
Session variables not persistent in IE6 Don't know what else to do

My case is very simple, but I've read through many posts and tried the suggestions but can't seem to figure this one out.... session's variables are not passed to the next page in IE6. Every page refresh creates a new session_id(). I'm using wamp/IE6, no software blocking cookies, and the privacy setting is set to Medium... I know i ca...

Creating a back link using Yii Framework?

I need to know how to create a back link in the action view of the Yii Framework. I want to use CHtml::link('Back',Yii::app()->request->urlReferrer); but this somehow just does not want to work? Quite new to this Framework. ...

Approve submitted data

I notices more spam in my submitted data. How can I make a moderate stAge? For ex, user submits dAta to be entered mysql then I can approve before it is enetered into db where it would be automatically published. 9/11/2009: So I will test the Y/N method and then get back to u guys but I suspct I will have a problem with moderating (te...

Appending to a HTML log file in PHP

I am trying to append to a log file, using HTML tables format for each incident. However, there is one difficulty which I am not sure how to solve. Here's a static output of the HTML <table> <tr><td> .... </td> </tr> <!-- new log entry should enter here --> </table> </html> The question is how I can quickly insert log entries...

Working with Sessions - PHP

When working with Sessions, do you need to declare session_start() or ob_start() ? What are the advantages of doing so or not doing so? Thank you! ...

How do I make Win32 API calls from PHP?

I know that I can consume COM components but is there a way to directly call into the Win32 API's (user32.dll, advapi32.dll etc) from PHP or do I need to wrap in a PHP extension or COM object? ...

PHP: Destroy an object from within the object?

Is there a way in PHP to destroy an object from within that same object? ...

curl connect timeout not working

Hi, I'm using CURL to connect to multiple xml feeds and process them when the page loads. Unfortunately, every once in awhile a page won't be responsive and my script will stall as well. Here's an example of the code that I'm working with. I set the timeout to 1 but that doesn't appear to be working. I then set the timeout to 0.0001 j...

Zend framework: Removing default routes

I'm using Zend FW 1.9.2, want to disable the default routes and supply my own. I really dislike the default /:controller/:action routing. The idea is to inject routes at init, and when the request cannot be routed to one of the injected routes it should be forwarded to the error controller. (by using the defaultly registere Zend_Control...

I am starting a new project with zend framework and would like some resources to help me.

Hello all I am starting a new project with my new employer. I am used to developing applications in Ruby on Rails. The team I am working with are more orientated to PHP and have decided they would like to use Zend framework for our new project. I am already reasonably familiar with PHP but not Zend. I am looking for any resources that ...

How do I remove form attributes in Zend Framework?

I have a Form element: $Form=new Zend_Form; $Form->setAction($this->view->url(array('controller'=>'auth','action'=>'create'),null,true)) ->setMethod('post') ->setAttrib('id','auth-form') ->removeAttrib('enctype'); As can be seen I use the removeAttrib method to remove the default enctype. But, when I...

How do I parse an XML file from a POST variable in PHP?

I have written a script that posts an XML request to my server. See below: $xml_request='<?xml version="1.0"?><request><data></data></request>'; $url=''; //Initialize handle and set options $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); c...

PHP 5 software as a commerical product.

I was thinking - say you are put thousand of man hours and come up with a state-of-the-art CMS or something. How do you ensure that whoever get it from you does not pirate it? I could insist the buyer to give me their URL and I hash it and use it as a checksum everywhere within the software, but that sounds like a weaker form of security...

Output buffering and large MySQL result sets in PHP 5

Hey guys I'm trying to build an XML feed from a database with a ginormous table, almost 4k records. I want to use output buffering to get it to spit out the XML but the script still keeps on timing out. ob_start(); $what = 'j.*, (select description from tb_job_type as jt WHERE jt.jobtype_id = j.job_type_id) as job_type,'; $what .= '(s...

Ajax doesn't work in iPhone safari

My ajax works fine in firefox but it does not work on my iPhone. I thought it might have been the XMLHttpRequest but that doesn't seem to be the issue. I am for sure it's not my php script. Sorry that I didn't post it earlier. It was really hard to post on iPhone, especially since I can't scroll down to highlight all the code Here is my...

Why would MySQL leave out the first row when retrieving from a database?

For some reason I'm having a problem retrieving data from my database. It leaves off the first item being listed. Connection: mysql_select_db($database_my_db, $my_db); $query_rs_jobboards11 = "SELECT * FROM jobBoardsSpecTypes ORDER BY type"; $rs_jobboards11 = mysql_query($query_rs_jobboards11, $my_db) or die(mysql_error());...

Strange behavior in PHP mail function, address does not exist.

I recently had this issue with a client. The code read: ini_set( "sendmail_from", "noreply@<current-domain>.com" ); // $target_email has been validated as a value username. // $subject is a simple String. // $message is an HTML message. mail( $target_email, $subject, $message ); When I tested this on my machine, it worked fine. Whe...

Organisational chart class in PHP

Hi Guys, Does anyone know where I could find a PHP class to generate organizational charts? ...

Easier way of doing this?

I have this code public function getList() { $array = array(); $r = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM hobby ORDER BY hobby_name ASC" ); while( $ro = mysql_fetch_object( $r ) ) { array_push( $array , $ro ); } if ( count( $array ) > 0 ) return $array; else return false; } And was wondering if there is an easier way of doing thi...

Charsets in general, with specific questions regards Zend DB - incorrect display of data.

Hello, I'm having trouble in my Zend Framework App displaying the correct characters. EG/ rue de l'Odéon Displays as: rue de l'Od�on When displaying information through a webservice and also by displaying it through the applications view. I have tryed the following things: 1) Set the character encoding in the view. $view->setEn...