
ASP.NET intranet application with "plug-in" ability

Hi there! I'm working on an ASP.NET 3.5 site that is intended to be an intranet application. How would it be possible to create a kind of "plug-in" architecture, such that I can add additional functionality to the site without recompiling the site? I'm thinking of additional functionality as developing separate modules that can be comp...

Output content from wordpress plugin and rewrite rules

I have created a wordpress plugin that has a filter on the_content, looking for a specific tag then outputting the plugin content in place of that tag. I would now like to use rewrite rules to call the plugin and output the data within the template, but I'm not finding much help. Can someone provide an example, or some guidance on how ...

Creating SQL Server 2008 Add-Ons: current equivalent of sqlwb.exe

I'm trying to create a simple Add-On for SQL Server 2008; it is simply going to pass a parameter from SQL 2008 to a console application. Although Add-Ons are not specifically supported, according to these articles (1, 2), it is possible in 2005 and I'm assuming also in 2008. However, I've fallen almost at the first hurdle; I can't seem ...

Is there any IDE Plugins available to scan while coding?

There are tools like Fortify available which can be integrated with IDE to scan the source codes for security vulnerabilities. But what I expect is a plugin for IDE like eclipse, which should check for vulnerabilities while typing the code. (Probably, in case of a Java program, for every semi-colon(;) it should check for the vulnerabilit...

Benefit of using API over protocol for application extension / plugin

The application I am working on supports importing data defined in different ASCII formats. I want to allow users to define their own ASCII based file formats which the application can import. I am considering two different approaches: API. Make a script API e.g. Lua, Python or JavaScript which allows constructing data. Importer will ...

Should a new Visual Studio-Based Application be based on 2008 or 2010?

I am thinking of creating a product based on the Visual Studio Shell (primarily isolated mode). Since Visual Studio 2010 will most likely be RTM before my product, does it make sense to start with VS2010 as a base rather than VS2008? Has anyone looked at what they changed in connection to the shell framework and if it is improved enou...

What language must I use for a Pidgin plugin?

I'm a relatively inexperienced programmer looking to make a plugin for the IM client Pidgin as a first major project. I've written a program in Python that has all the functionality I want, but I have not yet integrated GTK funtionality, so it can't affect the UI yet. In searching for how-tos on Pidgin plugins, I came across the C How-t...

Which one is a better approach for providing instances to plugins?

I am writing an application that supports plugins. Plugin creator is responsible for providing some instances to the plugins it creates. There are two alternatives for providing these instances. Option 1: Plugin writer writes her plugins like this: public interface IGiveMe1 { INeed1 Need1 { set; } } public interface IGiveMe2 { INeed2...

Outlook 2007 plugin

I am about to embark on my first outlook 2007 plugin. I would like to create a new tool bar that will have a button that will initially be disabled. When the user selects a message the button should be enabled... but only if the email is of a certain type of email... This is where I need your expert advice, is there a way to quickly...

Why should I setup a plugin interface in c++ instead of c

As a result of my previous questions I asked myself: Is it usefull at all to setup a C++ interface for a plugin system? The following points are speaking against it: No common ABI between different compilers and their versions, no common layout of the objects in memory No direct class export. You have to export factories and destructor...

Where can I find good introductory material for creating IE plugins?

I can't seem to find any good introductory material for IE plugin development. MSDN documentation is quite lacking if you ask me. And I can't seem to find a simple intro example for IE plugins anywhere. Anyone know of any? ...

Feedly is based on what ajax framework? is kind of cool. Can you guys give me some clues about it is developed based on what ajax framework? ...

Which one is better (in support, difficulty, ...) to develop a plugin, Netbeans or Eclipse?

Hi all! I would like to make a new plugin for a programming language because there is not any IDE the time I asked this question. I think IDE developing is far more easier if I try to use one of the available platform like Netbeans or Eclipse or ... As I checked, Eclipse plugin (if that plugin is not updated) won't be able to start up af...

Rails plugin development documentation and resources

Are there any resources or documentation for developing Rails plugins? I'm using other plugins as examples, but it's hard to know if I'm doing something wrong, or if there's another way to do something. All I can find are old blog posts. I haven't found any documentation on how to develop plugins and what functionality/hooks are availabl...

How to tell eclipse preferred content type for a file

I'm working on a plugin that will handle files of a given type, say, .xyz when in eclipse I try to open an xyz file. I'm trying to use org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentType type = org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform.getContentTypeManager().findContentTypeFor( fileURI.getPath()); I've got code to look up the needed fact...

dynamic MenuContribution - Get a warning

Hi folks, I am using dynamic MenuContribution and get a warning that two of my referenced identifers "cannot be found". Even though the contribution works. These warnings bug me. I have a CompoundContributionItem implementation defined in one of my plugings. Basically it looks like this: public class ViewerHistoryMenuItems extends Com...

Tests won't run on newly-generated plugin

I'm using Rails 2.3.8. I created a standard plugin running script/generate plugin machine_tags and I'm trying to run the default sample test that comes with it under vendor/plugins/machine_tags/test/machine_tags_test.rb. I go to the plugin directory and issue a rake test, but all I get is this: (in /home/helder/code/shapado/vendor/plugi...

How to make Rails load a plugin *after* the application code?

I'm trying to write a plugin that defines a MongoMapper model. The problem is that when I run script/console, I get this error: /home/helder/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p249/gems/mongo_mapper-0.8.2/lib/mongo_mapper/connection.rb:29:in `database':NameError: uninitialized class variable @@database_name in MongoMapper::Connection which leads me ...

Continuous integration & eclipse plugin development

I am developing a set of eclipse plugins, and I have several JUnit plugin tests that actually start another instance of eclipse, create a mock workspace and a mock project and runs various operations on them. I want to put that on continuous integration and I am at loss as to where to start. I am using Hudson, would there be any plugins ...

JIRA: Custom field containing a list of issues

I'm trying to create a calculated custom field that contains a list of issues. I've run into two problems: How do I configure the navigator view to the same format as Fix Version (a list of links)? How do I build a searcher for this custom type that will allow me invoke: "customField in (value1, value2)" etc? I found