
Getting position of PhysX wheel

I'm using the NxWheelShape to simulate wheels on my car. When I render the wheel model, I use shape->getGlobalPose() to get a 4x4 matrix and render the wheel there. However this gives me the position of the shape, not where the casted ray hits other geomnetry, so even if the car behaves properly, the wheels are stationary (don't even rot...

PhysX for massive performance via GPU ?

I recently compared some of the physics engine out there for simulation and game development. Some are free, some are opensource, some are commercial (1 is even very commercial $$$$). Havok, Ode, Newton (aka oxNewton), Bullet, PhysX and "raw" build-in physics in some 3D engines. At some stage I came to conclusion or question: Why should...

Physx Kinematic actor and joints

Ive spent a couple of good weeks on this, and welcome any suggestion or helps relating to issues with Kinematic actors and joints with physx. First, I will start with the setup. I have one physx kinematic actor suspended in the air and a rope connected to this kinematic actor. The rope is comprised of other actors all connected to its n...

How to use PhysX™ Candy Wrapper in XNA

Hello all I need some basic tutorial or guide on how to use "PhysX™ Candy Wrapper". On their website I couldn't find anything useful what so ever. It has been a long time since I touched 3D programming and I would like to start learning the new stuff that is currently going on. I would appreciate your help. Thank you. ...

PhysX - Compiling Error

Hi, I'm just trying to build the Lesson 101 from PhysX tutorials. I'm using VS2008 and this is the compile error im getting. Not sure what to do...? Im using Windows 7. 1>------ Build started: Project: L101, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>Compiling... 1>Lesson101.cpp 1>c:\program files\nvidia corporation\nvidia physx sdk\v2.8.1\sd...

First time ever creating a Terrain

First night at taking a look at different ways to create Terrain. I'm wanting to work on a racing project and was wondering if there was a way to create a 3D race track some how. We plan on using C++, and are also using PhysX and openGL. Where should I be looking for creating Terrain? Also, does anyone know of some good Tutorials/Tips ...

Is there a way to ray cast with PhysX library without using a const NxRay?

I noticed that there are alot of funcitons that can raycast but they seem to use a const NxRay My problem I am having is having a vehicle that is casting a ray downwards as being my NxRay. It is not constant because the vehicle can move in different angles, but I want to beable to ray cast to find out the distance it takes to hit the gr...

Scene Management - Physics library

I use a 3rd party library called physx in our engine and one of the problems I've run into is correctly settings the SolverIterationCount for actors in the scene. The SolverIterationCount is used to increase the number of iterations it take for joints to correct the error between two actors they're connected to. Because of this, you can...

Physx find how much the simulation will be advanced

This is a question regarding physx implementation when using fixed time steps for its Simulation timing. Given a deltaT (Time passed since the last frame) is there a way to determine how much time it will be advance in the physics simulation when it uses fixed time steps? The following parameters we use are. maxTimeStep = 1/60 MaxIt...

A rocket following the tracks height. Not Homing Missile.

What I am trying to create is a rocket that will hug the track in a straight direction. ie) The rocket travels in a straight direction and can orientate based on its local x axis. This is so it can go up/down ramps and never hit the ground. Currently I am using PhysX opengl and C++. This is the method I'm trying right now: 1. Ray cast ...

PhysX Question about Raycasting - Setting the shape masks

I am trying to make the raycast give me the distance of the terrain and nothing else. But I'm not sure how to use the group Mask Filter. virtual NxShape* raycastClosestShape ( const NxRay& worldRay, NxShapesType shapeType, NxRaycastHit& hit, NxU32 groups=0xffffffff, NxReal maxDist=NX_MAX_F32, NxU32 hintFlags=0xffffffff...

NVIDIA GPUs and PhysX engine

How is the NVIDIA PhysX engine implemented in the NVIDIA GPUs: It's a co-processor or the physical algorithms are implemented as fragment programs to be executed in the GPU pipeline ? ...

PhysX: Joint friction/"stiff" joints

I'm working with physx (trying to add ik to ragdoll) at the moment. For some reason, all ragdoll joints are frictionless, and as a result, ragdoll tend to "wobble", especially when it is hung in the air and is connected to several moving kinematic actors. I would like to add friction to the joints and make them "stiff". Imagine a door (...

PhysX SDK - error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol when compiling "wavefront.cpp"

Hi all, I'm using the PhysX SDK and I'm trying to load an .obj file with the WavefrontObj object which is defined by the files "wavefront.h/.cpp", localized in the samples directory. When I'm compiling my project, I got this error: 1>Linking... 1>wavefront.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "char * __cdecl FindMed...

instantly sleeping stack of dynamic objects

My scene has a number of stacks of dynamic objects. When the simulation starts, it takes a while for these to "resolve" before they become sleeping islands. This affects performance significantly for the first few seconds. Are there techniques for arranging stacks so that they immediately sleep? I'm using PhysX. ...