
How to output huge dependency relationships diagram of Plone with Graphviz?

I wrote a tool for find dependency relationships behind a Python project. It is Gluttony. I run it on Plone, the result is impressive. I output the diagram with Networkx, and it looks like this: (Gee! It looks like World of Goo!) A mess! I didn't handle layout with Networkx. That's why it is a mess. The tool can output Graphviz f...

Plone: query with toLocalizedTime

Hi all I'm using toLocalizedTime to output a date, as below <span tal:content="python:here.toLocalisedTime(date.get('start_date'))"/> This outputs eg. 2007/08/02, I'm just curious as to how one would alter the output so that it reads 02/08/2007 I'm not having much luck finding much info on toLocalizedTime, if someone could even poin...

Migrating data from Plone to Liferay, or how could I retrieve information from Plone's Data.fs

Hello, all. I need to migrate data from a Plone-based portal to Liferay. Has anyone some idea on how to do it? Anyway, I am trying to retrieve data from Data.fs and store it in a representation easier to work, such as JSON. To do it, I need to know which objects I should get from Plone's Data.fs. I already got the Products.CMFPlone.Por...

separating JSS from CSS at plone.htmlhead

Hey there! I'm using Plone 3.1.7 in a project that needs performance tweaks. One of the tweaks requests that CSS should be at the top of page and the JS should be at the bottom. However both are located at <div tal:replace="structure provider:plone.htmlhead" /> In main_template. How do I split these ones? Thanks in advance ...

How can I get an ISO date (not localized) from a PloneFormGen results template?

How do I get an ISO date (2010-01-01 00:00:00), in addition to the localized date, in a PloneFormGen mailer template? ...

limit concurrent user logins in Plone/Zope

Hi, I want to limit the number of active sessions a user can have in Plone/Zope. We are selling access to digital content and ideally want to limit how many concurrent logins can use one set of credentials. What would be the best way to achieve this? Thanks, Peter ...

Plone site files owner

Hello everybody, I accidentally changed owner of all files on my plone site to plone, and I don't know how to fix this without reinstalling site, which won't be acceptable. I have backup version which keeps default owners but it's changed in the meanwhile on the dafault site. Maybe rsync can sync only ownerships between these copies???...

Selectively allow unsafe html tags in Plone

I'm searching for a way to put widgets from several services (PicasaWeb, Yahoo Pipes, Delicious bookmarks, etc.) on the community site I host on Plone (currently 3.2.1). I'm looking for a way to allow a group of users to use dangerous html tags. There are some ways I see, but I don't know how to implement those. One would be changing sa...

How to Access Data in ZODB

I have a Plone site that has a lot of data in it and I would like to query the database for usage statistics; ie How many cals with more than 1 entries, how many blogs per group with entries after a given date, etc. I want to run the script from the command line... something like so: bin/instance [script name] I've been googling for a...

Get User Information from ZODB

Hello, I am trying to get information out of my Plone site regarding Users. It is relatively easy to get info out of the portal_catalog. However, user info isn't in the portal_catalog. Can somebody tell me how to get user info out of the ZODB from my Plone site? Basically, I am looking to get back a list of user ids. Thanks! ...

Need one login for two different sites

I am tasked to create a web site using Django. It will be a 'sister' site to an existing Plone site. The same Apache instance will be the front end to the sites which allows me to use the same domain name. However, the owners want the users to be able to log into one and still be logged into the other one. How can this be accomplishe...

Zope Plone 3.1.2 - export all users with email addresses

I have been running zope / plone site for about a year now - it seemed to be a pretty fast way of getting a CMS up and running and it's a great job for this - it's running 3.1.2 of plone. I am in now way a zope or plone expert (in fact the more I read about it - the less I know I know!) , but I am handy at python. I have tried to export...

Why is it a bad idea to override Plone's

I've heard it's a bad idea to override Plone's Why is that a bad idea? ...

Moving ordered elements and adding arbitrary text in Deliverance

Using the following XPath derived rule, I am able to select a list of events from a Plone site (similar to Plone Community events) and display them in my Deliverance themed site: <replace content="//*[@id='parent-fieldname-title' or @class='explain' or @id='parent-fieldname-location' or @id='parent-fieldname-text']" theme="#center-conte...

How do I register a marker interface so it is visible in Plones's ZMI?

I would like to register a marker interface so I can add it to objects in the ZMI. My product's configure.zcml contains: <interface interface=".interfaces.IMarkerInterface" /> and, after reinstalling, the interface shows up in the list of available interfaces. But if I try to add it to an object in the ZMI I get a ComponentLookupError...

How to consume a SOAP (WCF) service in Plone?

Hi, Im very new to Plone, having only really scratched the surface of the product. My client uses it, and would like an application built using it. Can anyone give me some pointers on how to consume a SOAP service in Plone? Any links to tutorials, articles, screencasts etc would be apprciated. thanks ...

Plone and Asp.Net Integration

How to: Make an Asp.Net application to recognize a plone authenticated user (his/her id, roles and any other available data) and vice-versa? Show plone contents inside my application or show some application-specific data inside plone? Insert plone contents from inside an application? ...

Automate paster create -t plone3_buildout

I want to automate the process of plone3_buildout. Explanation: The default(the one I use) way of building a plone site is using paster, like so: paster create -t plone3_buildout This asks me a few questions and then create a default buildout for the site. What I want: I want to automate this process using buildout. My buildout will...

Which open source cms has the most extensions ?

Hello, I am interested in a complex, mature and admin friendly cms. I am also searching the one with most extensions, packages, add-ons ... I found these to be the most popular: alfresco, drupal, ez, joomla, dotcms, plone ... Can you help me find the one I am looking for ? (dotcms and drupal are on my mind now) Thank you. ...

Setting a variable for a Z SQL method

In Plone I have a Z SQL methood: SELECT [aapp_qtitle] ,[aapp_mtitle] ,[aapp_sdate] ,[aapp_duration] FROM [AAPP].[dbo].[M_PageBodyElement] where [aapp_id]=<dtml-sqlvar aapp_id type=int> How can I set the value of aapp_id in my Plone page code? OK thanks Matthew what's the exact template code? I've tried: <p tal:def...