Joomla Components, Modules, Extensions, and PlugIns
What is the difference between Joomla components, modules, extensions, and plugins? ...
What is the difference between Joomla components, modules, extensions, and plugins? ...
Is there a JQuery plugin that makes easier handling window resize events? Specifically I would like the google maps iframe to resize when the window does - just like a div. Can jquery help? ...
It's gonna be a long read so Thanks for being patient :). I have been trying to develop a plugin to be executed inside Lotus Sametime. The idea of this plugin is to extract the calendar entries for a given date and then display it in sametime. Simple isn't it, i thought so too. Apparently I was wrong and grossly misunderstood the JVM ve...
I need a jQuery calendar plugin where I can specify what dates are selectable but still show an entire month on the calendar. ...
Hi everybody! I am kind of new to C# .Net and I am enjoying the learning process! Right now I am working on a project (just to learn) in which plug-ins are the main key. I did the following till now which seems to work fine: Interface: namespace My.test { public interface IMyPlugin { bool Execute(string Id, Object par...
How to change value of 'Read timeout' of Eclipse's Update Manager? I have slow internet connection and I cannot install any plugin, because Eclipse's Update manager throws me exception: Transfer Exception Read timed out at Method) at
I'm writing a webkit plugin that downloads an image and prints it.I have verified that the correct data is downloaded and the NSImage has the correct dimensions. Unfortunately, the NSImageView containing the image doesn't display anything, neither in the document sent to the printer nor a window containing the view as it's content view's...
Does anyone know if there is a plugin for Visual Studio which adds dwt and library functionality like you get in Dreamweaver. I much prefer using Visual Studio but need to keep the dwt format for external developers. Thanks Dave ...
hi i made a plugin in eclipse Galileo. my plugin has folowing dependencies: Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.ui;bundle-version="3.5.0", org.eclipse.core.runtime;bundle-version="3.5.0", org.eclipse.core.resources;bundle-version="3.5.0", org.eclipse.jdt.core;bundle-version="3.5.0", org.eclipse.jdt.ui;bundle-version="3.5.0" but since Gany...
Hello, My page has a resolution of 800x480. It has been designed as such. Now in Firefox (I have control over the viewers machine), I want to zoom the whole screen to 800x600. I know that there is a zoom option, but that does it proportionally (e.g. 150%). Is it possible to somehow to only stretch the 480 to 600 (a sort of a zoom). I ...
I have an ASP.NET website with several standard pages like an About page, FAQ pages, Contact Info pages, etc. I would like to make the content on those pages easily editable by a few users through a backend web interface. The editor does not need to be fancy, or WYSIWYG, in fact I would prefer it use some sort of wiki markup, as long as ...
I have text input I get from a variety of sources which is not HTML but is simple text. I've tried using Redcloth to fit this with HTML tags to that it integrates nicely into my site, but it doesn't get bullet points or paragraphs... I checked around an found some text helpers built in, but those also didn't do the job.
My site frames content like DiggBar and the Facebook share bar. If a user wants to break out of the framed content, and visit the underlying site directly, we cannot guarantee the current page will be displayed, since there is no way for JS or HTML to query the current URL of an iFrame (for security reasons). All we can do is show the ...
Hi what's the recoomended approach in C# when one wants to implement a simple plugin approach? So basically I have a processing loop that I want different behavior to occrur depending on what the user selected. Let's say there are two places in the processing code for which logic (code)has to be different depending upon user input. ...
I am creating a plugin which requires jdt.ui.JavaUI class. I included the jdt.ui plugin into the dependencies. This is my Manifest.MF: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-Name: PanelGenerator Plug-in Bundle-SymbolicName: PanelGeneratorPlugin; singleton:=true Bundle-Version: 0.1.0 Bundle-Activator: panelgenerator.plugi...
I use an ActiveX control called TAPIEx enabling TAPI phone system integration using MS Access 2000 (+Visual Basic). I want to turn this Access database into a web app with the clients running Firefox (all on internal network). Since Firefox doesnt support ActiveX is it feasible for me to write a Firefox plugin that in turn utilizes the...
Hi, Where can I find information on building a Module Based or Plugin Based (not sure which si correct) application? Example - Say I have a productiion application and and I want to add a shipping module. Basically my users can click "Add Module" from my application and select a CAB or Zipped file and my shipping module can then be adde...
Hi, I have made a CMS that allows users to choose which modules to show where on the website. I also have templates/themes that define how the site look. The problem I have goes like this: Suppose I have placed a voting booth module on the site. When I press "View results", it will display the results with graphical bars like on this d...
This question is more or less the same as Restrict Certain Java Code in a Plug-In, however the accepted answer was simply to further search with Google, what I already did without having this question answered. Effectively, I want special security constraints only for code I load via plug-ins. When a plug-in is loaded and started, all ...
I'm looking for a way to dispatch an event from my jQuery plugin so that it can have multiple listeners for that event. I have the plugin setup so that it returns a reference to itself so that I can add listeners later via public methods. The only examples I've seen so far have a single event handler, e.g.: $ = function( options...