
Accessing data with balance between performance and persistence

Generally, in-memory data structures such as B-Tree or STL map usually has good performance on both lookup and update. However, the contained data are lost once the process is closed or power is shutdown. On the other hand, on-disk data structures such as embedded database and file mapping persist data, at the cost of low performance bec...

Workflow Foundation - Custom Persistence and persisting delay activities

I'm writing an application using Windows Workflow Foundation that will be hosted on Windows Azure. I'm using SQLAzure, Azure Table Storage and Azure Blob Storage for various parts of the application. Its necessary that I use Workflow Persistence, but the SQLPersistenceService scripts don't work against SQLAzure. I'm not good enough wit...

Nhibernate Update does not persist change to database

I have a problem getting my change(s) to data object retrieved using NHibernate to persist back into the database. I get no exceptions so it's difficult to know where to look. Any suggestions? string name = "somenewname"; string repositoryId = "somerepositoryid"; ISession nhbSession = GetNhbSession(session); nhbSession.Transaction.Begi...

Java - handling hierarchies

Hello: I have an app where in a thread hierarchy (persisted entity) is modelled as follows (note that this could be a deeply nested hierarchy): Thread { private key; private rootKey; private parentKey; .. getters .. .. setters .. } I have a DTO which has the following structure ThreadDTO { private key; private r...

How to get Hibernate + javax.persistence via Maven2 pom.xml

Hello! I am a newbie with Maven2 and I write a pom.xml. Now I want to get Hibernate and javax.persistence to resolve this: import javax.persistence.Entity; ... import org.hibernate.annotations.Fetch; ... What needed to be done? I wrote in my pom.xml: <dependency> <groupId>org.hibernate</groupId> <artifactId>hibernate</artifa...

JIRA Rest Service with Bandana Manager

I have a JIRA plugin that I'm developing that has a REST service. That service should be able to accept POSTed requests, unmarshall some data and store it. The seemingly suggested way to do this in JIRA is to make use of the Bandana persistence framework. According to this page, I should be able to simply define a setter that Spring shou...

Is there a C# analogue of java.util.Properties class

Java has a Properties class that is nice for saving basic configuration information, e.g. a gui setting you would like to have persist from one session to the next. It saves and retrieves key value pairs as I recall and is quite simple to use. I have been looking for an analogue of this in C# but without success. Am I missing it? If th...

Overpersistent files on the iPad

I copy some text files from a server to the NSDocumentDirectory on the iPad. One of the files has a .sql extension. They all store correctly and everything works OK, except there's one puzzling thing: When I delete the application from the iPad (make it wiggle and hit the X), all the existing files get deleted (as I'd expect) except fo...

Object: mypackage.Report[id=null] is not a known entity type (JPA persistence)

I am using netbeans to create a simple java app using persistence, and I can query my Entitys using ReportJpaController rjc = new ReportJpaController(); Report report = new Report(name,value,timestamp); List<Report> reports = rjc.findReportEntities(); rjc.create(report); but when I try to call create I get the following err...

How do you set the schema name for sequences at deploy time when using JPA?

For security reasons, our oracle db objects normally belong to a different schema than the logged in user. Eg. tables are in xx_core and the user we log in is xx_app_yy . In my persistence.xml I define a orm file so that I can specify the schema name at deploy time eg.: <mapping-file>xx_schema_orm.xml</mapping-file> Then in the xx_s...

Problem with persistence

I'm using EclipseLink in my J2SE project. I'm using mysql and JPA. I have a simple entity with primary key and String field. I can read from database using EntityManager#createQuery but when I try to persist or merge entity nothing is put in database and no exception are thrown. I can insert data manually without problems (using same cre...

Forms in Lift with JPA models

Hi, there is .toForm in every Mapper field. How do you do this (create forms from models) in JPA models? Thanks in advance, Etam. ...

How to avoid persistence logic in domain model?

My domain model looks like this: class Group { private List<Person> persons; public void AddPerson(Person p) { persons.Add(p); DoSideEffect() } public List<Person> GetPersons() {...} } Now I need to persist it. By DDD I cannot add any persistence attributes to this class so xml serializers will not work...

How do I get the file path of the open workspace for developing plugins in eclipse

This is a question specifically about plugin development for the Eclipse platform: I need to implement persistence without hardcoding the name of the datastore I am using. I want to be able to have multiple instances of eclipse with my plugin running at the same time with independent datastores. One way of doing this would be to use t...

Is Hibernate / JPA taking in consideration the transiant modifier ( not the annotation )

Hi, I want to avoid serialisation ( in JMS / AMF ) but still persist the field with JPA/Hibernate. Is the transient modifier my friend ? Are @Transient annotation and the transient modifier related or not a all ? The java specification precise that a transient field will not be saved to a persistent storage by a system service. But is...

hibernate getResultList() returns varying data

Hi, I am working with JPA (1.0 or 2.) + hibernate (3.4.0 or 3.6.0) and I have run into a problem with I think caching somewhere. What I do: Find an object with my JPA class (row in the database with a particular id) update a boolean flag on the object (tinyint field in the database) persist the object grab the entire table from the ...

How do i test my app data persistence during development?

Hi, My question is related to the following three questions.

Core Data max storage iPhone

Is there a limit to how much persistent storage a single iPhone app may consume? What does save set the error argument to if the iPhone hits a per-app limit? What if it hits the hardware limit? Is it possible to limit the number of objects stored for certain entities? If so, what's a good approach to doing this? acani, an iPhone app I...

GWT: Where (how) to define POJOs to make em available for client and server? (and to use datastore on serverside)

Hi, I try to get an application running which should interact with a server via RPC (JDO in Google DataStore). So I defined a persistent POJO on the server-side to get it put in the datastore via the PersistenceManager (as shown in the gwt rpc tuts). Everything works fine. But I am not able to receive the callback POJO on the client sid...

After packaging for ad-hoc distribution, iOS app data persistence doesn't work

I just finished an app that allowed users to store lists of serial numbers in a tableview. The way the app stores the numbers is by storing in an NSMutableDictionary then writing to a persistence plist file. The app ran perfectly fine during testing. However, I just built and packaged the app for ad-hoc distribution, and now when I test...