
get facebook photos

i have a problem with gettin photos using facebook errors gives,but it return empty array permissions that i gave $par['req_perms'] = "publish_stream, offline_access, user_status, user_photos or friend_photos, user_videos or friend_videos, read_stream, ...

What are my options if i wanted to make an aol im bot in php?

How would i make an aol aim bot in php, that is able to send and receive message, with a autoresponder. I have already taken a look at the toc protocol but wanted to use oscar if possible. ...

How to set properties of an object dynamically, from a variable name?

I'm trying to populate a template with variables from a database. The data looks as follows: id field content 1 title New Website 1 heading Welcome! 1 intro This is a new website I have made, feel free to have a look around 2 title About 2 heading Read all about it! What I need to do with that data...

Zend_Controller_Request remove GET query

How could I remove the get query from the URI, so I can use this method: $request->getRequestUri() And get the URI without the GET query part? I.e. this: /module/controller/action/par/val?par2=aaa I would get: /module/controller/action/par/val ...

facebook photos

mypermission are $par['req_perms'] = "publish_stream, offline_access, user_status, user_photos, user_videos, user_photo_video_tags, read_stream, user_likes, user_events, ...

how we make layout of website through CSS

who we control the layout of the website through css using language php and framework dreamwearver ...

Very slow Apache on Windows 7

The simplest script: <?php echo 'hello'; Takes about 3 seconds to execute. There seems to be a big time interval Apache waits until it serves a web page. I tried turning off antivirus, disabling ipv6 and more but Apache is still very slow. What should I do? EDIT: Additional information: Apache 2.2 PHP 5.2 It's only dynamic PHP fi...

how to install dBase on cpanel/whm with php version 5.3.2

how can i install dBase on cpanel/whm with php version 5.3.2, i didn't see the option on EasyApache (Apache Update) ...

The value of a local variable of a function has to be retained over multiple calls to the function. How should that variable be declared in PHP

The value of a local variable of a function has to be retained over multiple calls to the function. How should that variable be declared in PHP? ...

PHP: Variable scope in OOP?

Hi everybody, Here's my code: class Manual extends controller { function Manual(){ parent::Controller(); $myVar = 'blablabla'; } function doStuff(){ echo $myVar; // Doesn't work. } } I've tried various methods to make it work, but I've can't get my head around it. What can I do? Thanks ...

PHP script won't run.

I'm currently coding a CMS in PHP in order to get back into PHP (I use to use it all the time). However, for some odd reason, when "including" or "requiring" my classes file, it simply stops the php script, my login form (login.php's html) does not show up (whether I am logged in or not). Any help? Here are two of my scripts:

Shell script through php web page

Hi, I want to run a shell script which contains ssh command to run through a php web page. The shell script executes, but skips all the ssh commands. Is there a way to do this. Thanks ...

Python/Caml/Scala/YourSuggestion to PHP translator?

Hi! I'm looking for a translator of the source code written in some decent language to PHP. Ideally, the target PHP code should be human readable, cuz I'm not the only person working on the project. But the matter is, I would like to facilitate my personal developement process by bringing a high level language still allowing for easy m...

is there any way to get the information of classname and filename regarding a function in PHP OOPS

Hello All, i m learning OOPS with JOOMLA... here sometimes i found difficulties to find the method used in some class... is there any way to find that this function is declared on this class or useful information about that function?? for exmaple class testModeltest extends JModel { function modifyCategory($data = arr...

What are the differences between php 4 and php 5?

I have some code that gets a wordpress rss feed and displays the news articles on my own website. This code works fine on my development server that is running php 5.3.1 but when I upload it to my live website that only has php 4.4.9 I am getting lots of problems. The code I have is based on MagpieRSS ( ...

session problem with IE8 in php

Hi, I have a simple code to check counter. session_start(); if(!isset($_SESSION['footerimg']) || empty($_SESSION['footerimg']) ){ $_SESSION['footerimg']='sunset.jpg'; echo $_SESSION['footerimg']; } But all time this is printing "sinsut.jpg" when is page is loading my session is being destroy. This is runni...

Turning multiple dbms query responses into the same type of variable (PHP)

I am making a function (PHP). In this function it basically uses the dbms specified and connects, submits the appropriate query, <insert my problem here>, and disconnects. DBMSs include MySQL, MSSQL, Postgres, and Oracle. I am assuming that outside of this function, the user would not have access to specified DMBS, so whatever results I...

Is it enough to check for customer existence in DB after IONCUBEing the script?

I'm about to release my script ,, But i want to make sure that i'm doing it the right way .. I'll IONCUBE the script to reserve my rights or use to obfuscate the script ( btw, what is your opinion about fopo , is is better than asking customers to install IONCUBE?) .. is it enough to call my website from within the script a...

Copy images in folder from one domain to another

It is possible to copy all images from a domain to another. I have access to both domains but there are thousands of pictures. I figure it would be easier to execute a php script once every minute to transfer 1000 at a time. Thanks for any help/guidance ...

sorting an array of folder names for displaying the content of a folder

I have wrote a function for getting all the subfolders of a folder. It also has the option of going the an upper level and displaying the folders....much like a file manager but it works only for folders and has a restriction to not go upper than the base folder so to prevent users from browsing the entire hard disk. I am returning the ...