick/read data from .pdf file using vb 6.0 with ado

i need a vb code for this want to read data from .pdf file using vb6 as front end as ms access as a backend thanks regards Nasir ...

How to print from excel to pdf without typing in a filename

Is there a way to get around having to type in a filename when sending a document to Adobe PDF printers? My code is: Application.ActivePrinter = "Adobe PDF on Ne01:" MyWorkbook.PrintOut From:=1, To:=3, Copies:=2, Collate:=True This works except that it prompts me for a filename. Would rather find a way to fix this without installing a...

MATLAB: print pdf in black/white

Matlab prints figures in either black/white or color. A black/white print of a figure is NOT the same as a color print tweaked to black/white: every color including the light ones is translated as black. (Light colors that look good on screen or a color printer look horrible on a black/white printer) I would like to print a PDF file of ...

Creating iPhone PDF Reader: CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL zoom in text

Hi together, I want to make a newspaper on iPhone - in fact a pdf reader. In other magazin/pdf reader apps you can zoom in and text is still shape. How can I do that? With CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL? Thx & best :-) ...

Jasper Reports + PDF generation issue

Hi, I have a jasper report that I'm displaying. Now I have an icon to get the same report in PDF. Now when I deploy the code in an OS with Tomcat it works fine, but the problem I'm facing now is that, we have created a VM Image of Ubuntu without UI. And when I try to download the report as PDF, i get an error, after extensive search o...

PDFKit in rails gives service 500 error

I am trying to use pdfkit in windows in my rails 2.3 environment. However the middleware that pdfkit gives some error which causes rails to load the service error. What do i do about this? Are there any alternatives to PDFkit which are easy to use ? Well i am currently following the Rails screencast on PDFKit. I installed the pdfkit ge...