
How to upload PHP and MySql into webserver

I am Developing site in vertigoserver, now I need to test the webpage in webserver. I am using the webserver Host-Europe VirtualServer 3.0 Now what are the steps to need to upload the PHP pages, What are the softwares need to upload MySQL queries Any tutorials or suggestions? ...

Problem using Math_Matrix PEAR library

Hi, I've not used PEAR before, and so I'm probably doing something dumb. I've installed the Math_Matrix library, but when I include it I just get an error. My entire code is this: <?php $path = '/home/PEAR/Math_Matrix-0.8.0'; set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path); include_once 'Matrix.php'; ?> The error ...

Selecting random records for use on a web page

HI Guys, I own a website I have a section called "mobile Section" this section contain many catagories (Nameoftheobject + a picture + little description and a download link) Now the section is considered as an internal section. I want to view random records from that section on the first page (I dont know Like RSS but not Rss) showing ...

PHP & MYSQL: How to resolve ambiguous column names in JOIN operation?

I have two tables in my database: NEWS ('id' - the news id, 'user' - the user id of the author) USERS ('id' - the user id) I want to make a SELECT * FROM news JOIN users ON news.user =, now when I get the results in PHP it's something like: $row = mysql_fetch_array($result), and get column names by $row['column-name']... how ...

PHP: Is it better to concatenate on 1 line or multiple lines? Or is there a difference?

Is there a difference or is one better than the other of the following: $var = ''; ... $var .= 'blah blah'; $var .= $var2; $var .= 'blah blah'; Or $var = ''; ... $var .= 'blah blah' . $var2 . 'blah blah'; Is there a speed difference or is there a reason why you'd pick one over the other? ...

How to translate strings in JS

I have a project which I want to translate into multiple languages for the PHP Part I use Zend Frameworks Zend_Translate with GetText. Now I want to translate the JS part too. I am using the jQuery JS Framework and would love to hear your thoughts on translation for JS files ...

benefits of "HTTP authentication with PHP"

what are the benefits of using HTTP authentication with PHP (HTTP 401 headers) instead of using a normal form submit authentication?? ...

Way to get all alphabetic chars in an array in PHP?

Is there a way to get all alphabetic chars (A-Z) in an array in PHP so I can loop through them and display them? ...

Zend Framework with multiple schema/databases?

I have a few tables that I've defined like the below examples: class TableA extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract { protected $_schema = 'schema1'; protected $_name = 'tablea'; } class TableB extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract { protected $_schema = 'schema2'; protected $_name = 'tableb'; } ...

Does anybody have a development/staging/deploying workflow with php/mysql?

I'm thinking about a good workflow for php/mysql web-development. Anybody got some tips? ...

Singleton in PHP

am working on a web app in PHP that requires users to register and login with their credentials. However, i am using the singleton pattern in all my PHP class files. I have something bothering my mind that i would like to clarify. For instance, When the application goes live and we have several users on the site at the same time, doing...

php - inserting the values of multiple checkbox selections

the site i'll be refering to is select the quote tab if a person where to fill out this form and select more than one checkbox in either number 1 or number 3. how would i insert those selected values into a database so that when i retreive the information the user inputed or selected i can see ...

[PHP]Calculate time difference between two dates, and present the answer like "2 days 3 hours ago"

Are there any classes/functions written in php publicly available that will take a timestamp, and return the time passed since then in number of days, months, years etc? Basically i want the same function that generates the time-since-posted presented together with each entry on this site (and on digg and loads of other sites). ...

Zend_Framework- Where to Place $_GET and $_POST (HTTP Request) handling?

I recently read this post which led to a series of other posts that all seem to suggest the same idea: Models do everything, the View should be able to communicate directly with the model and vice versa all while the Controller stays out of the way. However, all of the examples shown are fairly simplistic and none really show an example ...

How does "do something OR DIE()" work in PHP?

I'm writing a php app to access a MySQL database, and on a tutorial, it says something of the form mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die("could not connect"); How does PHP know that the function failed so that it runs the die part? I guess I'm asking how the "or" part of it works. I don't think I've seen it before. ...

Running PHP after request

I would like to be able to start a second script (either PHP or Python) when a page is loaded and have it continue to run after the user cancels/navigates away is this possible? ...

Serving large files with PHP

So I am trying to serve large files via a PHP script, they are not in a web accessible directory, so this is the best way I can figure to provide access to them. The only way I could think of off the bat to serve this file is by loading it into memory (fopen, fread, ect.), setting the header data to the proper MIME type, and then just e...

Preventing to execute a javascript function more than once

Dear All I am using Javascript JQuery and PHP. My doubt isHow to limit the javascript function to execute once? My MainJQuery file has ajax, display.php ,it execute for a while .... $.ajax({ type:'POST', url: 'display.php', data:'id='+id , success: function(data){ ...

save check box name and value into a table

hi, please i need come help i have a form of check boxes i want to save the name and value of the boxes that registered user selects into a table ,now i have registered users information saved in a table ,how the table that saves the registered users selection is to be created to have a relation with the table of users???? my registere...

SMS from web application

I just want to send SMS from my web application in PHP. Can anyone tell me how to do this? What all things I need to do for this? ...