
PEAR MAIL HTML email not well formatted in Hotmail/Yahoo/GMail

Hello, I'm using PEAR to send HTML emails from my website. My email are sent, but they are not formatted according to the CSS when viewed in Hotmail/Yahoo/GMail. When I view them in Windows Live MAil, they look great. To be more specific, it seems as if non of the CSS is taken into consideration (text format, background images etc.). ...

How to crop image in Image_Canvas PHP PEAR package

I can't get it to work it just does nothing. I'm using Image_Canvas PEAR package on shared hosting it works but I can't crop image. My syntax is: $Canvas->setClipping(array('x0' => 10, 'y0' => 10, 'x1' => 200, 'y1' => 200)); Any ideas? ...

How can I use QuickForm to add disabled select options?

I have code using QuickForm that creates a select widget with the following: $form->addElement( 'select', 'state_id', 'State:', statesArray() ); statesArray() queries the database to get the states available and returns an associative array with the ids linked to the state names. I'm using a similar technique throughout the solution. ...

How to modify existing excel file using PHP?

I have a excel i need to add some more sheets into the excel using PHP, i have used PEAR, there i tried only can write excel and read a file, not able to read and modify the file, guys can you help me in this? Thanks in advance Prabu ...

PEAR on Windows: How to change pear.ini location

I am trying to install a PEAR package into my recent XAMPP PHP installation (PHP 5.3.1) on Windows 7 64-bit. Installing new packages fails because PEAR tries to access c:\windows\pear.ini instead of the existing c:\path_to_xampp\php\pear.ini. This results (rightly) in a permission denied error. I am logged on as Administrator, but the W...

PHP PEAR Validate Package - Fatal error: Class 'Validate' not found

This is the error I am receiving: Fatal error: Class 'Validate' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\final_project\validate.php on line 5 And here is my PHP code: <?php require_once 'Validate.php'; foreach($_POST as $name => $value) { $valid = Validate::string($value); } ?> I do not understand what I am missing. I installed --alldep...

Problem sending mail with Pear in PHP

I have written an email contact form in php. I am using the Pear Mail package to send the email. It works nicely on my development computer, but not on the server. Here is the code: ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // EMAIL OPTIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////////// $to = "[email protected]"; ...

Where exactly does doctrine need PEAR Installer and Pear Package?

I'm trying to install this ORM library, but I see it requires PEAR Installer and Pear Package,where are they used? ...

WAMP + Pear installation issue

Hi guys, I am trying to install PEAR in my WAMP-server. The go-pear.bat is running as intended, but when it comes to changing the directories, it all goes wrong. I have followed this guide: The 9th line of configuration, Public Web Files directory, will n...

Pear error messages with PHP5.3.0

Hi! The shit really hits the fan when i Open up a newly installed PEAR package on a WAMP server. Here's the error messages. What can i do? Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\wamp\www\PEAR\PEAR\Config.php on line 650 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated i...

How to use PEAR behind proxy?

Initially I used the following with no success; export http_proxy=http://username@password:host:port Worth noting I don't get a connection error directly, instead; [root@pal ~]# sudo pear info PHP_CodeSniffer-1.2.1 No information found for `PHP_CodeSniffer-1.2.1' ...

how to determine state of DB_DataObject instance?

As I add methods to various DB_DataObject classes, I lean towards Class Example extends DB_DataObject { function methodx() //start fresh { $newObject = DB_DataObject::factory($this->__table); /* do stuff with $newObject */ } rather than function methodx() //use current instance { /* do stuff with $this */ } I've realize...

Problem with PHP PEAR Mail

I am trying to use PEAR Mail to send using an external smtp server. It seems to hang for a while, then the script ends. It outputs all of my "echo" statements up till the one after the send. Nothing is output past the echo that says "before send". Can anyone tell me what might be wrong here? (dummy values substituted for smtp values). Ma...

What's an appropriate include_path PHP/PEAR setting for Macports?

I'm using Macports for my PHP development. I thought that everything associated with Macports should be located under/opt/local, but I can't load the PEAR::Mail_Mime package I just installed through PEAR. I did confirm that the path to pear is /opt/local/bin/pear, but I have no idea where it dumped the package files, so I don't know ho...

PEAR/PHPUnit installation on shared hosting

I’ve installed a local (per-account) PEAR instance on shared web-hosting. After that I’ve installed PHPUnit. It doesn’t work in command-line mode because PHPUnit classes are not under default include_path that is ".:/usr/local/lib/php". The same, I think, would happen with local phing and other command-line tools installed via PEAR. Is...

Is it possible to perssist an SMTP connection using PEAR after php finishes it's execution?

As I see, pear only persist the connection during the execution of the script, then it releases... ...

Are there any web SVN clients built on the PEAR VersionControl_SVN library?

The PEAR VersionControl_SVN library looks pretty robust, albeit still in alpha - it claims to support all commands including commits. Are there any actual web clients built on the library? I haven't found one, or any web SVN client that handles commits, and I'm wondering if I should build one. ...

Pear Crypt/HMAC.php failed to open stream

Hello, I am on a MediaTemple Dedicated Virtual server and have enabled Pear using the instructions found at: Here's the problem... In my PHP script, I have this: require_once 'Crypt/HMAC.php'; When I execute the script, I get this me...

How do I re-write this code without using PEAR::DB

Hi, I am trying to install the pligg twitter login module from: I downloaded the zip from the above link and followed all the instructions. Then I realized one of the files are using PEAR, which is not provided by my hosting company. The entire code from con...

phpunit and autoloader

I'm trying to use autoloader with phpunit this way: in phpunit.xml I put bootstrap="bootstrap.php" in bootstrap.php I put define( 'TESTING', true ); putenv( 'APPLICATION_ENV=testing' ); function __autoload($className) { include_once __autoloadFilename($className); } function __autoloadFilename($className) { return...