
Jquery to load content into div

Hey there, I would like to load an html page into a div using $(document).ready(function() { $("#popupContent").load("aeffect.html"); //Close property $("a.close").click(function(){ $("#popupContainer").empty(); }); }); My html from the calling page is: <div id="popupContent"></div> What I would like to do, is when ae...

Jquery popups with load()

Hey guys, I have a few different divs with different projects and names. Each one has a unique name, and I would like that when a user clicks on one, that it loads the appropriate page into the popupContainer div. For some reason it is not calling though. This is the Jquery: $(document).ready(function(){ //Find & Open $(".proj...

Gigya crashing my Flex app when I use it in a pop up, but otherwise it's fine

I have a Gigya Flex component: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" width="350" height="300" backgroundColor="#12913A" hideEffect="{hideEffect}"> <mx:Metadata> [ Event( name="finished", type="flash.events.Event") ] </mx:Metadata> <mx:VBox vertic...

(Rails, Javascript) Handling pop-ups and return values?

Hi All, Quickish issue. I'm currently working with RoR with a great deal of Javascript for a project. I have a particular entity that has a "color" property. Of course I want to do this as "snazzily" (yup that's a word) as possible, however, I'm not sure how to go about it. I've seen a million and one different "Color Pickers" but n...

gmail-like popup checkbox list in rails?

I need to build something like what gmail does for it's labels... It has a button that when pressed pops up a scrolling list displaying the labels with checkboxes for selection. I'd like to hear about approaches to do the popup and how to place it right under the button. Also, I'd like to be able to observe the checkbox select/deselect...

JQuery global loading animation

Is there a way to attach a loading gif, using Jquery, anytime any image on my site within a certain div is loading? I would like for it to be a global function, the only way I can seem to figure to do this is using jquery to call a certain link, and then load the loading.gif but that won't work in my situation… Index HTML: <div id="con...

Avoid "program stopped working" in C#/.NET

I have a console application written in C#/.NET that I want to run from a script (nant). If an exception occurs in the console application, I would like nant to continue, but in Windows Vista there is a popup that searches for solutions and asks for debug etc. I would like to avoid the popup with "program stopped working" when an except...

WPF Popup: How to put a border around the popup?

I've got a popup in my XAML to show some information. When the box pops up, it has no border and appears to blend into the background of the page. It just needs a border, and ideally a drop-shadow behind it to show some sort of layering and focus. Any ideas how to style a Popup to have a border and possibly the shadow-effect? ...

Apple's Gallery Overlay Lightbox

I'm looking for something very, very close in functionality to the lightbox on Apple's MacBook Pro website (the lightbox will open automatically). I really need the thumbnail slider and the text-area. The layout can be different, as I have the skills to remodel it if need be, I just don't have the time to build it from scratch. No pre...

Cross domain popup window with return value

This is the setup: I have two websites on two different domains: www.website1.com www.someotherwebsite.com This is what I want to do: When a user is on www.website1.com and clicks a link, I want a window to popup showing www.someotherwebsite.com. When the user clicks a button in the popup window (showing www.someotherwebsite.com) ...

How to make WPF pop-up windows not be hidden behind main application?

In a WPF application, I have buttons which pop up instances of windows. I click the first button and the first window pops up correctly in front of the main application. I click the second button and the second window pops up correct in front of the main application. However, the first window now moves behind the main application. Thi...

MouseLeave event in Silverlight 3 PopUp control

I want use PopUp (System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.PopUp) control to show some context menu. After mouse leaves, should automatically close. But eventhandler for MouseLeave is never executed. Why? SAMPLE: void DocumentLibrary_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { DocumentLibraryDialog documentLibraryDialog = new DocumentLibr...

How do I get intellisense(code insight) features like of Jcreator in an IDE of linux platform ?

I previously programmed a lot in JCreator, but since I moved to ubuntu. I miss my Jcreator more than anything. Beside Eclipse or Netbeans, are there some lightweight software that does my task. Tried already gedit, jedit, scite, geany etc. with APIs plugins. But I can't find anything like Jcreator ? I just have 256 MB SDRAM to spare in ...

Web Application:: Keep all forms in One tab or distrbute them to browser tabs?

Hi, My app has main desktop and many forms... like CRM. Every form is opened in a different tab(browser window) independent from the app. The forms contains a lot of DOM and jQuery events. One thing to note about is that the forms often need to open some child forms. I want to get some control over the opened forms/tabs. So in case w...

iPhone - how to show a view as pop up

Hello, How to show a small pop up on click of button on a view that will be displayed in small region of the parent view. ...

JavaScript Image Popup Window

I would like to setup my gallery web page so that when a user clicks on the thumbnail image, a window pops up displaying a larger view of the image. I do not mean a pop up window as in a browser window but a window that is loaded within that same page and can be closed. I am not exactly sure how I would go about doing this. Any ideas?...

Flex: Cannot tab between controls on a modal popup.

Steps to reproduce: Create a modal popup to popup with popupmanager (mine is a group with a skinnable container inside of it) Put field components (textinputs) on the modal popup Attempt to tab between controls. Tab switches to controls behind the modal-popup and ignores the fact that the modal is there. The tab loop only contains ...

How to handle ESC keydown on javascript popup window

I have a javascript window.open popup, and I want the popup to close itself when the user presses the ESC key. I can't figure out how to hook the keydown event (and on what object?) so that I can catch the ESC key. I'm using jQuery. ...

Open Modal Dialog box on top of parent page from an Iframe

Hi Bros and Sis, Here I am again seeking your advice and guidance. Say I have a a widget application that the general public use by inserting the script on their websites. This script will then open an Iframe and the application will run within this Iframe. So far, I never came close to discover a way to open a modal dialog (not a pop...

jQuery popup not working in IE7

I'm using the following to create a popup layer so user can enter information : /* * Guidelines to use this js file * 1. do not change function doBubblePopUp * 2. add specific task for your module in doModuleSpecificTask * 3. write appropriate module function defined in 2 * 4. for form submission use document ready for submit, chec...