
What are the dangers of giving the Network Service account read/write permissions to your ASP.NET Web application?

What are the dangers of giving the Network Service account read/write permissions to your ASP.NET Web application? I have to do this for any directory that my app needs to write to like App_Data for my VistaDb database and some random directories to uplaod images and make changes to text files, etc. What is the danger in doing this? A...

Dispatch-like CGI Approach

Opinions: I want to disallow direct invocation of certain scripts, that have functionality accessible from a menu, via Web at the OS level (linux). I was hoping to call a script that checks the session validity, checks user privileges etc. Then it will redirect to the target script. Does this get around permissions? ...

How to get a list of all users with a specific permission group in Django

Hi, I want to get a list of all Django auth user with a specific permission group, something like this: user_dict = { 'queryset': User.objects.filter(permisson='blogger') } But I cant seem to find out how to do this. How are the permissions groups saved in the user model? ...

Subversion creating revision directories with too-strict permissions

This morning, I tried to commit a revision to Subversion and found that all of a sudden I did not have permission to do so. Can't move '/svn/db/txn-protorevs/21000-ga9.rev' to '/svn/db/revs/21/21001': Permission Denied Looking at the revs directory, I noticed that somebody had committed the 21000th revision, and the group write permiss...

In SQLServer, why doesn't granting object permissions add the user to db properly?

This is my setup: SQL server 2005 UserA already setup as user on the server but not on databaseA. GRANT Execute ON [GetOrders] TO [UserA] AS [dbo] As you can see, i have missed out a step. I haven't added UserA to the database yet. This doesn't fail and lets me grant execute on the object. I believe in 2000 it would have thrown an...

Unable to Connect to SQL Server 2005 Db From Vista x64 Windows Service

I'm trying to connect to a remote SQL Server 2005 db from a .NET Windows service running in Vista Home Premium x64. I can access the remote db from a console app with no problem. I can connect to a local db from the Windows service with no problem. I was able to connect from a service from XP with no problem. There's no firewall or anti-...

Tips for developing app with different permission levels

Does anyone have any tips as we develop an application that will require each user to be assigned a permission level. The permission level will determine what functionality is available to the user. Any advice? How would you (do you) employ such functionality in your application? ...

What's the best way for a VPC to access files on the host machine

I am running Vista64 as the host for Win XP in Virtual PC 2007 SP1. I want to store my files on the host machine and just access them from the virtual pc. I access the files on the Host through a network share over the loopback adapter. Everyone has read access to the share and in the VPC the share is mapped to the U:\ drive letter. ...

File upload on load balanced server

I have a web project that I developed where one of the main functions is uploading files. All the permissions are based on Windows Authentication. When I first created the project, I didn't realize that it would be on a load balanced server. Now it's in the environment with the load balanced server and the file upload has become a majo...

Sharing a folder and setting permissions in PowerShell

I need a script to run on Vista Ultimate to share an external drive and assign full control to Everyone. I've got a batch file to create the share using net share, but there doesn't seem to be a way to change the permissions. I reckon this must be possible in PowerShell, but I have no idea where to start. ...

MS Access Linked Table Permissions

Does anyone know which permissions are required for refreshing or connecting to linked tables in ms access 2003? I have basically two user level security groups setup; 1 for admins and 1 user level. Admins have full permissions and have no trouble refreshing the linked tables. The users group has read/update/delete permissions for th...

How to force SharePoint tasks to be editable by "Assigned To" only?

We are using the default Task list from a Team Site and would like to only allow those that the Task is "Assigned To" to edit the tasks. How do you go about enforcing this? When we tried the "Advanced Settings", we found that "Only their own" meant only those tasks created by the current user. ...

"public" role access in SQL Server

Hi, Can anybody let me know that what permission does public have in sql server. Thanks ...

SharePoint Permission Levels in Production for Developers

Hi, We are trying to clean up our SharePoint (MOSS 2007) environment. As of right now, our developers, System Administrators and Content Administrators all have "Full Access" rights to the root site (and just about everything underneath it) in our production environment. I think that is a terrible practice and feel confident that our...

SACL on Services using C# || get a handle to a service that has the ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY rights using C#

Anyone have any idea how to get the SACL's on a remote service using C#? I've tried numerous different methods, and basically nothing works. I can get the DACL's and SACL's on the local machine, but getting either on a remote machine doesn't appear to be possible. What I've done is create a class called ServiceSecurity that inherits fro...

svn: Can't create directory '/subversion/main/db/transactions/0-1.txn': Permission denied

Hi, I created a local subversion directory and I'm having problems. I tried checking in my first file with the following command: svn ci and I got the following error message svn: Commit failed (details follow): svn: Can't create directory '/export/svn/db/transactions/1-1.txn': Permission denied svn: You...

Should CONTROL permission be given on a Stored Procedure in SQL Server 2005?

I'm running into an issue where granting EXECUTE permissions on a specific Stored Procedure in SQL Server 2005 is not working. Some of the testers messed around with the permissions - and found that if they also granted CONTROL permissions on the Stored Procedure - then it ran fine. They are now convinced that granting CONTROL permissi...

HttpListener.Start() AccessDenied error on Vista

Running this code as a regular user throws HttpListenerException (access denied). Snippet runs ok as an administator class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { HttpListener listener = new HttpListener(); listener.Prefixes.Add("http://myip:8080/app/"); listener.Start(); //.... and so on ...

How to check if a file can be created inside given directory on MS XP/Vista?

I have a code that creates file(s) in user-specified directory. User can point to a directory in which he can't create files, but he can rename it. I have created directory for test purposes, let's call it C:\foo. I have following permissions to C:\foo: Traversing directory/Execute file Removing subfolders and files Removing Re...

File uploading in permission error (Access denied to path x)

I'm trying to upload some image files in my web app. Server OS: Windows server 2003 and IIS 6 I granted write permission in IIS to root and destination folder and granted FullControl Access to this users IUSer_Mashinname, user, network services,Everyone, and all other users to the web app root folder and upload destin...