
Plone - inlined content does not update on document when published

Hi all I have documents in my Plone CMS with content inlined from other objects. Once the document is published to my site the date and time it was last published (ie. last updated) is displayed at the bottom of the page template. The problem I'm having is that When I re-publish the object from which content is inlined, the changes mad...

Moving (very old) Zope/Plone Site to Django

I am ask to move data from a (now offline) site driven by Plone to a new Django site. These are the version informations I have: Zope Version (unreleased version, python 2.1.3 ) Python Version 2.1.3 (#1, Sep 19 2002, 13:15:46) [GCC egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)] CMFPlone (Installed product CMFPlone (1.0.1)) 2003-04...

Essential Plone products?

Plone has some great products, but the downloads section of is pretty difficult to sift through. What products would you say are must-haves or particularly good demonstrations of the Plone CMS? Add each product as a separate answer, so they can be voted upon easily. ...

Problem in plone translation

I am a plone Newbie and I needed to change a translated word in the .po file, the translation is in Arabic. When I changes the word to the right word and restarted the zope. My plone site is no more reading the Arabic translations from this file and displays question marks instead. When I searched I found that I must do some synchroniza...

Backing up (and restoring) a Plone instance.

Hello, everyone! I have a Plone installation in my home directory under Linux. ~/Plone. This was made from a default distribution of Plone from its website. So Plone compiled own python and is bundeled with Zope. Please tell me, which files are necessary to backup if I want to: 1) Backup the whole data ever stored in my Plone instanc...

Integrate Syntax Highlighter (Prettify, Pygments,..) with Plone

I'm actually challenged with documenting aspects/problems/usages of inherited source code to teach and train co-workers as well as to identify problems that should be future maintenance tasks... The idea is to create an internal wiki or blog with short articles that highlight certain features and provide hints for using the API. We alre...

paster errors after installing distribute 0.6.10

Been working on a Plone site for the last few weeks, it's the first time I've worked on one using buildout for recipes and paster for template generation, and it's been a learning curve. two days ago, everything was working fine. Yesterday, I started working from my known good source and used paster to generate boilerplate for a new...

How do I install Plone with gp.recipe.pip?

I would like to install Plone with buildout and gp.recipe.pip. Is this a good idea? How should I convert my "standard" Plone buildout to use pip? ... or z3c.blobfile?

I need a blob file field as part of a content type in plone.'s BlobField should provide this, but I can't find how to get a URL to download the file including the original filename (e.g. Is there a way to do this using Alternately, there are a few pointers o...

converting a zcml based python script to a standalone script in zope/plone

I have a python class working in zope 3 zcml kind of way, but i want to move the python into a standalone script that a could access via something along the lines of tal:content='context/get_tags'. This is the code as it stands: class TagListView(BrowserView): def getCategories(self): categories = set() for cat in self.portal_c...

How can I tell if a field has changed value in an AT object in plone?

I have an AT content type in Plone. It has a number of fields, including a file field. When the user edits an object of this type, how can I tell if a new file was uploaded? For that matter, how can I tell if any of the fields have been changed? I am currently using subscribers to hook into the IObjectEditedEvent to do some after the ...

Plone with Apache Proxy

I have a plone zinstance set up through Apache Proxy on OS X Server 10.5. The server is set up with a single vhost on port 80, with Proxy & Proxypass directives to the Plone zinstance: ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/VirtualHostBase/http/server:80/Plone/VirtualHostRoot/ ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/Virtual...

Install Plone egg as a Python module on Windows

I have a Plone site (Plone version 3.1.2) that I need to install a product called GrufSpaces on - ( However, it is a production site and so I can't easily take it down to upgrade Plone to 3.2+ in order to use buildout; using buildout would allow me to easily add Grufspaces (collective.groupspace.role...

Plone catalog query help

I'm pretty new to querying in plone, and I was wondering what's an efficient way to return just images on the site using a catalog query, and searching by type. I don't want to have to restrict users to a given folder if I don't have to. I tried: catalog(object_provides="Products.ATContentTypes.interface.image.IATImage", ...

How should I port a Plone product from collective.lead to z3c.saconfig?

I have a Plone product that uses collective.lead to configure SQLAlchemy, including an in-Plone database configuration interface as documented in Professional Plone Development. How should I port this to z3c.saconfig? Will I be able to keep the in-ZODB configuration or will it need to go into site.zcml? ...

How to go from uml to app in zope (plone)

I have watched this keynote that talk about develop an app based on an UML model, but I can't find any tutorial or docs about it. Do you know any tutorial or documentation to help me? thanks ...

Export Plone users to LDAP?

Hi, I've been tasked with setting up a subversion server next to a Plone instance. The situation is that the Plone instance is already in a "production" state because there are outside users that can access it any moment. I believe setting up a LDAP and binding both, the Plone and subversion instance, to it for authentication is the be...

Comparing list item values to other items in other list in Python

I want to compare the values in one list to the values in a second list and return all those that are in the first list but not in the second i.e. list1 = ['one','two','three','four','five'] list2 = ['one','two','four'] would return 'three' and 'five'. I have only a little experience with python, so this may turn out to be a ridiculo...

Plone - Problem accessing review_history

Hi all, I'm having trouble accessing the review_history using the getInfoFor method, example code below : <div tal:define = "review_history python:wtool.getInfoFor(here, 'review_history', []); review_history python: portal.reverseList(review_history)" tal:repeat="items review_history"> <span tal:content="python: re...

Disable Plone Archetypes index/convert doc/pdf files

Hi Stackoverflowers, if i rebuild my catalog in plone i get many of this infos: 2010-02-18T11:26:09 INFO Archetypes Error while trying to convert file contents to 'text/plain' in .getIndexable() of : Unable to find binary "wvHtml" in /sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games:/usr/lib/jvm/jre...