
How do I solve this error: "Class PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase could not be found"

I am trying to run a SeleniumTestCase with phpunit but I cannot get it to run with the phpunit.bat script. My goal is to use phpunit with Selenium RC in CruiseControl & phpUnderControl. This is what the test looks like: require_once 'PHPUnit/Extensions/SeleniumTestCase.php'; class WebTest extends PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase {...

Phing, Xinc or phpUnderControl - which one will last?

I am still looking into which one of these tools I should use. When I was poking around I noticed none of them really have any new releases: Xinc Version 2.0.1 released 02/05/08 Phing Version 2.3.3 released 12/07/08 phpUnderControl Version 0.4.4 released 08/09/08 Should I choose phpUnderControl because it had the latest release and de...

Using Ant with PHPUnderControl Gives java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

I've installed the latest CruiseControl and PHPUnderControl, and followed all the directions. I get stuck at running "../../apache-ant-1.7.0/bin/ant checkout" and get the output below. Searching for the error on Google, it was suggested to add the JVM path to the Ant script, but this did not change anything. Even "ant --version" outputs...

phing and phpUnderControl ... working together

Hi, Has anyone got these to work together seemlessly? I have tried, had some success using the plugin at, but have failed to: Get the metrics graphs working (nothing appears) Enable the "PMD" - project mess detection - reports Are there any other ant-specific commands tha...

Is there a way to LOG RC Selenium test errors/failures into a database?

Im using phpunit & phpundercontrol to run the RC Selenium on every build. ...

Cruisecontrol, build failed exec returned: 255 after compiled phpunit tests?

here is my build.xml code: <target name="checkout"> <exec executable="svn" dir="${basedir}/source"> <arg line="up" /> </exec> </target> <target name="php-documentor"> <exec executable="phpdoc" dir="${basedir}/source" logerror="on"> <arg line="-ct type -ue on -t ${basedir}/build/api -tb...

How do you manage your build [using Phing] process ?

I'm trying to use Phing to automate : running tests running DB migrations on each Developer machine [using dbdeply] deployment to production when needed I think it does make sense to add a build folder in my project and put all my build configuration files and db deltas in that folder. and commit all that into the SVN repository. so ...

Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects

I am a lone developer most of my time, working on a number of big, mainly PHP-based projects. I want to professionalize and automate how changes to the code base are handled, and create a Continuous Integration process that makes the transition to work in a team possible without having to make fundamental changes. What I am doing right...

Git log error in PhpUnderControl continuous integration set up

So I have set up the following for my PHP project: A Git repository with all the code. An instance of Cruisecontrol with PhpUnderControl running on top of it. I created a new project in the cruisecontrol project directory and set up a poller to check changes on the git repo every 2 minutes. I have 2 projects running in this Cruisecon...

PHP-CodeBrowser not following path in checkstyle.xml correctly

I've set up phpUnderControl and it's all working very well, except that for a few projects that I have aren't getting any output in the PHP-CodeBrowser tab. If I run the command manually I get: phpcb --log projects/devvo/build/logs --source projects/devvo/source --output projects/devvo/build/php-code-browser Generating PHP_CodeBrowser...

WAMP phpundercontrol installation guide / tutorial

Our team just thinking to start using php unit test for our problem. I not able to find a complete tutorial or installation which is install phpundercontrol in WAMP environment, I have no any experience about php unit test, but we know we need it. Our goal is everyday we would like to build the project, so we know where is the bug happ...

phpUnderControl and CodeBrowser

Does phpUnderControl have a built in code browser? If so, how do I change it to use PHP_CodeBrowser instead? ...

Using Selenium and phpUnderControl on a Linux headless box?

I am trying to integrate Selenium and phpUnderControl on a headless Linux box, but haven't found anything about it. I can run Selenium with Xvfb, and phpUnderControl is running OK. My question is: how to configure phpuc to execute selenium tests, and show their results on its webpage? Is it possible? ...

cruisecontrol phpunit creates no output

I cannot seem to figure out why the phpunit target does not output any test results even though I have tests in position. The problem I am finding is there is no indication as to what the problem is! Incredibly frustrating. The output is as follows: <build error="C:\Program Files (x86)\CruiseControl\projects\myProject\build.xml:46: ex...

Why to have "build/" folder with PHP project and phing

What is a benefit of having "build/" folder where all the sources will be placed and "built"? Maybe it's a silly question, but I'm trying to understand Continuous Integration with PHP. Any example of build.xml for phing uses such build/ folder, but what's a sense in that for PHP where a checked out project doesn't require a compilation,...

In PHPUnderControl, can I configure PHP_CodeSniffer to ignore specific directories?

I've recently been trying to set up PHPUnderControl, a Continuous Integration server based on CruisControl. Part of the checks I'd like to run is the PHP CodeSniffer (PHPCS) to detect "code smell". However, letting this run on my codebase results in an extreme amount of problems being detected. Most of these are found in libraries that I...

phpUnderControl and PHPUnit always failing build with code 255

Hi All, I have the following build.xml file setup in phpUnderControl. <target name="phpunit"> <exec executable="phpunit" dir="${basedir}/httpdocs" failonerror="on"> <arg line="--log-junit ${basedir}/build/logs/phpunit.xml --coverage-clover ${basedir}/build/logs/phpunit.coverage.xml --cove...

CruiseControl access restriction: how?

I am currently testing CruiseControl + phpUnderControl for our PHP CI process and am stuck with a fairly simple question: is it possible to somehow restrict access to the web interface? I cannot seem to find anything indicating this is possible, but I am probably overlooking something. ...

[PHPUnderControl] Failed to Open New Project

Hi there, I have started running PHPUnderControl and followed this tutorial to get start it. I managed to run phpundercontrol locally but when I try to access my_project which I made it myself, giving me the following error: HTTP ERROR: 500 cruisecontrol-bin-2.8.2/webapps/cruisecontrol/WEB-INF/work/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8080_cruisecontro...

How to call a custom ruleset.xml for php code sniffer

I'm trying to write an custom ruleset.xml for php code sniffer but calling it from the commandline without putting it in the default folder doesn't seem to work. Since the documentations seems to state otherwise i'd like to ask if i'm doing something wrong here :~/$ phpcs --standard=/home/edo/custom_ruleset.xml source/ ===> ERROR: the ...